2012-2013 was the year of PS3+3DS masterrace

>2012-2013 was the year of PS3+3DS masterrace
>2014-2015 was the year of PC+3DS masterrace
>2016 Xbox One+3DS masterrace
>first half of 2017 is 3DS only masterrace

It's safe to assume this was and is the best console to date, Nintendo probably has to kill it if they want to sell those Switches, Pokemon on Switch is more than a possibility, it's mandatory.
Will the Switch become King after 3DS loses support?
What will the masterrace be?

Not vidya.

Fuck off weeb


>2016 Xbox One+3DS masterrace
What is your reasoning behind this? There has never been a reason to own an xbone
>first half of 2017 is 3DS only masterrace
Nope, 2017 is when the PS4 got games. Even if you exclude the multiplats, the PS4 got Nioh, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, and Persona 5.


>Master race
Pick fucking one.

>Nope, 2017 is when the PS4 got games. Even if you exclude the multiplats, the PS4 got Nioh, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, and Persona 5.

I see nothing there, literally nothing, no one but ugly unlikable nerds want those "games", that's a small pile of shit.

Wtf are those stupid parasite looking things sticking out of her head.


>no one but ugly unlikable nerds want those "games"

>Xbox none mentioned in anything

hey pal
why are you still here?

xbox is the loser in this console generation by a mile

Her tail is so thick, how can anything get to her ass?

3DS is shit for anyone with taste.
The games are cheap shit and really, nothing has reached the quality and production level of some of the early games like Revelations.

If you like good games, you won't find them on the 3DS, that's for sure. They are all budget shit or kiddie shit. There are like a handful of legit good games, the rest is Nintendo shill shit that are praised for Nintendo brand as opposed to their actual quality.

she's a dragon, most reptiles have a cloaca. Hers is probably located somewhere near where a human vagina would be. Literally no ass.

>I don't have a 3DS: the post

I have a hacked 3DS XL, havent touched it since SMT Final, which was awful.
I like how every argument with a Nintendo fanboy nowadays is "YOU DONT EVEN OWN ONE"

Shut the fuck up, and play some good games instead of fucking Animal Crossing and Pokemon.

>I don't have a 3DS so I made up lies about owning it: the post

I found the 3DS to be overrated. DS was much better.

>2012-2013 was the year of PS3+3DS masterrace
>2014-2015 was the year of PC+3DS masterrace
>2016 Xbox One+3DS masterrace
>first half of 2017 is 3DS only masterrace

>It's safe to assume this was and is the best console to date, Nintendo probably has to kill it if they want to sell those Switches, Pokemon on Switch is more than a possibility, it's mandatory.
>Will the Switch become King after 3DS loses support?

No. Next question.

You caught me, I haven't owned a red 3DS XL since 2012. I also haven't played and sampled most of its shit library.



The ds library is good but there's a decent amount of good shit on the 3ds.
I liked the devil survivor spinoffs desu, rune factory 4 and story of seasons are both fucking great, you should check them out. I kinda agree with you though, I only used my 3ds for monster hunter and smash before I got bored of those, then I hacked my 3ds and enjoyed it way more. The kirby games are fucking great, just avoid the team clash whatever deluxe one, it's boring as fuck.

>I don't own a 3DS so I downloaded a bunch of roms and changed the download date of files to enforce the lies I previously made up: the post

>The ds library is good but there's a decent amount of good shit on the 3ds.
Yeah I'd agree, DS is really good, but 3DS is still pretty good
>I liked the devil survivor spinoffs desu,


fuck off to Sup Forums and take your garbage fotm anime with you.

I love my 3DS but you have to admit that the current masterrace is PS4 + 3DS.

>Tfw I watch this for Kobayashi

She's so handsome ;_;

except if you are richfag and also have a switch you win
death to pc


IN 2018. Enjoy getting turbocucked by Sony.

It's going to be a new Sony handheld though.
They already discovered various handheld patents made by Sony + job listings for "next-gen portable gaming console app" creation put up by Sony like, last month.

Now it's vidya.

Now that'd be cool. And basically needed since Nintendo doesn't want to let go of the 3DS.

For good reason. They know that the 3DS won't ever be topped.

New New 3DS coming in 2019

They did say they weren't going to replace the 3DS with the Switch.

this is so retarded it hurts

they can't get rid of the 3DS until they can make the switch hardware small enough to be comparable to the XL

What a slut

>Xbone One having any games ever


her breasts are too large

Honestly what the fuck do you play if not those games?

Xbox One+3DS masterrace
I plan to be a Scorpio+New 2DS XL masterrace.


Filthy weebshit
Post real dragunz

I just finished this anime. 10/10 . extra points for the historically accurate implications of quetzalcoatl's drunken incest
