Tfw the only reason kojimbo is hiring hollywood actors and actresses is so he can get closer and closer to hollywood...

>tfw the only reason kojimbo is hiring hollywood actors and actresses is so he can get closer and closer to hollywood and eventually breakfree from his childish video games and become a full fledged movie director

you just know he's sick of making games, he's gonna be Sup Forums's guy in the future, not Sup Forums.

I thought he already made movies

read his twitter

the only reason he met this dude is because he went to a convention. that's it. i could be in place of hideo if i was there.

>i could be in place of hideo if i was there.

>Meeting that guy from Dirty Grandpa and Little Fockers

Who gives a shit?

The issue with this is that if you look at his average game the way he tells the story involves more hours of plot than the average movie. The medium of games actually allows you more "film" to tell a story with since breaking up segments of exposition with gameplay (or interweaving them) is easier for the audience to sit through than a ten hour long interactive movie they want to watch in parts.

He might be able to do what he wants with a full-fledged series, but those tend to have smaller budgets.

What's wrong with just letting a creator create? The rest of the world isn't divided into separate topics like Sup Forums. You know that right? Right?
>this dude
is Robert (fucking) De Niro

>he didn't enjoy dirty grandpa
simply reddit

the jews who own hollywood are not that stupid to hire this hack

>De Nigro

>went to a convention.
>Went to present at the Tribeca games festival as an esteemed member of the industry, got to meet esteemed members of the film industry due to the film festival happening around the same time.

but no im sure you could meet him too.

He's far more interested in movies than he is in video games.



>Liking some actor who was good in SNL or something, but trashes all his movies

You have a better chance at getting a decent Adam Sandler movie



still amazes me just how identical to his dad he is

Met Eastwood once, real good feller. He had one of my cigarettes.

And Robert De Niro is just some guy.
It's very easy to meet celebrities, you just have to be in the right place at the right time and run into them.

How the fuck does Clint look better with more crows feet and wrinkles than pristine young man skin

yes and?
a hideo movie would be great

>buy ticket
>wait in line for meet and greet
>get pic n autograph

ez pz, people do this all the time.

Do you think De Niro even knows who Kojima is?

de niro is irrelevant and has only been in garbage films for the past 20 years. if de niro ever signed on for a project with hideo or kojima you could probably guess it's going to be garbage, given de niro's recent track record

a hideo movie would be terrible. a kojima movie might just work though

No. He probably thought it was some random Asian fan of his.