>Persona 5feels like a game made for straight men actively pushing people like me, who deviate from the status quo, away.
It is. No one will miss him in the closet.
Death to fags
Haru is pure.
Uh, what a shame that this deviant degenerate can't fully appreciate it. Truly a loss.
A lot of faggots on Sup Forums love this game though. You gotta stop letting lefty trans bloggers represent gay people.
>Explain yourself.
If a video game was enough for a person to lose self confidence and upset their delicate feelings then they should maybe think about checking into either a hole in the ground or a mental asylum because the world has coddled them far to fucking much.
>I saw a coloring book.
>It shattered my world views because everything was black and white, racists.
>Faggots btfo.
Thank you mike pence
Dude I'm a lefty trans and even I think this faggot needs to suck it up. The game isn't about a self-insert, it's about Potter-kun. Maybe he should stop projecting himself on a character that's not him.
>another persona thread