So this game is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Generations right?

So this game is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Generations right?

What did Sup Forums think of Generations?

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They hate it now for some reason, I thought they loved it but I have been hearing people shit talk it lately, so eh. I like it.

I liked Generations but i don't necessarily want to relive the past with every Sonic game from now on so i'm not exactly glad about Classic and Green Hill returning, all i wanted was a pure 3D game after Generations finally perfected the formula

>They hate it now for some reason
You are a moron.

From information about Forces it seems that Green Hill will be the only returning stage serving as an intro stage to the game. Hopefully that statement is true and the entire game is just a new experience.

I'm waiting for E3 to see the full Modern Sonic stage as well as seeing what the 3rd playstyle is.

It's a sequel in everything except name.

Personally not looking forward to it myself, as there's really no need for Classic Sonic to show up again (even with the game starting development before Mania) and the third playstyle will probably end up being as awkward as the Werehog.

I never really expected other stages aside from Green Hill showing up, but at the same time you can tell they're trying to cause the same impact of "Oh look it's the Sonic i remember in the zone that i remember" that Generations caused to a lot of people, Sonic's been banking on nostalgia pretty much non-stop ever since Sonic 4 and i'm really tired of it
On a side note i am glad the story is taking itself a little bit more seriously this time around, the light-hearted saturday cartoon shit they've been doing since Colors really didn't work for me and kinda killed any sense of progression through the adventure

It is refreshing to have a serious story again but I hope they don't go too far into serious territory like Sonic 06 and Shadow did. If the story is closer to the tone of the Adventure games then i'd be satisfied with that. They were serious stories but they didn't dive too deep into the serious side.

I'm infinitely more optimistic for Mania, but more hyped for Forks.

Whats disappointing about Forks is it doesn't look very updated from Unleashed, Colors, or Generations. It looks like the same thing again. And I love boost gameplay as much as the next guy but cmon son, there's still room for growth that they're straight avoiding.

Classic Sonic looks like shit though, so the only other thing I'm looking forward to is the TBA Adventure gameplay for the "new" character.