Game has four hyped up kings, elementals, generals, chaos gods etc

>game has four hyped up kings, elementals, generals, chaos gods etc.
Any other games that do this?

Other urls found in this thread:

every dark souls game

Every Pokémon game with their Elite Four

most JRPGs

Fire Emblem
MGS games

Why's it always 4?

Just so they can be called the "Shitennou".

4 = death in japan

Groups of villains are my favorite thing in games, ever.

Fuck, now I really need to play Lufia 2.

FF legend for the gameboyhad the 4 gods of north, south, east and west, whatever they are collectively called.

>yfw you heard the Doom island song for the first time

FFIV with the four fiends. Also Dark Souls 1-3 I guess


Just about to fight Gades and this time kick his ass.

Whats that mean in not-nip?

>every time you enter that place in any of the three games (the GBA and DS ones don't exist) you know exactly where the chests are and what they contain if you've played any of the other games

doing the big cume right there


Lufia 2 is one of the top 5 JRPGs to me. Jesus, that game is so good. I wish it was on the Virtual Console.

Reminded by the hourly spam since the announcement of Darksiders 3, Darksiders did this.

MGQ's big four are easily best girls

>when your childhood autism drives you so far you grind for days to beat gades on the first encounter without the xp bonus

this was the greatest timeline

Some eastern thing about the four winds/directions?

>4 bad guy generals
>one is a woman
>one is a hotheaded guy
>one is mysterious and silent, and has some kind of connection to the hero
>one is not really a bad guy but is forced into doing evil.

Off the top of my head
>Megaten games often have the four Heavenly Generals.
>The 4 Cohones in Pokemon Sun/Moon, also obligatory the Elite Four.
>Every Runefactory ever.
>Majora's Mask
Warhammer 40K games :^)

>Secret 5th member that is a badass unlike any other, that no one - not even the four - knew about, that acts like a shadow and only reveals himself after some or all of the four die

one of my favorite thngs

In Lufia the Sinistrals are seemingly analogous to the four horseriders of the apocalypse. No clue why so many other games always have fours

>exactly fits the 4 Horsemen in vanilla Naxxramas.

Why am I not surprised that they used a fucking trope template on top of a token adversary template?
Wait a minute Naxxramas has 4 wings too. And Naxxramas is the fourth major raid in Vanilla. Ahhh...

>The Four Heavenly Kings are four Buddhist gods, each of whom watches over one cardinal direction of the world.

Street Fighter 2

You could probably make this same thread using three's or five's and get just as many responses about how significant those numbers are.

>You will never be one of the four Heavenly Kings

Why even live?


Romancing SaGa 3