What are the best games with destructible environments?
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What are the best games with destructible environments?
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I've torn the butthole on mine.
Sure it isn't.
Red Faction Gorilla
where do i get one
20lbs of pussy and ass
Shit. I have to take care of mine. Shits so good though.
>All that weight as you slap and grab that big ass
So sad everyone left that game ...
>red faction : harambe
can you fuck that thing?
>tfw user will never do this to your butt
I'm holding back the tears...
Did you fist it or something?
1) How good are these things?
2) Where do I buy them?
>implying you have a nice butt
I doubt you have an ass that big
Sometimes I dream.about being a rich so for guy who owns stuff like this.
Maybe you should dream about being a rich guy who doesn't need to buy shit like this
Nice for a boy's, sure.
An ass that big on my frame would be just plain weird.
I have one and I'll be happy to answer any questions you guys have about it.
Is it something you cannot believe the way that it is about in the sense of things? Because sometimes I also dream about a guy where maybe I can do what is required to have objects for many ideas for pursuing that which is such, but it depends on who really is.
They aren't THAT expensive. Even being poor you can save up for one month and get one yourself.
Does it feel better than a fleshlight or is it similar?
Post your boipussy
No info on either but I'd asume they are completely fuck able like a big fleshlight built into a soft rubber ass. Wonder if they have models that can apply lube automatically
no one ever gives you link to buy this thing whenever its posted, which means its most likely a custom made item and probably costs over a thousand dollars
I'm seriously considering renting a P.O. Box and ordering one of these.
please stop before my brain implodes
prove it faglet
Answer the questions you replied to then.
I don't post it publicly.
Drop an email then.
It is trouble to not feel as if it is appropriate to be such guy spending riches.on what is dream but not reality
>I'm only an attention whore in private
Post or get out.
Are you actually retarded?
>renting a P.O. Box
Why? It's not like anyone is going to open your package
I think it would probably be easier to clean if you inserted a fleshlight into this thing and came in the fleshlight.
Cleaning an 80lb blob of pseudo-ass every day would probably get old.
Yeah id like to know where to get one
It's similar but you feel the weight clamping down on you, hard to describe but you know how weightless a Fleshlight feels? Imagine the opposite.
Fisting it doesn't break it. There's a few webms of some guy fisting them and his arm goes in easily.
Where can you buy this?
Asking for a friend.
Where are the fucking webms of one of you fucking these giant rubber asses ffs
Am I having a stroke?
I just don't feel comfortable linking my home address to a masturbation toy order.
are you?
post a link to store or get the fuck out
What are these called?
How much do they cost?
Where can I buy one?
He does this all the time
Cringe loser.
Attention whores like you make the rest of us look bad.
It's made for the express purpose of being fucked
Why does she have two butts?
What do you mean to say about this which I do not see what is problematic with the statements commited to my belief and understanding of how we are not as guy who dreams in riches, but pursue that which is in parallel to unappropriate life of riches?
Do you know what google is?
>lives with parents
>knows that if they see a big ass box with the return address: big rubber asses, he'll get in trouble
>thread about space station13 pruned
>this bullshit stays up
Sup Forums mods are fucking faggots
>That arm
>ogre fingers
Being fat does not equate having a nice ass, that just makes you fat.
Alright, later user.
Sending in a moment.
Where's the fun in that?
Fuck I came here for actual thread subject
I'm out
Thats not even me bub. Its the gay dude from the bst threads
confirmed troll
doesnt know where to buy it from, filtered your ip and ignored
No but many things are not what they seem when words are said that is not for you to believe even in dream you were to understand without knowing
close, but it's roommates, just change trouble for awkwardness
You're still an attention whore, 10 bucks you have a sub-par ass desperate men compliment you for. Gotta build that ego somehow, ey?
They are but so is OP.
i had done some research on this ass last year
here you lads go
aint cheap btw
Get out your flatass faggot.
>google male sex toys
>take it from there
Enjoy my spoon going into your mouth, faggot
Welp my hand will have to suffice for now
>Harmless thread about early 2000s H-games gets sent to /trash/
>Thread with a fucking nipple and onahole in the OP stays
The fuck you talking about? I posted the pics the fag sends by email to save everyone's time
gay males with nice asses are rare to begin with, that compounds massively here on Sup Forums
not me though, my ass/legs still think I'm in fucking college
If there is anything more that pisses me off about these sex toy threads, its you fucking toddlers whining about shipping it to your house.
no one cares about your mail. Fuck, most of the sex toy companies that sell these respect the buyer's privacy and do not list the contents of what's inside the box anyway.
>b-but my overbearing tiger mom will go through my mail before I get it
Then move the fuck out of your mommy's house and get your own place or shut the fuck up.
I get a few thousand dollars in a couple months
What exorbitant sex toy should I purchase? I was thinking of a Pipedream Extreme Mega Fuck Slut or one of the things in the OP
Video games
finally, someone posts the link
Anyone want to see a webm of me mating press this big ass?
I think you mean jealousy.
it's also 85 motherfucking pounds
prepare you strain the shit out of your back moving it
can the homosexuals in this thread please leave?
you arent welcome
Oh shit, that's my bad then.
Not really, y'all just look in the wrong places for men if you think they're rare.
Holy fuck male sex toys are getting so good. Can't wait for fuckbots.
Holy fucking shit, that's massive
Yes please, make sure you cum a lot too, I want to see a thick load.
Why does this image even keep getting posted
>Normie porn sites for vanilla shit
do it. we are far too deep already
e i g h t y f i v e p o u n d s o f p u s s y a n d a s s
>Not really, y'all just look in the wrong places for men if you think they're rare.
you know... you're right, I've been spending too much time on fetlife.
Iceland, what are you doing?
Just buy a few regular onaholes then upgrade your PC with the hundreds that you saved.
This, but we can make the hole go deeper. We must go deeper.
is there a video of this
i need it for science
the whitest country on earth also happens to have the best taste
>being this much of a faggot that you don't love both
>25 Inch Fantasia Gallery & Video
Like fucking a midget, or a child
Nigger why the fuck are you even asking
well there ya go.
Got them
Thanks user, nice butt