Game has ships

>game has ships

>Game is a MOBA

>playing or engaging LoL in any capacity

What about Teemo-Tristana

>Veigar and Lulu
I'm okay with this

>Shyvanna and Ezreal

>game is set on a ship
>the name of the game is The Ship

what does Sup Forums think of pic related?

>Vel'koz Annie

boner why

>ZAC and Riven
When will this meme end?

everything is wrong lmao

What's the last one? Pinterest?

His wimpy tentacles aren't enough for her, though.

>Thresh with the nigger
What the fuck. Why?

thresh killed lucians mom

this is official lore its a cuck thing

>someone took the time to "research" this

Just imagine all the manhours of autism that had to go on for that image to be made. Not just from whoever made it, but from all the people who contributed to the shipping.

these make me hardest

I don't know what kind of dumb american shitposting this is but that image would take you literally 4 minutes to create in ms paint

if you think thats effort then you must have failed school

>Not just from whoever made it, but from all the people who contributed to the shipping.

nah you're a retarded assburger

>League of LOL

>being in a relationship with your mom's killer


"dude EFFORT lmao" posters are probably the worst and if they aren't trolling they are legitimately double digit IQ retards who literally get mad at people for making OC

if you don't want OC go back to lebdit

It's not shipping if it's your own characters you massive fucking wanker, it's also definitely not shipping if the characters are literally married. That's like saying you ship Romeo and Juliet
Oh wait you're talking about shipping, we already knew you were a fucking subhuman degenerate
>I'm almost enjoying my anger.png
90% sure it was that Thresh stole Lucian's wife's soul.

>Literally nothing with Urgot

Diana x Leona
Morgana x Kayle
Caitlyn x Vi
Lux x Fiora
Tristana x Poppy x Lulu
Orianna x Blitzcrank
Zed x Syndra

Everything else is shit.

At least he has some reading comprehension

>unironic replies

Go back to fucking tumblr

What kind of faggot forgets the best pair?

So...Thresh is ghost cucking Lucian?
What the fuck.
Who allows this shit.

What about Jax and Baron Nashor?

You mean Jax and Nautilus