How would Sup Forums fix Steam refunds so developers stop complaining?

How would Sup Forums fix Steam refunds so developers stop complaining?


Someone who cannot even make a +2hour walking simulator should not be allowed to call themselves a developer.
Just let these cucks scream.

no need to change anything, if you don't like it release your game on another distribution platform

Let them bitch, it's fine as is. If their game is less than two hours long and not worth replaying that's their own damn fault.

I wouldn't
I would make the devs make a game longer than 2 hours

also steam's refund policy is the way it is so they don't run afoul of consumer protection laws, so i doubt any amount of whining from these "developers" is going to change it

Thanks for the spam. I knew I forgot to filter it out last time I saw this shitty topic.

Now let me summarize the remainder of the topic.
>make games longer than 2 hours
>lol walking simulators

Make it 4 hours, and devs will stop complain about 2.

They should delist games from devs who complain.

I have What Remains of Edith Finch 100%'d at under 2 hours and I'm debating whether to be a jerk and refund it.