Futaba with Haru's hair

>Futaba with Haru's hair

Wow, Futaba's hair looks so much nicer when it's put on someone else.

More proof that Makoto is the best. Thanks OP

>Haru is the only one that looks great in all of them
Really makes ya think

Makoto with Fuatabas hair is 12/10.

Futaba's hair on Makoto looks the same as the Star Arcana girl.

The boys.

>Best Ann hair
>Best Makoto hair
>Best Futaba hair
>Best Haro hair

Ryuji looks good with Akira hair.

Yusuke looks good with Goro hair.

Goro looks good with Yusuke hair.

Akira looks good with his own hair.

Haru with Futuba's hair is superior.

Akira with Goro's hair

>Yusuke with Goro hair

>The different hairstyles make Anne and Makoto look older while Futaba and Haru look younger.

This shit is fucking with my head.

What a surprise best girl looks great in all hair styles.

If I could swap them but was limited to one person per style

Joker wiith Goro hair
Ryuji Yusuke's hair
Yusuke with Joker's hair
Goro with Ryuji's hair (Probably wears it best, but it's shit hair.)

>Haru is the only one without a retarded face and thus works good in all hairstyles
I don't think anyone's surprised

>anyone else with Ryuji's hair


Ann in Makoto's hair is too good.

Goro looks like everyone with different hairstyles. like no change. just hair color and eye.

>All of Haru's hair choices are better than her default

Goro with Akira hair becomes Suzaku from geass.
Yusuke just looks ridiculous.









Everything else looks a little weird.

Ann and Haru have shit hair.

Why are their eyes so far apart, holy shit?

Only because haru's hair ruins the other three.

>Haru and Makoto with Futaba's hair

so they can see predators you dingus

All of them look good in Futaba's hair.
Futaba looks like shit in anyone else's hair.

Holy shit haru is perfect with all of them. All of the others look gross as fuck.

Haru looks good in all of them.


Makoto is still best girl.

>Ryuji with Goro's hair.


They need to try sadaeyo hairstyle. I love that hair

Himecut best style, other styles just doesn't make the cut.

He looks like the singer from Blur/Gorillaz or the crazy guy from Rumblefish

Oh, I get it, they're all sameface

Yusuke with MC's hair looks like Gintoki

>anything but shit

why is futaba so ugly and makoto?

Can't see Futaba without reading futanari

My nigger

Arr rook same

Makoto looks so good in everything

Another image that properly displays how every anime character looks exactly the fucking same.

Well at least they didn't spend time making a decent art style and distinct faces of characters to work on that gamepla-

Oh... right.

Except they're not? Similar sure, but you'd have to be blind to say they're the same.

Amazing how good Haru looks when she stops parting her hair to the sides.

Except Haru's, that one looks disgusting on her.

Haru has the most pleasant face to me. I still like Makoto the most though.

Jesus christ, what magic is that ITT?

>ann with haru's hair

>Ann with Futaba hair


everyone can pull off Futaba and Goro's gair pretty well. Everyone looks pretty JUST with Ryuji's hair though.

This was worth an entire thread? There are like 6 P5 threads up at one time + the general on /vg/ and you decided to make a new thread? Why?

To spite your autistic ass. You're literally spending your night/morning posting in threads you don't care about.

show me the threads you're posting in right now

Haru looks good with every hair style that isn't her own

You don't really have a high ground to post from when you're posting in a thread about hair styles for your virgin bait waifus.


Seriously why are we not sticking with Joker. It's so much cooler.

There's a boy band to be made here.

I don't think you have any reason to talk about moral high ground on a Chinese picture board and trying to play the virgin card only makes you look more pathetic.

I am. Akira Kurusu is a shit name for the mc.

Ann with Futaba hair
Makoto with Futaba hair
Futaba with Futaba hair
Haru with Makoto hair

Seriously though, Makoto looks great like that

Damn, then that means I'm DANCING WITH MYSELF

If I had the chance, I'd ask the world to dance

But moms gonna FREAK

>Yuri shit

Begone faggot.

Ann becomes fucking intense with Makoto's hair. Maybe it's her eye color, but she looks like she looks like she's about to murder some motherfuckers

>ryuji with akira's hair
literally me

I think I can safely say that I'm less pathetic than someone who made Persona 5 thread #23432423 today just to talk about mixed hairstyles of cardboard personality waifus meant to pander to the lowest common denominator. But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and continue on with what you're doing.

>Makoto with Futaba hair

m-my dick

I literally am and will continue to do what I enjoy while you're spending your free time backseat modding.

i've never played this game or any persona game but futaba looks perfect how she is

>user 1: I'll start a thread to discuss a topic I have interest in
>user 2: A thread about a topic I have no interest in, and actively hate. Better go let them know how superior and cool I am.

Yeah man, you sound way less pathetic

>I can't learn how to use the search function and/or catalog when it's right there and can't be missed

That's pretty pathetic in my opinion. You'd have to be a real subhuman to make that mistake. However, you guys are discussing hairstyles and not video games so there's no real surprise there.


Man, this is some weak ass bait

No I think the guy that hates that Person has reached Thread #123123123123123 but chooses to jump in anyway is a little more pathetic, my man.

I would rather have 15 persona threads than one single ffxiv thread

I hate the person who can't bother to use the search function. Not like you even have to. There are 50 threads up for Persona 5 at one time and half of them are about waifus and not video games. You could've posted this garbage in one of those waifu threads.

The other three look odd, sometimes even with their own hairstyle.
Haru looks great no matter the hairstyle, but she still look best with Fluff.

>none of them have best hair
Looks like Sensei is still number one.


>Futaba with Ann's hairstyle

CUTE! Now I want a scene with Ann styling Futaba's hair and giving her tips about looking sexier for Akira.
Also I like how Haru looks good with any hair besides her own.

>makoto with haru's hair

That clap and okay hand gesture is so fucking charming I can't stand it. She's so fucking great.

>Being this upset about a recently released game getting a lot of discussion.

If you're that upset why don't you make your own thread and talk about whatever you want instead of wasting your time here?



>I could make a thread about my whyfoo faggotry on the appropriate board, /jp/

Weeaboo logic.

You're the guys desperately trying to defend your shitty waifu thread when you have no obligation to reply. I'd have to say you're the upset one over being called out on your inability to use basic logic and core site functions. I'm sorry if I fried your brain for discussing something other than such great topic as hair styles for shitty waifus. How dare I interrupt such great discussion despite the fact that it didn't need its own separate thread.

It's literally a videogame though. Why would I discuss a videogame on a Japanese culture board?

>No gameplay

Whatever you say whyfoo faggot. Not like there's any gameplay discussion in here even if it had any.


the bait is getting weaker. You could at least try some different insults boyo


still like that scene

Btdubs I have to thank you for keeping this thread bumped so more people can see and enjoy it.

Why the FUCK is a Japanese teacher doing a White Power symbol?

Has she been BLEACHED or something?

It's not weak bait if retards like you keep replying.

>Dumb waifufag logic

Yusuke with Ryuji hair is doing weird things to me.

that's OK, user.



You're just helping more people to see the thread you hate so much with your bumping. Thanks friend, now more people can share in the love of the waifu's