This is one of the more autistic things I've read on this site.
>great music
8bit shit is good, but OoT's music isn't? What in the fuck...
>game doesn't interrupt you with cliché character interactions or cutscenes
You mean, the story?
>>dungeons involve actual challenge rather than shooting arrows into eyes or placing boxes into holes
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
>various items to use
lolwut... "various items to use"? Every game in the fucking series has "various items to use" you retarded faggot.
>many secrets to find (and they are actual secrets)
Cool, OoT has them too.
>immersive world where exploration lets you find grandiose locations (temples)
What the fuck does this even mean? OoT has an immersive world with exploration, and the "grandiose locations" are actually aesthetically unique unlike the shit in Zelda 1 which, by and large, looks very similar.
>every square of the overworld has something worthwhile to find
No, it doesn't, and this is a retarded argument to begin with.
>fighting enemies is not a braindead timewaster, enemies are menacing and you will actually put your skills to test
If you actually found Zelda 1 enemies to be "menacing", you are very likely on the spectrum.
>nice end game dungeon
This is the most valid point you've made and yet it is still irrelevant and stupid.
>great bosses
OoT has the best bosses in the series, your point?
>Fucking OoTfags ruined my Zelda.
Yes, let's forget the fact that there were two other mainline Zelda games in-between OoT. Yep, OoT, the most highly rated game of all time, ruined your Zelda. Neck yourself faggot.