*minimum wages your path*
*minimum wages your path*
Sooooo nothing changes?
Can we all agree this was the worst boss fight and probably the worst palace?
>P3 - We must explore this mysterious tower, eventually preventing the manifestation of Death wiping out humanity
>P4 - We must uncover the mystery of murders in this small town before the fog engulfs the earth
>P5 - Adults are evil!!
What the fuck?
>have high confidant ranks with most my party
>everyone keeps slapping hunger off each other
Agreed. I thought the boss would make up for the horrible dungeon by having a cool looking Shadow but nope it was just face all the enemies you had in a row.
>We must stop an evil god from imposing his will and killing everyone in the world.
I agree. While I liked the concept of having his robots do all the fighting for him since it fit the theme of his sin, it was not a fun fight. At least my nigga Arahabaki was in it and Grimekahla's "Repel Phys" became a staple skill on my later fusions.
I'm talking about P5 not SMT.
>posting Felli
My nigga.
I was talking about P5 too
99% of P5's plot is "Adults are evil".
And 99% of P4 is finding out who's been throwing people in TVs and you have a chance to completely miss the true culprit.
That was only brought up on the final arc, the plot throughout the game was kidz rool adults drool
>P4 is finding out who's been throwing people in TVs
I know
>P4 - We must uncover the mystery of murders in this small town before the fog engulfs the earth
P5's definitely the weakest.
I'd have to agree. The grind of the palace doesn't match the underwhelming boss fight at the end... and man! What a fucking grind this place is. It felt like it kept going on, and on. Full of small annoyances in every section. I barely managed to beat it in 1 day, and only did so because I bought the SP adhesive from Takemi for my MC.
What's difference between P4 and P5's final arcs? Both have the Shadow World merging with the Real World. In P5's case though it actually happens.
most of P4 is cringy coming of age bullshit teenagers coping with being faggots
Don't trivialize P5 like that. Acting high and mighty about the plot of previous Personas only makes you look like a fool. These aren't thought provoking games. They're cool little stories about high school teenagers with god-like powers.
most of P5 is cringy STUPID ADULTS, ADULTS ARE EVIL shit being faggots
>all these Demiurge - Abrahamic God posts
I hate every single one of you
P4 is retarded. Scooby-Doo tier bullshit murder mystery the entire way through.
P5 actually has a great storyline and is very consistent throughout, though does miss the mark with Okumura. The final act/end of P5 are probably some of the most well done SMT/P story segments to date.
>Don't trivialize P5 like that
It's by far the most easy to trivialize, very shallow.
>P5 actually has a great storyline
>Boss 1: evil adult mistreats us kids
>Boss 2: evil adult mistreats us kids
>Boss 3: evil adult mistreats us kids
I see.
Worst palace was shido's without a doubt.
Solely because of the god awful mice segments that never seem to end.
By far the most undeveloped, shittiest part of the game.
The boss sucks, wasn't interesting and the dungeon was a long, tedious drag.
They clearly ran out of development power at this point. They focused on the beginning, end and then had to pad the middle with something.
P2 is good
P3 is the pinnacle of game storytelling
P4 is shit
P5 is bretty gud
>It's by far the most easy to trivialize, very shallow.
P4 is much easier to trivialize.
Only boss 1 exclusively mistreats kids. Boss 2 mistreats all of his students, you just get exposure through Yusuke. Boss 3 targets highschoolers, but not exclusively. Boss 4 is a kid. Boss 5 mistreats adults. Boss 6 mistreats everyone. Boss 7/8 did nothing wrong.
>Persona 5 coming to Japan winter 2014
>delayed for 3 years
What the fuck happened to Atlus
Thats not true boss 4 is a kid that got mistreated by an evil adult, it's totally different
P3 >>>> P2 > P4 = P5
can we all agree fuhrer was the best boss fight
Kamoshida and Madarame are great, but as soon as Kaneshiro is introduced everything goes off the rails into the most pants-on-head retarded shit ever.
>Literally everything about Makoto going up to fucking thugs and trying to do things herself, dragging everybody else into her shit like an autistic retard
>Calls herself Queen even though Yusuke's suggestion of Rider is way better, very clearly a remnant of when Hifumi was supposed to be playable.
>Literally meet Kaneshiro fucking ONCE and then never see him again
>Futaba's arc is good except for the fact that there was a whole town that was severely underutilized and was very clearly supposed to be a bigger part of the dungeon
>Okumura's dungeon is shit, his design is shit, his motives are shit, he is shit
>Morgana wasting a fucking week of my time because he can dish it out but can't take it when it comes to Ryuji, expects me to care when he gets kicked, which was actually my favorite part of the game
>Sae's Palace is alright
>Shido's Palace is LOL BIG BORING HALLWAYS with like two mouse puzzles
It picks up for the ending but god fucking damn is this story a trainwreck in the middle.
>Shows Shadow Okumura getting smoked after you leave.
Why not just keep it as a surprise until the press conference?
because it was obvious anyway
how, the only time the story felt like a trainwreck was during the hawaii trip, but then it started picked up once mishima started shitting himself in the hotel
how the fuck did that never cross my mind after two playthroughs
You're really blowing all of that out of proportion.
I agree, it was very underdeveloped after the second palace.
Probably should have been delayed to do more work on it.
>Those guys got palaces
>A serial killer, sociopathic cat killer, and serial idol rapist don't have palaces
>Boss 4 is a kid
Didn't realise fuitaba's mom is a kid.
Cats aren't people.
palaces are a highly distorted view of reality, not just being an evil asshole.
how is this series so praised when the dungeons are so garbage
The game's story is poorly written, nobody is defending it.
>Solely because of the god awful mice segments that never seem to end.
Those were the best parts though.
>Persona 4
>Garbage dungeons
Getting a palace isn't about being evil, it's about how you view the world being distorted.
dungeon design was one of the biggest improvements in this game over the previous ones
And it's still not very good. Which makes me wonder how 3 and 4 ever got so popular
oh sorry i meant beyond garbage
I don't think delaying it would have done anything. I feel like they lost focus on what they had in mind with "students being chained in society" halfway through then switched back to the tried and true method which was emulating P3/P4.
>And it's still not very good
that's wrong though
>playing on hard
>have to plow through the trash mob segment every time
>get to the endboss
>hunger gets dispelled by my cocksucking friends
>have to rely on raising defense and evasion while lowering attack
>guard and tetrakarn spamming to survive this fucking big bang dick
First boss I had to go back to the entrance and re-fuse Personas for. Jesus Christ the numbers on hard felt overtuned.
>Which makes me wonder how 3 and 4 ever got so popular
Social Links.
>Palaces: Qliphoth > Kamoshida's Palace = Sae Palace > Madarame's Palace > Kaneshiro Palace= Futaba's Palace = Mementos >>> Shido Palace >>> Okumura' Palace
>Bosses: Shido >> Demiurge > Goro > Kamoshida > Sae > Madarame = Kaneshiro = Futaba's Mom >>>>>>>Okumura
I love this game but a lot of the good stuff is front loaded and the bosses on a whole leave a lot to be desired. Hopefully they fix it in the inevitable re-release.
Is I_AM_ABIB moderating again tonight? You can always tell he's moderating when Sup Forums is worse than usual
The Casino was by far the best, the dark house alone was better than most of the dungeons.
>P2 better than P4 and P5
I don't know why people think Madarame arc was good, it has the most half-baked antagonist in a game with terrible villains
Not to mention it's hyper coincidental, their first mementos target ties to Madarame
>Qliphoth being good
It's the place I dropped the game so yes I agree it's a shit palace.
I'll get back into it during summer I think.
Mostly hated it except for
>Two party members almost dead, one with hunger
>Big Bang Burger incoming
>Dedice to have all block, except have hunger party member give other dying member a bead
>Big Bang Burger hits
>Hungry part member is healed and no longer hungry
Took me a second to realized what had happened and I thought it was pretty fucking funny. But yeah, fuck timed bosses.
Casino was good but as was the issue for a lot of the palaces it dragged on longer than it should have. Had you done the slots, dice and arena I would have liked it more but the added shadow maze where you are constantly using the thief eye to navigate felt like added padding. Probably my second favorite dungeon theme though.
Let's get one thing straight here.
Price > Whims of Fate > When Mother Was There > A Woman > Freedom and Peace > Ark > King, Queen and Slaves >>> Sweatshop
The palace was alright, I don't understand why so many people dislike it. Boss fight was irredeemable trash.
I don't understand why they showed this. It was quite obvious whose shadow it was too
>List is exactly the same as mine
Feels uncanny but good tastes user glad we can agree on the themes.
Yup, it was a joke
Sazh's themes are pretty cash too.
>He doesn't know that having hunger for Big Bang Burger full heals.
It's one thing if you are constantly being healed by teammates but there are so many persona in that palace that have high endurance that I'm surprised anyone had trouble on Okumura.
I unironically enjoyed his gimmick fight of clearing enemy waves in less than 2 turns before they blew up.
Is that big bang attack almighty or physical?
>Having hunger on you causes big bang to heal
Fucking WHAT
Not like that matters since your friends will harisen that out of you for shits and giggles.
Where do you rank freedom and security?
Fifth, it's called Freedom and Peace on the official soundtrack so that's what I put here
>make dungeons corridors full of enemies
>make dungeons complex, with puzzles and full of enemies
I like how his synthetic voice sounded exactly like a drive thru speaker.
maybe they should try making a good dungeon instead
Lets not get crazy now.
He also had the best character development only to be dropped.
It also puts worst girl in your party. Definitely the low point of the game.
It recovers quickly because best palace is right after.
Pretty sure it's not reflected by tetrakarn so almighty
Ann is in from Kamoshida's palace user.
the keycard bit with the listening for info was awful
>hey you can listen to these guys to get info
>but for the last one one if you want all the info parts, have fun zone transferring and respawning enemies 4 times
the shit was killer for sp count