What was the most hilarious glitch you have ever encounter?

What was the most hilarious glitch you have ever encounter?

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This one for sure

Me and a friend were playing call of Duty zombies (I know, but I have a guilty pleasure for waves of enemy games) and there is a glitch where you can get through one of the windows, fall outside of the building, get revived, and you can run around the map and Yada Yada yada, well apparently you're not supposed to do it in splitscreen, but we did anyways and he got stuck in an infinite loop of rapidly dying with a black screen constantly draining our money we ended the round when he hit like 300 some deaths, I still have a video I took of it


>all that extra material
Y'all should google this. There's no way I can accurately describe just how fucking deep this hole goes.

Whenever a dead NPC got stuck in a door in Oblivion

the most hilarious glitched i ecnounpered u is bein so gayed lmao fkn ownt

>up at 2 in the morning one night
>tired as fuck
>suddenly this comes up
>mfw after it ended

I remember this bug that happened when we had a bunch of people in Halo 3 forge trying to pick up a vehicle with people in it at the same time. Eventually the game just bugged out and the vehicle started floating on its own.

Playing HL2 Synergy with a friend, we're at the end of EP3 and Eli is just about to die to the combine dude, like outside the warehouse walking down some steps towards it when he glitches on a chair on the stairs and ragdolls and dies
We considered it the True End of HL2