I'm about to go out for small drive to ease my mind. Was thinking of picking up Street Fighter V. Is it worth 20 bucks?

I'm about to go out for small drive to ease my mind. Was thinking of picking up Street Fighter V. Is it worth 20 bucks?

Or should I just get the latest DLC for Ni-Oh

>cop pulls you over
"where you going pal? you seem fishy, you better tell me a fucking destination or im sending your ass to prison"

Just pick up a hooker instead. It will be better.

>be american
>go out to buy vidya
>get shot

You should kill yourself faggot

Don't buy it, it's honestly horrible. SFIV is much better but essentially dead.

I would wait for MVC:I if you want to play a fighting game.

>shoot back
feels good to be free

Injustice 2 comes in two weeks. Pick that instead.


That's a steal for SFV, faggots are bitter about the crappy release but it's really good now