How's the dlc?

How's the dlc?

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bretty gud overall, though I avoided the pvp mode like a plague

Are the new weapons and armor any good?

It's very fun

It's like giving the axe/hammer the versatility of 1kat.

Yeah, the PvP is pretty meh just like in any game with souls-esque combat.
The actual dlc content itself seems pretty good from what little I've seen of it so far though.



You having fun?



Anyone expecting anything close to balance with Nioh's system gotta be revisional

Good so far. Level design is better.

PvP can be fun at times but don't bother going in with only melee.

Did they nerf heavy armor?

>Do PvP
>Player literally teleports and backstabs me
>don't even have shit net

is the odachi supposed to be THIS good at killing humans?

havent tried on PVP but damn it

no faggots will damage you a bit and run like hell

>Pvp meta is already full of cheesy ass builds

At least matches are decided by damage done instead of life remaining. And there is a cap of cheap shit usage that lasts across all rounds

Kinda pissed. I dumped 100's of hours into this game getting to max level 750 and the fucking nerf me back to 326 WTFF

They need to nerf kunai and shuriken I've seen people doing 1000+ damage per hit with them.


I just block

I just run out of ki because they spam them.

you know they have a limited amount right?

They changed how level scaling works so you basically got the same amrita as you did before when you were 750 if you refund using the book .

The only shitty part is that they hard cap the max level to 400 so no more 99s in all stats

Just like my dork souls

Nodachi is pretty fucking sick, hate the range of the strong attack combo but I guess thats part of the trade of the weapon

>everyone falls before doomlord420....eventually
>better luck next time, kid.

Nigga went full bleach

>the legend of doomlord420 will never die

That's actually a cool effect to have in a boss fight

whats going to stop me from poking and running the whole time after I get the life lead?

How viable are parries? Does Haze II give crazy stagger for free Iai Quickdraws?

they're good

but there is new augments that ignores parries all together

>nerfed the level cap
>took away the 320 weapons

Wait, they just make you unparriable?

yep, its kinda rare though

It only takes a couple to kill you.


Best Souls PVP

blok but yeah they're annoying to fight

Haze II don't ki break no more

>thinking 320 gear made you OP
nigga with full 320 armor tripling my defense I still got 2 shot in way of the strongs later missions

What catagory is it under? Like what other augments do you have to sacrifice to get it?

Even against AI? Damn that breaks a lot of swag. Does it still do heavy Ki damage at least?

Date Masamune's set with the blue dragon spirit is broken as fuck. You can just use dual sword spinaroo thing and with the +75% wind bonus everything just melts.

is there new onmyo, ninjutsu and skills?

>nigga with full 320 armor tripling my defense I still got 2 shot in way of the strongs later missions

Defensive options are obscenely good in Nioh, 320 weapons let you 2 shot bosses don't fuckin make excuses for shit. They were dumb as fuck. You could already beat the hardest boss in like 30 seconds with 150 weapons.

I think I got it by divine rocks

Will the story have a definitive end or will it continue even more to Nioh 2?

It still hasn't ended yet what with the next DLC being Sanada Yukimura.

Missions are great
New weapons are great
PvP is shit
Too bad I am still trying to beat Persona 5

Nah I mean is it in the +damage or +element etc slot?

it will have a definite end just by the LAST dlc alone

considering its the LAST battle of the era of War of japan

the thing that really cheesed the game was the spirit living weapon build and that got axed even before the 320 nerf, to such an extent that living weapon is not only not OP anymore but useless

I'm just a believer that pve centric games shouldn't be overtly balanced, not that exploits and shit shouldn't be dealt with, but I mean no need to go overboard.

the 320 thing is a glitch so its fair enough I suppose, but RIP living weapon

Well considering there was no major conflicts until about 250 years later once the Osaka campaign ended, it'll probably end there.

Im not really sure actually

What is the war called? I want to read it up on wikipedia.

KT recently said during a shareholder meeting that "there's a future for Nioh as a franchise", so you can bet your butt on a sequel. I mean, it's KT's highest selling title since the merger, so it's not all that shocking.

I hope Sony actually commit financially early on and help them get a sequel out the door, since most of Nioh's flaws stem from the fact that Team Ninja were working on a relatively small budget.

unless things absolutely go fucking crazy and the oni fuck up the timeline leading to Toukiden

Im not really sure

I am sure Sony has first dips considering they are both JP companies and Sony did help them out.

how am I supposed to farm the glory needed for the female transformations?

Singleplayer games don't have to be wholly balanced but 320 weapons removed any execution requirement on the players part.

It's fun to make things that feel stronger than they should be but when you're literally obliterating the hardest bosses in under 10 seconds it removes any fun factor.

Imagine, a Nioh where we dont have to play as a white guy!

Where would a sequel even take place?

Think we're gonna visit Spain just for one level like The Queen's Eyes mission?


during that time china wasnt really doing anything


you can get up to 5k per win

Someone put forward an interesting idea of doing a reversal of the Western samurai trope and having a Japanese in Europe. Since Nioh touched on international spirit guardians (Saorise, Uroboros and the Atlas Bear), it's something I think you could run with for a bit.

>spent days reaching the cap
>level cap changed from 750 to 400
>all the effort wasted

legit dropped

PvP lol. You get 2.5k per 1v1 win, 4k with a 2v2 win. And there's a winning streak bonus if you're gud.

Post Date Masamune webm battle please.

Doesn't have to be the same time period.
I mean just look at Dynasty Warrior

>Lady Maria as the DLC's final boss

Is this some Bloodborne crossover?

God I wish, we have so few wuxia games and most of them are mmos

imagine a nioh where you play as a qt japanese girl

Why would you even go over an obvious pvp meta?

How is the enemy variety, level design, girls, and story?

I'm still finishing other shit.

>nerf the entire playerbase over fucking PvP that barely anyone uses

it's dark souls all over again.

>Winter Campaign and Summer Campaign

So, 2 more DLC.

>enemy variety
shit but there's a lot of bosses.
>level design
mostly good
only tome is good
not very good

>If your not a grindfag you might as well never TRY to pvp

should've put it down to 200

You will be Whit guy samurai in all of them

Whats the consensus on current PvP meta lvl?

The season pass is like 30 dollars. I expect it to be 3 DLC or people are going to riot.

I don't wanna do anymore of the pvp I tried it and it's just a fucking lagfest.

pvp should have just been dojo gear and whatever items you want.

1 DLC is out already and there's 2 coming, so yeah, 3 DLC

PvP fags and retarded devs ruining it for everyone again.

Is Hanzo really kill?

The only people that got nerfed are the hyperautists that grinded like idiots for no reason.


Shit, didn't mean to quote.

Also, we might have a chance to fight against Miyamoto Musashi in that DLC.

Gross, I was thinking 150 would be a good area considering that's the max weapon cap minus the rare case 160 which would be gated out.

So level 400? Oh well, at least the game has fantastic PvE.

Fucking devs ruining all the fun.

more pissed they removed the 750 thing. spent a few days doing butterfly boss runs.

max gear level now is 210+20

Wait... they nerfed the level cap? For what fucking purpose? Doesn't the game already auto scale you down when going into weaker people's worlds?

How do you even get gear to above 150?

>werrhl it rooks rike dees gaijins have reached maxshimum capashity
>how to fix mista boss?
>Hy! boss-sama

For the next 2 DLC duh.
It wouldn't be fun if you can chop down everyone in seconds.

who gives a fuck about level scrub.

I got bored and stopped playing not long after the snow woman. I should get back to finishing it sometime soon. Think I just burnt myself out playing nonstop for so long.