They are playing the final version of Prey on twitch!
twitch / bethesda
They are playing the final version of Prey on twitch!
twitch / bethesda
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Missed it. What did they show?
Already preordered, so I may as well wait to play it myself
new weapons, abilities and a new location, like a green house.
As Bethesda is basically the new Ubisoft. I am going to enjoy pirating this game.
The demo was really underwhelming and I thought Sup Forums hates this game. Thread is over
Watch it be exactly like Wolfenstein New Order and D44M, where everything that was shown leading up to release made the game look terrible, but then it somehow turns out pretty great.
Weak bait
No one gives a shit. Game looks and plays like shit, only people who would disagree are literal shills (just like you)
But hey. Congratulations Bethesda on finally catching up to Ubisoft on the shill game here. Now all you have to do is prepackage memes and x did nothing wrong tier shit and push them all at once in the one thread so people thing positive discussion of the game has been a regular occurrence.
Alternatively, kill yourself.
Psychotronics, Arboretum and Crew Quarters.
Pretty much every gun in the game, a handful of powers.