What makes P5 so good Sup Forums? >every character's nature and personal story arc can be predicted immediately upon meeting them based on physical appearance and their first couple lines. Oh gee here's the party member who uses holy attribute I wonder who's going to turn out to be evil >garbage frame story ruins pacing, explains shit that is already supremely obvious, and spoils the plot >garbage cutscenes involving the baddies speaking ominously eventually spoil shit as well >none of the Phantom Thieves personal growth during their social links is reflected anywhere outside of the specific confidant scenes, leading to many of them feeling like a split personality >blatantly cut content, empty low effort Confidants >Futaba(not saying this for bait, genuinely the worst character in the game and her presence actively broke my suspension of disbelief later in the story, which given that it's a fucking weirdo fantasy is pretty impressive in how shitty she manages to be) >combat is rote as fuck. Once the flashiness wears off it's just -->ambush -> R1 -> hold up -> repeat >music is repetitive and really gets annoying after the 30th hour of the same fucking tracks >ending is garbage >Mementos are garbage >stealth is wonky and broken
Despite the fact that the only part of the game I can look at and say is great is the visual presentation it somehow sucked up 160 hours of my time and I enjoyed it even though none of the constituent parts are that great
I genuinely don't understand. I haven't been able to sit through an anime series in like 5 years, I usually hate JRPGs, and the writing is a trainwreck, but somehow this game just works...
Jonathan Smith
bumperino I feel the same, I think it's because of how simple yet engaging the game is. Even though I'm on the verge of dropping it every cutscene. The one in which they eat hotpot especially.
Luis Diaz
>Futaba >Not Makoto
At least they bothered to give meme hacker some character flaws.
Julian Ross
>>none of the Phantom Thieves personal growth during their social links is reflected anywhere outside of the specific confidant scenes, leading to many of them feeling like a split personality
This is a basic problem that goes through all the Hoshino Persona games. They discovered they could make dungeons not be absolutely unbearable by making minimal designs (and then get praised to heavens for being "the only" JRPG that do dungeons right, on a company that makes fucking Etrian Odyssey), they'll get to actual good writing three games from now.
Juan Jenkins
I doubt it. They're getting praised for making the writing even worse but masking it.
5's cast is just 4's shuffled around a bit, the characters continue to have 0 agency, the progression is EXACTLY the same (three party members join for dungeon 1, 2 and 3 are single party member focused dungeons, 4 is a break from the monotony with an oddball case, 5 is another party member dungeon, the plot starts, 6 is when reveals and plot twists occur, 7 is the badguy, 8 is the God manipulating them), the social links are even fucking worse, every single woman is a waifu, confidant gameplay bonuses mean you're just hurting yourself unless you do specific ones, even more one-dimensional villains than ever, moral ambiguity torpedo'd by strawmen, etc.
Daniel Perez
I agree with you completely OP, very nice thought up post. I felt like I was replaying P4 with an edgy coat of paint, different themes, and worse everything else. Don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVE P4, I was one of those faggots that bought a shitty ass Vita just for the 2012 port. But I just feel like P5, after the rave reviews, mountain of delays, and years of waiting, does not live anywhere close to its promises. Its a good game, but I expected way, way more. I'm glad Hashino is done with the series, maybe 6 can break new ground 3 and 4 did back in their day. I also look forward to seeing how the reception to 5 sours over time, once the honeymoon phase is over.
Here's what you SMT cucks need to collectively realize. Not everyone who plays these games is looking to get frustrated and run in circles until they get the right combination to continue, or look up guides online to progress. Sometime's people just want to party up, explore some simple dungeons, find some treasures, beat on some enemies, find some more treasure, hit a dead end, and try another path until they reach the next floor.
Robert Moore
>Sometime's people just want to party up, explore some simple dungeons, find some treasures, beat on some enemies, find some more treasure, hit a dead end, and try another path until they reach the next floor. If a game wants 100 hours of my life, it needs to do better than that.
Ryan Scott
No problem, it's clearly not for everyone. But, there's probably a good reason why P3 and 4 are recognized as the best modern JRPGs. Of course, what does 2 games with simpler dungeons do to all the other Atlus games and RPGs with bullshit tedious dungeons? These existing doesn't erase those.
Nicholas Morgan
I had my questions about how the game disregarded every societal or psychological matter in its execution from the first dungeon (basically, they're showcasing issues without a mere basic undestandment of them, from abuse to state politics), but then the "master plan" kicks in. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Why didn't they just tap his phone if the whole plan consisted on doing that and then x? Why didn't the police check for the corpse, SPECIALLY since Akechi thinks he killed a policeman? Why doesn't a corrupt prime minister-to-be put at least one spy behing every single person related to the Phantom Thieves if he has detailed info about all of them? Why? Why? Why?
And then we get hit with the prime minister plot's end, which showcases how the writers didn't even understand how a fucking parlamentary democracy works.
It's such a fucking idiotic mess. I don't give a shit about the "theme", the treatment of very interesting and deep issues in this game is just plain fucking lazy.
You're not getting it.There's a difference between hard dungeons and actually designed dungeons. One is good for a determinate ammount of people, the other should be the fucking norm, and was for the most part.
Procedural dungeons on a JRPG without an absolutely insane ammount on them are a fucking disgrace to the genre, and people just ate them up for P3 and P4.
Joshua Russell
What is so special about P5s dungeons then? They feel like the same hallways and simple areas from 3 and 4, just there's more of them and there's more gimmicks. Don't get me wrong they're not bad, but what's this master design omg its perfect aspect that everyone but me is getting? I agree something like Tartarus should never happen again, but P4 was good enough for me. Fresh aesthetics, 8-12 floors, new music, puzzles every now and then like the 8th floor in Game, or backtracking to get a key for Secret Base. I don't need every RPG to be elaborate mazes where you need a guide otherwise you are fucked.
Jayden Martinez
It's the gameplay, the presentation for me.
The characters are all extremely disappointing to me.
I literally just speed skipped past Futaba's week because it's all generic shit and game wouldn't let me do what I wanted during the fucking day. There's very few Slink I actually like The plot is disappointing as well. It's extremely formulaic. Did Futaba just sleep for an entire month? Fuck that
Julian Moore
While I can appreciate the thought you put into your points user I have to disagree with you. I felt the whole game beat all of my expectations. I only had a few complaints
>Atlus west did not retain the English va for Igor despite him not being dead >the plot seemed a bit hasty, wasn't drawn out or paced all that properly >ending cutscene left me feeling empty with sadness >didn't get to have much time left with friends after you get out of prison >surprise pancake villain wasn't delivered as nicely as it could have been (but the physical acting the English va did was phenomenal) >wanted more lavenza >need more haru early on, introduced way too late
I also seriously disagree with you on Futaba, I felt she was one of the best fleshed out characters. Also the ost was a 10/10 for me.
Benjamin Powell
The story was approached from the angle of "fuck things I don't like."
The bad guys are imprisoned instead of brainwashed to use their power and influence for good despite the latter being even more morally ambiguous and fitting the late game thematic reveals better. All the ugly people are evil. Hot girls are exempt because the writer wants to fuck them. Evil people are just bad because outside influence and their own evilness.
It's bogglingly stupid.
Evan Moore
I'm not saying it's particularly great, just "decent". Dungeons now have a "goal" to them, an inner functioning, that the game drones about through dialogue for ages. Something that was already there in the 8bit era. It's nothing special, it's the mere BASE of these kind of games.
Asher Allen
OP you're right, but >I haven't been able to sit through an anime series in like 5 years Normie much? P5 isn't even the best anime game this year. Also the game only work because the grind is addicting. All the slinks/stat building and persona gathering is a literal drug which is why you kept going.
Dylan Long
>Atlus west did not retain the English va for Igor >caring about english va at all
Stopped reading there.
Cooper Miller
That's fine then, I agree with that. I'm just seeing a lot of people saying its perfect now when I don't feel its anything extraordinary. Just extended versions of P4s dungeons with more time wasting gimmicks.
You reminded me of something though with this >that the game drones about through dialogue for ages
I hated how many conversations there was in the middle of the dungeons. Not just quick updates like 3 or 4, but continuing the story from there. The thing is that, Persona before this let you choose. If you didn't feel like leveling up and fighting, you were doing social links or story. And when you got tired of that, you grinded for a few hours. It was a satisfying loop that provided to both spectrums, but now Director Hashino had to go and remove that too, just so we can continue to be bogged down in things we already knew, or common sense, or restating exposition and plot points.
And one more thing, FUCK ALL THE TEXTS.
Ryder Allen
>muh subs When it is a big investment like P5 I like to give it a chance, fuck off you cunt
Levi Williams
Its very juvenile is what you're trying to say, correct. It worked in P4 because of the games direction and that was fine, it never promised to be anything more than a cozy anime adventure in a small town for a year, working to solve a murder case and being Chad all at once.
But P5, which actively tries to take itself seriously and come across as mature or insightful, is bogged down with the most predictable tropes and outcomes.
Jordan Jones
Jesus I pretty much agree with all those sentiments. I haven't completed a second run though, I really don't know if I should. I mean I own Nocturne but haven't played it...
I don't get it either. I really trudge through the dungeons and enjoy the school life part of the game much more. But the school life part only serves to benefit the dungeon crawling and not the other way around.
Should I just play Visual Novels?
Easton Gonzalez
Don't know if you've played it, but Danganronpa would be a great start if you like Persona's style but just want the main focus on story and characters. The plot twists are also much more surprising, and you work to solve murders of your classmates, who you are trapped with in a school. And when the killer gets discovered, they too are killed. Worth checking out, on PS4/Vita/PC. PS4 edition has both games on one disc
Michael Reed
I haven't, I'll check it out since my last memory of hearing about that game was that it was the next thing to get on a Vita after P4G.
I don't know if Ace Attorney or 999 count as VNs but I've played those. But I'm thinking more of the lines of games with dialogue choices that reflect the personality you impose on the protagonist, which AA definitely isn't.