Now that the Dark Soul's series is finished...

Now that the Dark Soul's series is finished. Will we get to see a spirtual successor of Bloodborne game come to all platforms?

>The Dark Souls series is finished
There's a reason he backtracked on his statement when he said they wouldn't be making any more Dark Souls games and that reason was Dark Souls 3's sales numbers. Successful Trilogies rarely don't have a sequel.

Anyways as for Bloodborne everyone thought Code Vein was gonna be the third party Bloodborne my guess is their next souls like is gonna be something completely different from Dark Souls or Bloodborne. My bets on scifi.

code vein isn't FromSoft, is it?

I'm playing through Bloodborne again and god, I love this game so much. I love this game so much that I wouldn't mind a sequel at all. The universe is so good.



Goddamn I want From to make a shooter RPG.

>make a BB 2
It would probably be the worst mistake he could make, literally catastrophic. He managed to pull a rare feat of making a frighteningly good game in this day and age, and I don't think he's about to fuck that up with a fan serving sequel.

However, From know that Souls makes the big bucks, so they will most likely release something that is very much reminiscent of Soulsborne, but in no direct correlation to the previous games in terms of story and mechanics.

Nope, its Bamco

armored core is already confirmed

No its not but everyone thought it was after they shamelessly ripped off the prepare to die slogan.

I would quite enjoy a multiplatform bloodborne similar to how Dark Souls was a multiplatform Demons Souls but I don't think it'll happen.

I know pic related likely will never happen but I really want it to. Demons Souls may have been the easiest in the franchise but I liked it aesthetically the most.

I hope we don't get BB2 until PS5. I can't handle another masterpiece of a game being held back by the ShitStation4: shitty graphics, shitty fps, frame pacing issues, motion blur, depth of field, chromatic aberration.

Demon's and BB are tied for my favorite Souls

I'd love a remaster of Demon's and Dark 1 current gen multiplat

What we explicitly know is From are working on three games

>What is currently a new AC game, but might get turned into its own thing further down the line depending on how development goes
>A dark fantasy ARPG that's "in line with what people expect from us" and is, according to a recent job listing From put up, for "home console"
>A entirely new IP that Miyazaki has referred to as "quite weird"

One of these is a confirmed PS4/Xbone/PC multiplat with VR support. Since AC is an IP that From/Kadokawa are in full control of, it's probably that.

According to several NeoFAG people with good track records, Shinobi being the most notable one, From are also still two in the can with Sony for this gen (BB was the first of a 3-game collaboration deal with Sony Japan Studio), so assuming that's true, don't be shocked if the second one is just an outright Bloodborne sequel. They've also committed support for the Switch in some capacity in the future.

>It would probably be the worst mistake he could make
Considering everytime they release a sequel gameplay wise its superior to their predecessor how would it be a mistake? You wouldn't happen to be one of those aesthetic/story fags in a gameplay focused series would you?

Is the online for DaS 1 still alive?

Miyazaki has confirmed that they have a dark fantasy ARPG in the works that "will meet fan's expectations" (probably that's why people think it's Bloodborne 2, but it's unlikely) - so it'll be more of the same with some creative variation of the formula akin to what bloodborne did over dark souls.


DaS doesn't need a remaster, just play it on PC with dsfix and HD texture modded @ 60fps.

>aesthetic/story fags

No I'm just one of the leave-something-sacred-on-this-earth-by-not-making-it-into-a-franchise people.

They already have Souls, they don't need to ruin this. And it WILL be ruined.

anyone know a way to stop losing souls on death in ds/ds2/ds3 on pc? cheatengine?

>three hunters running through forest
>getting followed by man in glowing white attire
>white man lets out a scream like cleric beast
>start running
>hunter 1 falls to the ground, her cap falls off an we see her white hair and rakuyo
>gets immobilized by white magic man
>hunter 2 gets caught in trap, is hanging from tree by his foot
>white man slashed his foot right off, hunter falls to the ground
>hunter 3 still running
>comes to halt at cliff
>slowly turns around
>man in white attire facing him
>we see face of hunter 3, full of fear, mouth open
>utters one word
>screen cuts to black

The bloodborne really has a fps problem, but dark souls 3 runs really well in comparison (and I'm playing on slim). So I think that bb2 will be well optimised too.

They will just rehash souls as a new IP.

I play DaS3 on PC, but good to hear. If PS4 gets BB2 it better be 60fps and HD textures on the Pro.

If something is good it deserves to be a franchise and expanded upon.

Yeah it's called gitting gud

git gud

I bet it will have 1080/60 and 4k/30.

It doesn't matter if From and Sony Japan Studio make another Bloodborne; as long as it is on the ShitStation 4 I won't buy it.

Sony needs to make the PlayStation 5 already that can provide the following:

Bloodborne The Old Hunter Edition REMASTERED
4K(1440p is "fine'' as long as it has 144fps option) 60fps MAX SETTINGS.
- no frame pacing issues - no chromatic abberation
- option to disable motion blur and depth of field
- reduced loading times to 5-10 sec (my SSD loads DS3 in 3sec).

THEN and ONLY THEN, will I buy a Sony product.

As long as ShitStation 4 is their main device I won't buy their games. Period.

This. Also I hope it's a bit harder and longer. I mean I managed to platinum Bloodborne 1 in like 10 days.

But soul loss anxiety prevents me from enjoying the game


I wonder if Sup Forums will love Bloodborne anymore if it's released on PC.

then use cheatengine and cheat in the souls you lost back
or just run infinite health

at least we can judge if the game is really good or overhyped

I don`t even like these games, I just wish for a port so I can bask in sonyfags tears

No one gives a shit about the opinion of 3rd world children

salty pony

Does anyone actually care what BRs and Slavs think, though?

Never ever. Sony is going to hold onto Demons and BB until the day the company dies.

Well you'll be able to play it in silky smooth 60 fps so I certainly would.

Or just dont play the game. It's not even hard unless you're mentally retarded

And then inevitably be ruined into worthlessness by being subject to modern capitalism and standing as yet another symbol of something that should have been left alone and used as an example for new and better things?

What kind of braindead logic is that?

If they needed the money, I would understand. But seeing as they are probably one of the more success studios today, I think they should have some self respect.

I know it's not hard but I have anxiety issues

Seriously tho From Software make good sequels. Bloodborne is a great game it deserves a sequel.

Its sad to see good franchises die. More is great when its done right and i'm confident they'd do it right.

>sad to see good franchises die

What's sad is the inability for greedy developers to let the franchise die.

A good creator knows when the idea is finished and when you should bury the concept and begin a new one.

Sad for who? Definitely not for fans in a dry market.

Sad for the medium in general. People will look back on this age and try to pattern out the progress and its efficiency.

I don't care about some obscure philosophical meaning about the games medium I just want more bloodborne.

Bloodborne is the most overrated game on Sup Forums.

As someone who's an actual fan of the whole franchise that didn't start with Bloodborne and then pretend I'd played DeS and rank it high: here's a better look:

Including ALL DLC:

DaS2 >> DeS > DaS > DaS3 = Bb

Before you rush to respond in your retardation, just remember:

• PVP is a weak point in the series but Dark Souls 2 SotFS has the best online experience of any game when it comes to Co-Op and PVP

• More people have pretended to play Demon's Souls than maybe any other game on this board. Most of those people started with Bb.

They're going back to Echo Night and Armored Core for a bit. When they return to their ARPGs they might go for something more like Otogi or Evergrace.

>simple consideration for future generations is now obscure philosophy
wew lad

>i dont care for anything that goes beyond the scope of my lifetime, intellect and interests

Yeah, cool for you I guess. Some of us want new and better things, not franchise necrophilia where everything gets fucked to death and back, until it becomes this mangled prostitute in ditch somewhere.

>those rankings

good opinions there m8

But I do want new and better things which is why I want a sequel to bloodborne dummy.

>DAS2 highest
Opinion disregarded.

The hatred for sequel is retarded.

DaS3 legit improves the gameplay, and DaS2 didn't come back and ruin DaS1 or DeS.

But still, I'm sick of Souls-ish now, I need Armored Core.

Realistically speaking, how long do From have with this "good sequels" streak they supposedly have going on? How long until they fuck it up and lose credibility among millions of rabid autistic fans?

Still the best Dark Souls game is 1, imo. Granted I like all of them, and DS3 is bringing the mechanics to a new level, but nothing got me as good as the first one.

I'd still play the shit out of a potential BB2, but it's almost predestined to be worse than the first one.

Idk it depends on how much they keep expanding upon them.

From a gameplay perspective I think every sequel has been better than the last altho each sequel still has problems like they might be aesthetically worse or more linear or whatever.

If they ever make a Dark Souls 4 my guess is they're gonna go with the Japanese trend as many companies do and make it open world.

For those of you don't know Japanese companies are like monkies. They do the same thing over and over until they see another monkey doing something different that was successful and then they copy it. There are two things in Japan that are finally coming to the mainstream in video games. First person, and Open World. Open world more so.

If they make a souls sequel whether its Bloodborne 2 or Dark Souls 4 that has a massive open world which I think is possible they might more so likely for Dark Souls 4 that'd be great in my opinion.

The problem with these games is they lack content in my opinion. PVP Autism and NG+ just isn't enough.

>Blooooorne ||

>it's le same shit but with neon lights everywhere omg
That picture is shit and you're shit for wanting that.

Wait a minute, I thought Soulsborne was open-worldish already?

>dark fantasy arpg

It will be sony exclusive again, won't it?

That's so sad

how can he be salty when his got the game and you haven't

If you have a ton of souls (Why btw? Just spend them), equip one of those rings that break when you die.
If you realy can't get back your souls when you lost them, just say fuck it and play on. You'll get enough to level up anyway and atleast in DS you don't have to buy any consumables.

>They've also committed support for the Switch in some capacity in the future.

Some of the games may have multiple choice pathways but they're still pretty linear. The most open worldy thing Dark Souls has ever had was in Dark Souls 2 the Snow DLC when you enter that coffin and have to fight snow horses in deep fog. It was pretty shit and empty.

Many Jap devs are looking at high selling Japanese open world games and are going to try and mimic them in some form or another. Zelda Breath of the wild, Zenoblade Chronicles, FF15, etc.

First person has gained popularity primarily because of Resident Evil 7. I wouldn't be surprised if From might even make a first person souls like as they have some experience making first person games in the past.

Obviously. Microsoft caters to the retarded dudebro's, PC caters to the screeching autists and Sony caters to the mature patricians.

Can you imagine if Nintendo got exclusive Souls?

The shitposting wouldn't stop for years.

>having just one console

people like that are shitposting anyways, who cares what plebs think?

So the sony exclusive gane is probably kingsfield vr?

It very well might be but it could also be armored core with sony only VR support.