Can I stop playing now?
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Play peace walker.
Heh, that was pretty much my progression.
Although, getting to "Big Boss" took me just shy over 117 hours.
I played MGSV for over 800 hours.
game is fucking garbage
>muh gameplay
fulton trivializes the entire stealth aspect of the game. not that there is one. you can literally crawl in a straight line through every mission and win
which i'd be totally fine with if at least there was a great story with great cutscenes. instead there's great cutscenes completely disconnected to the story and in seemingly random order
disgrace to the series
>tfw they can't hurt the franchise any more
people actually used quiet over doggo?
That is not the real MGSV! Y'all been fooled by the genius mind of Kojima-san!
>MG Survive
I stopped using doggo because he is basically cheating.
I agree 100%
I liked looking at those tits inside the helicopter after gunning down countless African mercenaries.
She also kind of sorta helps killing stuff. Though she also sometimes turns a stealth mission into a gun show since she shoots people loudly who see you.
No, I just really like the tits.
Why use D-Dog over Quiet? Quiet does the same thing but better doesn't she?
Well i like her tits too, but i also like to pretend i have deeper reasons for thaking her.
Quiet exists to handhold reviewers through the game. The chickenhat exists so Quiet does not seem like cheating.
Dog is also cheating. Numale game journalists love the dog. Dog people in general are huge fags but its not polite to explain that to them. Dogs have a four minute memory. They do not give a shit about you. You think dogs give a shit about you because you are a lonely pathetic fag. If you duck hunt you have the only valid excuse for dog ownership but you are 50% a faggot.
Horse is acceptable. Fuck walking. I do not play games to walk. Horse is a faster form of walking.
Walker Gear is go-cart with guns built for dicking around blowing shit up getting covered in mud running down wildlife and drinking cheap beer you better be running this thing every chance you get what are you gay?
What if MGSV gave you the option of using a cat as a companion?
d-dog marks way quicker and better
>basically cheating tier
>OP tier
>useful on a couple missions tier
>shit nigga why was this even a buddy tier
This. Also Quiet usually missed marking a fair number of soldiers, and when she started covering you in a firefight she usually got her ass handed to her unless you constantly moved her around, making her pretty useless.
i only used the walker gear once only to do this
Can we talk about FOBs for a minute?
After a certain point (maybe the mid- to late-30s), these things are impossible.
I spend an hour or so Training in a supportee's Lv.50 FOB and I couldn't even make it off of the fourth deck. Over a dozen tries trying shooting the cameras, UAVs, guards; not shooting the cameras, UAVs, guards; smoke grenades, no smoke grenades; lethal, non-lethel. Nothing worked.
I got into another supportee's Lv.33, 3-deck FOB after a few tries by sheer luck, killing several guards and shooting several UAVs and cameras; things that would almost certainly call a Defender on top of the ludicrous defenses.
There's no way people make a habit of infiltrating these things.
>Shitting on D-Walker
Sure you have to dump a bit of research into it but it's OP as fuck in any of several configurations.
Sanic Walker is OP.
Heavy Weapons Walker is OP.
Fulton Walker is DANK.
I do and I'm successful every single time unless I get counter invaded and I steal a bunch of their shit
trying to stealth FOBs are very difficult.
A lot of people just say fuck it though and go full lethal, then it becomes very easy. But the other guy will also know whodunit and expect a revenge run very shortly.
when is that zombie game coming out that uses MGSV's engine?
>go full lethal, then it becomes very easy
I don't see how. On the Lv.33 FOB I did manage the one times, but I guards all took two shots to kill and on the Lv.50, between the sheer number of guards, cameras, and UAVs, it was only a matter of time before something saw me and triggered a combat alert. I can't imagine going through four decks like that.
The first three platforms are always a joke. Base Development and Support are good for practicing on the final platform.
Crawl slowly at night, use the marking drug and the gas gun. Decoys and smoke grenades are also your friends.
Only real trouble you might have are with the player-placed mines and cameras, but they can't cover everything.
>Crawl slowly at night
Don't do this.
Nightvision means soldiers almost see as good at night as they do at day. Instead infiltrate at day and secure the bonus point multiplier.
Use square camo and you'll be able to crouch-walk instead of crawling, while still being very well hidden.
>Spin Offs are bad
C'mon dude, Survive is maximising what MGSV has to offer. Don't try to fool anyone, you want to kill headless corpses with a squad in MGS mechanics and tools.
>Use square camo and you'll be able to crouch-walk instead of crawling, while still being very well hidden.
Don't all of the "Use on concrete or steel surfaces to blend in" armors work the same?
>Don't all of the "Use on concrete or steel surfaces to blend in" armors work the same?
I think they do, I'm not sure though. I always use naked square camo.
Always use naked! Grants you another bonus point multiplier!
If they do, then I think you're mistaken about being able to crouch-walk.
On all the FOBs I did today, guards could readily see me from 10m even if I was crawling. There was no way to get onto the decktop without getting spotted and have to neutralize someone, causing a cascade of shit.
I guess I'll try Squares anyway, though.
What weapons are you using? When I go lethal it's:
Ocelot's pistol, with it's rebound perk it can come in really handy
Grenade Launcher with the drum so sixty extra grenades wi
Best machine gun so 600 rounds of dakka, which is basically infinite on the platforms with machine gun guards
Grenades, take out any clumps and round corners
Go try squares.
Soldiers won't be able to see you unless they have already been "startled" or they get into 10m of your radius.
Considering that the Hand of Jehuty has a range of 30m, you shouldn't allow enemy soldiers to get that close to you.
If the enemy FOB has EMP, try to get good at frog-hopping / bunny-hopping / dolphin-diving (I don't think there is one single term for this technique).
I just wanted co-op stealth in MGSV, and we're never getting that now. Goddamnit Konami.
Functionally, just a Lv.5 MRS-71 or whichever is 7.62; Smoke Grenades; and the D-Dog pills.
I'm also carrying a shotgun and a pistol, but they never come into use.
>you shouldn't allow enemy soldiers to get that close to you.
Every FOB I've tried has had a guard facing the only ways onto the deck, with at least one camera and/or UAV nearby. I haven't found a single way onto a deck to get to the bridge that doesn't cause at least an Alert Status, if not a full Combat Alert.
Normally when you go full lethal, combat alerts can't be helped.
I don't tend to invade FOBs other than as retaliation. When I do I deck in the best armour, shotgun, grenade launcher and try to make it to at least the 3rd platform without detection (easily doable with spin hands). Then I usually get detected on the 4th platform, I beeline for the objective, camp behind a nearby corner in a nice dead end and shotgun any fucker comes my way until the combat alert ends.
I don't get it.
>Every FOB I've tried has had a guard facing the only ways onto the deck, with at least one camera and/or UAV nearby. I haven't found a single way onto a deck to get to the bridge that doesn't cause at least an Alert Status, if not a full Combat Alert.
Throw an empty magazine somewhere behind him.
Or just dolphin dive past him. If you pull it off correctly, you'll remain hidden as if you were crawling, even though you're moving at a higher speed, meaning little visibility and little exposure, thus little chance to get spotted.
Also, you shouldn't care about Security Alerts. As long as you don't trigger reflex or combat altert, you will gain the Perfect Stealth Bonus. (Also don't kill anyone.)
Konami is too retarded for their own good.
They had the chance to actually finish MGSV and use it as a way to prove Kojima is a worthless hack. But they went with fucking zombies...
>Or just dolphin dive past him. If you pull it off correctly, you'll remain hidden as if you were crawling, even though you're moving at a higher speed, meaning little visibility and little exposure, thus little chance to get spotted.
You don't understand. I'm talking about guards in the only lines of travel from the LZs, who immediately come running. There's nothing to do but retreat or fine. By the time I can throw a mag they have seen me and aren't interested in chasing sounds.
>Also, you shouldn't care about Security Alerts
On low level FOBs I wouldn't, but when there's 12 or more guards crammed onto each deck, with several cameras and UAVs, things get out of hand extremely quickly.
The Lv.33 I did was in an alert the entire time, and luckily a vast majority of the guards happened to take cover waiting for the all clear facing away from the ways around, for the greatest part. I'm certain it's the only reason I even got that one.
just send Quiet ahead of you and the entire base will be sleeping before you get there.
Fuck no.
I stopped after the Sahelanthropus fight.
The perfect sendoff, to bring every full circle, would've been to have the final boss fight be you versus Solid Snake. even more delightful would've been as Solid Snake appears on screen you see the subtitle "David Hayter" under Solid Snake's name as his voice actor
That's the kind of Kojima-style dramatic ending that we've come to expect from the MGS series. The fact that it wasn't that is the biggest goddamn disappointment of the century.
>not throwing decoys on everyone
Doing it wrong
That and Squares are the only things I have left to try I guess.
I have over 500 hours on this game, not counting mp time
LZ? Landing zone?
You shouldn't have any troubles after arriving at the landing zone, as you are invisible. Just run to the first bridge.
You can't do anything about Security Alterts anyway. On high level FOBs, the Security Alert triggers as soon as you spawn on the FOB. It's something you just gotta deal with.
My equipment for FOB infiltration, btw
>that deploy cost
Yeah, no. If that what it takes to play I'm out.
>run to the first bridge
You're joking. It wears off just as I'm getting off the stairwells.
>Yeah, no. If that what it takes to play I'm out.
The top-level FOBs I'm invading yield such a high reward, that I can afford these costs. That being said, I use almost only top-grade equipment. You can save a lot of costs by using lesser equipment, which will still be fine.
>You're joking. It wears off just as I'm getting off the stairwells.
Here's a vid of me attacking a Lv70 FOB. I unfortunately have no vid of me attacking a Lv74 FOB, which is the highest possible defense level.
I forgot to say why I posted this vid...
You can see how you can utilize the invisibility upon spawning at the beginning of an infiltration.
You got so lucky that that camera was facing away from you on the third deck. That's a really loose way to play.
>You can see how you can utilize the invisibility upon spawning at the beginning of an infiltration.
Mine doesn't last anywhere near that long, or it desn't seem to, and the FOB I was trying didn't have a long blindspot like that. I guess if I had the foreknowledge to know which ones did that would work. I see the proof of concept.
A little luck is surely part of the equation. But with over 1k successful infiltrations, I feel I had enough lucky and unlucky ones.
Also if I would've been unlucky with that cam, all that would have changed would have been that I needed to shoot the cam during focus. I'd have lost my Perfect Stealth bonus, but still would have gotten the infiltration and nukes and soldiers.
Running with invisibility always works on the first dock. There's always a relatively open area to the right of the first bridge. And you'll always almost make it to that area, from which on it is easy to transition to the first bridge.
The one exception is a FOB that has a bridge on top of the spawn point. In which case you won't make it quite as far.
You should watch some vids or streams of high level players doing FOB's. It seems you want to get into it and I can't blame you because it's a blast.
You don't need that meme loadout to invade. I play with all the options in Display Setting set to OFF and I use: silenced lethal sniper (for UAV's), silenced Tran pistol (for distracting guards - forget about headshots at a high lvl), silenced stun shotgun (for emergencies only), smoke grenades (distractions and sometimes for incapacitating guards), decoys (to get some guards away from somewhere I want to go).
Some tips: forget about the time limit and be patient. Guards move away from their positions after like 30 secs max, so if there's a guard facing a chokepoint you need to go through, just wait or use magazines. The best method for distraction by far is the tranq pistol. For some reason guards don't consider it a bullet so just shoot near a guard where you want him to look and he'll go check it out. Very useful against all guards, but especially against sniper guards
Slide/crawl trick is not essential but can be helpful if you want to get away quick.
Any "concrete" camo is effective, but I believe Naked version is less effective. Don't worry about multipliers until you're comfortable with your set up.
The game gets so much shit on here but it's still one of my favorite games ever. I bet half the crybabies were afraid of FOB so they avoided it, but it's such a great unique mode I can't put it down. Also I think that reflex mode/marking/reticle really ruined it for some people although they didn't realize it. I play with all of it off and it plays much more like traditional MGS now.
Good luck with those FOB's user
The trick is to crawl on your belly like a snake, and slither up the pipes. This was when someone came to theri FOB to try to fuck me up too and i stealthed all the way in, my heart was racing.
I don't know. Looks to me like you got extremely lucky a couple times just in that one video. It's lucky that cam wasn't facing you, it's lucky no one saw you when you were shooting at those UAVs on the first deck, and how that dude didn't see you while you were going for the nuke is beyond me. You were only crouching and he was alerted. Shit never ever would've let me off like that.
On another note, I see exactly why the wormhole generator exists now.
I watched a couple way back when 50 was as high as they go, and the only ones I found the guys were very blatantly cheating (literally walking through cameras' lines of sight without them even noticing and shit). Kinda discouraged me.
>I play with all of it off
I'm relieved to see that someone does. I fucking hate the LOS indicators and Reflex Mode, but I can tell just what a huge boon they are. I know it's making them way more difficult than they already are.
>It's lucky that cam wasn't facing you
Which cam do you mean? The one on the bridge which was custom placed there?
>it's lucky no one saw you when you were shooting at those UAVs on the first deck
That wasn't luck. I was very aware of my situation and the potential enemy sightlines.
>and how that dude didn't see you while you were going for the nuke is beyond me
He wasn't focused on me. He noticed SOMETHING, but he didn't quite notice me yet. Also crouching + square camo = very hard to spot.
The wormhole generator is your best friend! It's also very handy when defending, because you can easily return to an advantageous position.
Regarding cheaters: There are, unfortunately, a LOT of cheaters. Fortunately, it seems like the most of them are inactive by now.
>Which cam do you mean?
>I was very aware of my situation and the potential enemy sightlines.
I don't know. Everything after 5:00 just looks likle complete chaos to me. Anyone could have come arounf either corner and spotted you, or looked down from the adjacent catwalks and spotted you.
How the guard who started going down the ladder didn't see you is insane. I've literally gotten combat alerts from guards climbing down ladders who've seemingly seen me behind them. Meanwhile he looked right at you twice and couldn't see you.
Who the fuck cares?
It's a 2 year old game of a franchise that was trash from the beginning and who's biggest accomplishment was pushing the cancerous idea that videogames need to have muh plot and be muh cinematic.
Seriously, what goes through the mind of the autismos who keep spamming threads about this shit?
The cam at 1:40 was not luck.
1) I knocked out a guard using a sleep nade. The cam spotted the unconscious guard and stay focused on that target. If you listen closely, you can even hear the camera-shutter-noise going click as it locks on.
2) After I rolled for a little, I continued diving again. If you dive perfectly, cameras can not spot you. You will have exited the cone of vision before they realize what they're looking at. All you'll get is that white shine notifying you that something may have become suspicious to your location.
After 05:00, I've already had knocked out quite a lot of guards on the last platform. Keep in mind the numbers of guards in finite. I also was very much aware of the position of most guards and there very little dangerous sightlines at the time.
But I can certainly understand why it looks chaotic. Because FOBs can sometimes be hectic and chaotic. I also was trying to be fast there, because I was expecting a defender. Nukes almost never just lay around without a defender waiting.
If you wanna get deeper into FOB and chat a bit about it, you can add me on steam if you want to: