Who went back to Windows 7 after using this steaming pile of shit? I'm currently in the process of reinstalling 7 as we speak.
Who went back to Windows 7 after using this steaming pile of shit...
win7 doesn't even boot on my hardware
I used windows 7 so I could skip the key authentication. Then I installed windows 10 over it. Probably not the cleanest install, but hey, I don't have ads on Windows 10 anymore.
>why tho M$
I do, unironically, like Windows 10. Similar system resource requirements, pretty quick on my rig, never had an issue with it.
nah I stuck with windows 10 because they pretty much have the same functionality
I'll be using Windows 7 till my CPU implodes.
Windows 10:
>Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: 1.comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; 2.protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of the services, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone; 3.operate and maintain the security of our services, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or 4.protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services – however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.
tfw want to play Forza Horizon 3 but don't want to install W10 or buy an xbone
can't because of my new Mobo, really really frustrated I have to consent to being spied on to upgrade my PC. This is the kind of shit that makes me think that the world is just fucked
After the second time W10 botched an update and corrupted my user account forcing a format as well as forcing me to redownload hundreds of gigs of "apps" because you can't backup shit on W10 I said fuck it and went back to 7.
And just to reiterate, the fact that you can't backup games purchased on the W10 store to save you re-downloading later or even share the installs onto your other machines or laptop is the biggest load of anti-consumer horseshit i've encountered in years.
There's zero benefit to Windows 10, it's just more bloatware, bullshit and unnecessary restrictions on basic functionality.
Currently in the process of setting up my additional rigs with Linux.
I'm still on Windows 7. Won't install 10 so soon, there is still no DX12 game that can make me do that.
I got a seperate SSD just for FH3 and future W10/xbone exclusives. Totally worth it. Forza is really good and W10 is complete dog shit, so glad I have that shit on a containment drive.
When W7 Ultimate is literally obsolete, it's Linux time. Thank god for Vulkan.
Because it's too new or because it's too old?
>Reinstalling Windows 7
Good luck, user.
You're actually gonna need it to get past the Windows Updater Bug.
Use ltsb so you don't receive feature updates
No point. You're gonna get the same shit on Win7. I abandoned Windows for Linux Mint.
I'm currently using Win10Enterprise since it works as the only "upgrade" from Win7 Ultimate which is the Enterprise version in everything except the name.
Windows 10 doesn't have Ultimate, except ultimate spying.
>People think windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 don't have the same bullshit as windows 10 by now
I guess unless you are full, never updated, vanilla windows 7 you might not have the crap windows 10 has, but otherwise you do.
I only use it on my shitty laptop, and it's slow trash there, so I don't see why I'd use it on my desktop.
Also, holy fucking hell, the M$ marketplace app is fucking trash.
>I've never touched a Microshit OS the post
Use Windows on a VM and Noobuntu as bootup. It's not a great setup but it's better than nothing
The main problem I have with Windows 10 is the updates
Every day you get asked to install updates
Some days it takes two minutes and that's that, but it shouldn't be necessary that often anyway
Some days you install updates and your computer is completely out of action for an hour
Some days it doesn't even tell you, you're browsing the internet and your computer turns off to update because there was a pop-under
Some days it wakes up in my bedroom at 3AM because it wants to update, and starts blasting at the fans
Some days it turns off to update, and doesn't turn on again until you press the power button a few times, so you still have to wait for updates
I honestly don't think any of the updates even actually benefited me. In terms of usability, it's fine, but I don't know what the fuck they're doing with updates.
Only, you're fucking wrong.
Incorrect. Their updates are now called Monthly Rollups, and shove everything you opted not to install on your rig at once. You've got all the same spyware as 10.
Now, the way to avoid this is to not do the rollups, but then you are leaving exploits open on your system.
>The sequel to "I've never touched a Microshit OS the post: Google tells me erreythin!"
Who are you quoting?
Imagine this x 30 machines.
The week our studio transitioned over to Windows 10 was utter fucking chaos, we're a small CG studio, but most of our machines run 24/7 either as work stations during the day or part of the render farm at night.
Windows 10 crippled our studio in a matter of days with it's update horseshit.
People would be in the middle of work and they'd shut off, we'd have fuck huge 12+ hour renders running overnight, nah, i'm just going to restart myself and install updates you didn't ask for.
And the amount of bullshit you have to go through to aggressively force Windows 10 to stop doing that shit is insane, it isn't even a simple option you can toggle, you have to edit the fucking registry and run fucking command line scripts at boot to stop it unfucking your registry changes.
>Now, the way to avoid this is to not do the rollups, but then you are leaving exploits open on your system.
Fuck off Pajeet.
Not only are you fucking retarded, but you're completely missing the point, THEY'RE OPTIONAL ON WINDOWS 7 AND YOU CAN COMPLETELY, 100% CONTROL THE FASHION IN WHICH THEY ARE INSTALLED.
I have been using Win10 for like 6 months after using Win7 all my life
What's so bad about Win10 other than the botnet meme and the shitty layout that you can customize yourself?
>CG studio
Why the fuck did you upgrade to 10? You should still be on fucking Vista.
I've never installed Windows 10 in the first place.
You can, but only if you wan to skip monthly rollups, which means going without the security updates.
Considering that I've stated that I've abandoned MS on my rig, no idea how you think I'm a Pajeet.
kek, we still have XP and 2000 machines for server stuff.
And studio director blew his load over the prospect of "free OS's" despite literally everyone in the studio telling him to fuck off.
>no idea how you think I'm a Pajeet.
Because you keep repeating the same script.
>Now, the way to avoid this is to not do the rollups, but then you are leaving exploits open on your system.
>You can, but only if you wan to skip monthly rollups, which means going without the security updates.
t. microshill
Windows 10 ist faster gehen Windows 7. Theater ist the Tessin for Windows 10.
>just bought a win8.1 key
>basically win7 with classic shell
>native ssd support and built in anti-virus
I wasn't dumb enough to have it installed in the first place.
>stuff that did not happen
I had that bug after reinstalling W7, but it's fairly easy to get past.
Ah I see. I should've figured someone with power and an Int score of 5 made the choice.
Well, I hope it worked out in the end.
Blue Monkey Studio?
Exactly. It's horse shit that MS won't let you patch your system to defend against exploits without also getting fucked with their privacy shit.
Why the fuck wouldn't that be upsetting from a consumer standpoint?
I got it on two different computers and had to spend approximately a week doing workarounds on each before something finally worked.
The only thing w10 has going for it is DX12, and even then vulkan is running as well, if not better. There is nothing reasonable that would get me to install the shitheap that is W10 on any of my devices.
the difference is you can remove specific updates in W7, and also prevent updates from being installed.
Look I get it, it's pretty evil how they treat privacy. So there's no need to explain to me why it's horseshit.
What I'm wondering is if they've ever tried to explain it. Most users are too fucking stupid to understand the language enough to be so offended that they'll stop using it. What are they going to do? Switch to Apple? Businesses sure as fuck aren't going to.
Like, have they ever said why as one of the largest companies they behave like such assholes? I know why Apple does it, they're just actually retarded, but Microsoft should have a "good" reason for it right?
>Well, I hope it worked out in the end.
Yeah, me and another guy spent the weekend reinstalling Windows 7 and all our tools.
On a side note, the amount of shit that Windows 10 wasn't compatible with in terms of Maya and Zbrush, Substance etc and never mind plugins and custom tools was insane.
Oh and trying to juggle corporate licenses for Photoshop with Windows 10's app store bullshit/account bullshit, NOPE.
My business switched to Linux. Needed our IT guy to work around the clock for weeks to get Wine to work properly for the programs we needed to run.
Works on my machine :^)
Their reasons are the same as Apple's, or any other data mining corporation, they do it to 'bring you a better experience' when really it just lines their pockets with your habits and data.
Huh, I got Win8 to boot on a Pentium 3 once. Granted it ran like a snail in a tar pit but it booted.
No, it's fucking upsetting that they force them on you when it's not convenient for you by giving you fuck all control over the update system.
Seriously, fuck off Pajaeet, you've already proven you have nothing to contribute to the discussion and apparently don't even understand the things being discussed.