can go anywhere in hyrule

> can go anywhere in hyrule
> great music
> great characters
> great story
> multiple detailed dungeons each with unique music
> various items to use
> non breakable swords (except for goron knife losers)
> many secrets to find
> immersive world where exploration lets you find a gradiose location (temples)
> nice end game dungeon
> great final boss

Ocarina of Time came out in 1998 and it does everything better than Breath of the Wild.

Other urls found in this thread:

Of course, but BotW was made for people who don't like the stinky old Zelda formula. So don't expect them to agree with you.

Minecraft ruined Zelda so hard.

>> can go anywhere in hyrule
I never understood the praise for this point in particular in regards to OoT, even if you go wherever you want there's almost nothing you can do there, and no matter how long you stall it at the end of the day you still have to follow a pretty strict story path laid out for you

>tfw I thought from the thumbnail that pic was mutual suicide

I don't like the stinky old Zelda formula and I still think that BotW isn't the best Zelda, or even the best 3D Zelda. What it has in freedom, it lacks in focus.

>great music.
And you lost me.

I pity you for the large amount of people about to descend on you.

it's just because back in the day you couldn't do that in basically any other game

actually you could. rpgs, crpgs, etc

You're gonna get a lot of hate for saying this OP, but I agree with you completely. The game also didn't pander to homosexuals, SJWs and women, it wasn't about playing dress up and collecting 1000 meaningless items. Dungeons were aesthetically unique and interesting, items were fewer in number but more useful and meaningful, the story was so much better on so many different levels, everything was just great. Part of my love for the game is no doubt nostalgia, but from an objective point of view, it does so many things better than BotW.

>And you lost me.
This is pretty much the most bizarrely autistic thing I've ever heard. You could criticize the game for any number of things, but music isn't one of them. Your mother should have swallowed you.

You're just mad 'cause you had Version 1.2

I have no idea what you're talking about. Other than Hyrule field which serves as a hub (and still has secrets of its own), the entire game is brimming with things to do and see. There are literally multiple quests or side activities in every area.

fortunately, the botw fanboys are probably in another thread jacking it to the game

Most of which you still need to have progress in the story to access, you can go to Gerudo right at the beginning of the game but you can't cross the bridge, you can go to the Zora's domain entrance but you're not getting in, which is perfectly fine, i'm a fan of progression through the itens you receive and stuff, but that doesn't really make the comparison to BoTW valid

>friend is in love with OoT back in the day and thinks it's greatest game ever made
>borrow it from him

>it alright
>it not subtle or nuanced, it tasteless and lukewarm
>but, it alright
>it reminds me of me game which I like better

>Most of which you still need to have progress in the story to access
There was still plenty to do even without progressing the story. Doing so only opened up more content to you. I find it bizarre to criticize the game for having content that you have to play the game to unlock... that's kind of the point. It sounds like what you want is Zelda Skyrim, where you are never forced to do anything and just run off into the forest and pick up trinkets, which is probably why you enjoy BotW because that's all it is. Aside from Zelda 1, Zelda has always been about relatively linear story that gave you a sense of accomplishment and progression, while simultaneously allowing you to explore and do other things when you grew tired of the main quest. OoT did that perfectly. BotW isn't the same.

The problem with Botw, is that in OoT, there's a temple to be found. In Botw, there's just a shrine or a korok seed. In addition, unlike in OoT, there's nothing to test your mettle and growing strength against. Basically, there's no focus on pitting Link against an equivalent. The only thing that acts as this in the entire game is Ganon himself. Nothing else inbetween seems to test this at all.

Calm down there buddy, i never said i'm against it and didn't even come close to saying i enjoy BoTW, i'm saying that the two games approached the side contents in very differing manners so it's not really a point of comparison

Ukinojoe is far past his prime, my friend.

>Calm down there buddy
Calm down yourself, don't get so defensive over an opposite opinion. Every differing argument isn't a personal attack, bruh.

> i never said i'm against it and didn't even come close to saying i enjoy BoTW, i'm saying that the two games approached the side contents in very differing manners so it's not really a point of comparison
It is a point of comparison, and you claimed that OoT's sense of exploration is irrelevant because of the false notion that there's nothing to do, which is objectively incorrect. OoT has a nice balance of linearity and freedom, whereas BotW is nothing but freedom and it suffers as a result.

I think you mean jacking it to trap Link.

>can go anywhere in Hyrule FROM THE START
>great music
>game doesn't interrupt you with cliché character interactions or cutscenes
>dungeons involve actual challenge rather than shooting arrows into eyes or placing boxes into holes
>various items to use
>many secrets to find (and they are actual secrets)
>immersive world where exploration lets you find grandiose locations (temples)
>every square of the overworld has something worthwhile to find
>fighting enemies is not a braindead timewaster, enemies are menacing and you will actually put your skills to test
>nice end game dungeon
>great bosses

Fucking OoTfags ruined my Zelda.

>great music
>only 3 music tracks in the entire game

Rest of your post means nothing. Zelda 1 was a very bad game.

Then perhaps i worded myself wrong, my apologies
I specifically remember a bunch of people back when Twilight Princess happened that they really hated its Hyrule Field because it was mostly blocked until you did some story progressions, one of them specifically mentioning that you could go to Gerudo right away in OoT but no such liberty is present in TP, which i never got the point since there's nothing to do there that early, it's just sightseeing, so by bringing comparison to BoTW i naturally thought you're hammering on the same point, which is kind of the whole deal with BoTW, doing whatever right at the beginning, which i don't agree is a strength in OoT. OoT's exploration is rewarded if you got the right resources to access it, magic beans, epona, dungeon itens, you name it, and i do think OoT is a better game exploration-wise thanks to that, but that's a rather subjective point and the internet has shown us that there's quite a few people who are a lot more comfortable being able to go wherever they want whenever they want, they're just too different on that matter and i don't see the point on comparing who did it better when it's such a matter of personal taste

>tfw no saria gf

>OoTfag can't appreciate the greatness that is Zelda 1

Go back to fap to your Saria and Malon porn and replay your baby linear game for the 200th time, I bet shooting an arrow to an eyeball in front of a locked door will be as mentally stimulating as always.

I played Z1 when I was a kid, years before OoT was a thing. The gameboy and snes games were just better.


but breath of the wild is the ORIGINAL zelda formula

I don't remember weapons breaking in the nes game.

>Zelda 1 was a very bad game
nu-neo-Sup Forums

Yeah, I don't think I remember that either.

I'm pretty sure the master sword was locked based on hearts though, so it's pretty much the same game.

3D Zelda Power Rankings:

1.) Ocarina of Time
2.) Breath of the Wild
3.) Majora's Mask
4.) Skyward Sword
5.) Wind Waker
6.) Twilight Princess

Wind Waker is actually my personal favorite, but it has some really major flaws and the others are just more polished. Trying to remove personal bias this is what I would have to say is accurate.

Damn right, Awakening and the Oracle games are great.

ALttP is kinda meh for me; not bad, not great, but I can see why it's praised, since it basically invented the Zelda formula.

Put Breath of the Wild dead last, and I'd agree. The game is largely incomplete and unrefined.

> can go anywhere in hyrule

>bridge is out, can't cross to desert
>"lol you're just a kid this mountain is too scawy for you"
>rocks blocking the river
>squats mcgee won't let you leave the forest
>naggy yells at you if you don't follow the story path

>"go anywhere"

>get item or unlock objective
>now you're free to enter

I think I understand what a lot of you open world memers have problems with. You think going anywhere means going anywhere right at the start. Except, going anywhere is the most boring thing ever without a goal or a challenge.

> can go anywhere in hyrule
almost right from the start. and is every mountain climbable?
> great characters
BotW has them too
> great story
BotW has them too
> many secrets to find
same goes too BotW
> immersive world where exploration lets you find a gradiose location (temples)
the temples were mandatory in Ocarina of Time, and you were leaded to them anyway, unlike BotW, were you can choose, what dungeon you wanna do next
> great final boss
the final boss in BotW was great too

>> great final boss
>the final boss in BotW was great too

You fuck right off.

>do what the game wants you to do in the order the game wants you to do it in

Yeah, when you have an IQ bellow three digits.

Exploring is actually fun when you can actually EXPLORE without some NPC yelling at you if you don't follow the pre-established road.

Making surfaces climable doesn't mean anything. And whats the point of going anywhere at the start. It's better to have it opened to you, anyway, for narrative reasons.

Which brings me to why the characters and story is weak in Botw. Nintendo put no effort to any of the sidequests or the main story itself. They fucked the players with flashbacks and made your only interactions being with shallow NPCs who become irrelevant after doing their sidequest. Paya, the yiga clan, hateno town, hell the fucking fort Hateno is such an unexplored shit, that you can tell Nintendo put no effort into the story at all.

But man it's gets better. Secrets? it doesn't become a secret anymore when you know what the secret will be: another shrine or another seed. Oh and maybe a Lynel cause we sure havent seen them enough.

Botw has no dungeons. Shrines are just toyboxes for your items. The divine beasts are walking shrines with a boss in them. Except, combat shrines also have bosses in them. No different experience at all. The only dungeon in the game is not even a dungeon. It's Hyrule Castle.

And kek on that joke of a boss.

>area opens
>now you can do what you want in that area and all opened areas

Is that so hard? This isn't FF 13. You can do plenty of stuff with the spatial area they give you.

>the final boss in BotW was great too
C'mon, you an get away with the other shit because is subjective, but you can't think gigant pig that can't hurt you unless you are brain dead is a great final boss.

Remove the autistic weapon breaking mechanic and the game would literally be 1000 times better. Or at the very fucking least add some way to repair your shit.

The master sword was just a spit in the fucking face

> can go anywhere in hyrule
This is not true.
> great music
This is true. But BotW has an amazing one as well.
> great characters
Not untrue, but I feel like BotW characters had more personality and were better fleshed out.
> great story
I guess? Like, I haven't played it as an adult so I'm going off childhood memories.
> multiple detailed dungeons each with unique music
Yes this is all Zelda games
> various items to use
All Zelda games
> non breakable swords (except for goron knife losers)
I don't see how this is a detractor to BotW, I like the stratedgy that came with knowing things could break.
> many secrets to find
Every Zelda game you fucking acoustic.
> immersive world where exploration lets you find a gradiose location (temples)
Every Zelda game has this, and BotW did it better than OoT, Windwaker did it better than both.
> nice end game dungeon
You are naming something that is pretty true to most zelda games.
> great final boss
Okay, if pong followed by pig is your thing. Like it was fun don't get me wrong but it's not the BEST zelda final boss.

item breaking doesn't create strategy.

I want you to know that before writing a response I fucking put my head in my hands at the words you wrote.

Knowing what items are appropriate to use during certain situations. You wouldn't use your best weapon to fight lower level monsters, you may drop a weapon that is on the cusp of breaking for a lower level weapon that is at full health. This is just off the top of my head, I really hope your trolling because if you behave like this in your day to day life I have news about what people who are put upon to interact with you on the regular say when you're not around.

Better games use weapon types, vulnerabilities, and other such factors for strategy, not the cheapest game design in the book of making weapons break.

k thank you for clearing that up for me game designer pro i'm sure u kno best

If mashing attack with a weapon that deals less damage instead of mashing attack with a weapon that deals more damage is enough strategy to make you feel good about yourself then you're not exactly setting a standard here mister

Can you elaborate on why weapons and items breaking over time and use is, "the cheapest game design in the book"?


>Lord of the Mountain
>Cabin in Hebra
>Possessed dragon at the Spring of Wisdom
>Literally every shrine quest (not shrines, shrine quests) since they're optional and often hidden, occasionally even requiring another optional event to be completed first
>The entirety of Lurelin Village
>Horse God
>Lover's Pond and its fake counterpart

So yeah, tons of secrets and I didn't even list all of them. The funny part is that this is already more than what OoT has to offer.

I thought we were talking about inventory management, now you're talking about combat. Way to change the goalposts, faggot.

um excuse me u can use bombs to blow up big rocks and get rupees in OoT so try again sweetie

Don't forget that realization that nearly all the towns in Adventure of Link are (lore-wise) named after the Sages.

I have addressed both at the same time by ingeniously constructing my post in a way that not only exposes that the act of using a different weapon that ultimately does the same thing is mudane at best but also points towards the lack of substantial change when using said weapon, not only have i added more weight to the argument but also stroke my massive cock and it felt good as fuck and i'm about to ejaculate all over your face until you do something about it

Sounds like the same chanting Capcom used for the Thailand stage they just "emergency pulled" from Street Fighter V.

Also the same chanting used in Shadow Hearts.

>> can go anywhere in hyrule
What about all the terrain on Death Mountain?
>> great music
Same as every Zelda
>> great characters
Pretty bland
>> great story
What story?
>Link, come to me.
>Link, go out and get the 3 stones
>Link, you're an adult now
>Link, go get the Medallions
>Link, Shiek is Zelda! Beat Ganon!
>> multiple detailed dungeons each with unique music
Same as most Zeldas.
>> various items to use
Same as most Zeldas.
>> non breakable swords (except for goron knife losers)
Same as most Zeldas
>> many secrets to find
Yeah, hole #32 with a chest containing a blue rupee next to a few grass shrubs and a water puddle with a fish in it
>> immersive world where exploration lets you find a gradiose location (temples)
You're told where to go at every point and never need to explore.
>> nice end game dungeon
Yeah, rehashed dungeons
>> great final boss
>Tennis match with Ganondorf before slicing his tail

OoT isn't a good example of any of that

>You're told where to go at every point and never need to explore.
Except there's actual gold at the end of that rainbow. In Botw, there's a rainbow, then there's nothing at the end except


Do you understand how videogames work?

>gold at the end of that rainbow
Yeah, love exploring the game and finding such classics as

Seems to be the same, it's an stock audio

>can go anywhere in hyrule

No you can't, and the places that you actually CAN visit in the beginning are empty as fuck.

>great music

Sure, and BotW's approach is fine too.

>great characters
>great story

Sure, but it's not like BotW has particularly bad characters or a bad story.

>multiple detailed dungeons each with unique music

Oh yeah, shoot that eye or move that box or switch those items constantly. WOOOOOW so detailed!

>various items to use

Which means nothing if none of them are worth a shit beyond being dungeon gimmicks.

>many secrets to find

For every secret you can list for OoT, I can easily list three more for BotW.

Not even going to bother with the rest of your post.



That moment is better than any moment that Botw had similar to it, which is none. King Zora has more character than anything in Botw. He servers a function gameplay wise and gives dialogue that gives you attachment to him. The moment you meet everyone else in the game of Botw, there's nothing to stick you to them. From Impa to even Shidon. Once you're done with them, they do not contribute to the game in any form. In fact, cause of the open world, you can ignore them, showing more how irrelevant every npc in the game is.

I am skeptical of this statement.

>not the first post from this IP

We heard you the first time. Stop trying to reframe the same shitty argument

Don't be, it's the truth.

Wow you deflected that better than Gannondorf's attack in a pong minigame of a boss fight in a game that is aging like milk. Well done.

>thinks hit the glowing eye of Botw's final fight is any better

Also, you forgot the also escape scene and Ganon beast fight, you little faggot.

>many secrets to find

You know you might have had a point if you were talking about MM, but then I remembered that you're unironically arguing OoT has "many" secrets which is downright laughable.

When will it be acceptable for everyone to just admit OoT's formula was a fucking blight on the series?

>When will it be acceptable for everyone to just admit OoT's formula was a fucking blight on the series?
Whenever I see what led to the shit that was botw, I can look at this post and breath in a sigh.

My first post in the thread was a reply to someone else, not OP.

>Implying OoT wasn't just a shitty 3D version of ALttP
>Implying MM wasn't a vastly better game

I'm more saddened that, in a game so encroached in the history of the series, that I can't fucking shoot laser beams from my fucking sword.

Does that mean I like having my weapons break? NO. I'm a firm believer in the idea that, if a game give me a weapon, then by God I'm gonna use the fucking shit outta that weapon. I would have PREFERRED starting off with a basic sword that can't break, but at the same time is pretty damned weak and needs to get tempered by various smiths in the game to make it worthwhile, BUT it can be used as a back-up weapon while you procure your other weapons.

Weapon durability is something I typically used a game shark to bypass in previous gens. Fuck reality in my fantasy. Also fuck not being able to use the broken handle of a weapon as a close-range knife/shiv option.

Oot improved on alttp, which is why it was praised by everyone. 3D did wonders for the zelda series and the devs constructed everything near perfectly. The dungeons made use of 3D space, something we were worried they wouldnt do. The world was rich and immersive. They even put in a day and night cycle. A lot of passion went into OoT and it stands the test of time because of all the finetuning done to it.

MM was a rushed spectacle of a game, and it would have been better off as a handheld title.

Botw unfortunately, dropped the ball hard, and decided that the best way to make a zelda game is to take a world and just ignore dungeons, stories, and make fighting as unfun as possible.


its tedious padding, and in Botw's case it tries to force players to use a variety of weapons, when in reality all it does is make players farm a couple good weps before a big fight and use trash weps for mobs bc the game isn't even hard in the first place.

all you have to do is make weapons varied in attack styles enough to suit the player's preference, and make some enemies weaker to certain weps than others, and you wouldn't need degradation as a means of pushing players to try experiment. You'd get the same benefit of incentivizing weapon variety but without stupid mechanics. but of course all of that would require game design. much too complicated for a modern game.

He's not wrong.

But it has dungeons, stories, and much more engaging fighting than OoT could ever wish for.

BotW has as much attention to detail and passion poured into it as every other great Zelda game.

Botw does not have dungeons. It has physics playgrounds. The story are all flashbacks. In fact, you can ignore all the story just by running to Ganondorf and avoiding divine beasts and the old man. And the combat is as stale as it has always been. Combat in zelda games have never been difficult or complex. You just whack away until the enemy is dead. Botw just insults your intellect even more by making weapons breakable both to try to make combat feel more engaging and to give an incentive to explore. But whenever I find a chest with a another breakable weapon, I don't feel the same rush of excitement of getting a hookshot or the Silver Gauntlet. I know this weapon won't survive for long, so you end up getting useless junk.

Botw makes me remember why I hate open world games.

This is one of the more autistic things I've read on this site.

>great music
8bit shit is good, but OoT's music isn't? What in the fuck...

>game doesn't interrupt you with cliché character interactions or cutscenes
You mean, the story?

>>dungeons involve actual challenge rather than shooting arrows into eyes or placing boxes into holes
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

>various items to use
lolwut... "various items to use"? Every game in the fucking series has "various items to use" you retarded faggot.

>many secrets to find (and they are actual secrets)
Cool, OoT has them too.

>immersive world where exploration lets you find grandiose locations (temples)
What the fuck does this even mean? OoT has an immersive world with exploration, and the "grandiose locations" are actually aesthetically unique unlike the shit in Zelda 1 which, by and large, looks very similar.

>every square of the overworld has something worthwhile to find
No, it doesn't, and this is a retarded argument to begin with.

>fighting enemies is not a braindead timewaster, enemies are menacing and you will actually put your skills to test
If you actually found Zelda 1 enemies to be "menacing", you are very likely on the spectrum.

>nice end game dungeon
This is the most valid point you've made and yet it is still irrelevant and stupid.

>great bosses
OoT has the best bosses in the series, your point?

>Fucking OoTfags ruined my Zelda.
Yes, let's forget the fact that there were two other mainline Zelda games in-between OoT. Yep, OoT, the most highly rated game of all time, ruined your Zelda. Neck yourself faggot.

Just beat LttP a half hour ago. Any one else realise oot is just a 3D LttP?

music is so-so
characters were entirely forgettable
hyrule was bland
story is junk
world is tiny a unimmersive
waiting all day or stuff

>can go anywhere in Hyrule FROM THE START
No you can't. You don't start with raft, step ladder, whistle, power glove.

An extremely shoddy knockoff of LttP