Hello Sup Forums, you're up late past your bed time, aren't you?

Hello Sup Forums, you're up late past your bed time, aren't you?

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Its 6:30 a.m. I just woke up you fucking asshole.

>what are timezones

I really don't like putting a face to Deb. My imagination was a lot better than that picture's interpretation.

Besides, she has a sexy voice, does radio in the middle of the night and her name is "Deb." You just know she's a fatty.

nah it's lunch time

>being jealous of my freedom to buy different brands of ketchup

I like to think she's a nossie.


It's calling my mom time.
Don't know why it makes me so nervous.

O this.
I always assumed she's an overweight single woman in her late 30s.

Can modern games even compete with Bloodlines?

Yeah, it's better if her looks are left out to the imagination of the individual, but the picture I used looked decent.

I just want to have a comfy VtM: B thread, fuck off.

In terms of everything the game did right (story, characters, ost + atmosphere), I'd say there are some that can but not a lot. This game has better VA and character animations compared to most games that came after it, which is saying something about the state of the industry.

These are the final stats of my Toreador right at the end of the game. No more XP to be spent and all skillbooks in the game strategically used to maximize XP costs.

The only redeeming qualities of the game being effectively broken at the sewers was that everything from that point on was trash anyway.

This is the best game ever made according to people who only played it for three hours.

She's clearly a vampire

>muh sewers
Fuck off. Final third is weaker, but it's still good at what this game does great.

Am I the only one who never listened to the radio in bloodlines?
I would suck a dick for a contemporary old world of darkness game
lord knows onyx path or whatever those fucking retards are calling themselves would cause an abortion of the setting to result if they had control


It's nearly lunch time you nigger.

>Final third is weaker
The downward slope of the game eschews everything that made it good in the beginning. Shove your rose-colored glasses up your gaping anus.

What do the blue numbers indicate?

Adjusted stats from Vampire artifacts, armor, backgrounds, et cetera.

>the lore is becoming to jumbled and bloated, let's start over
>proceed to make it even more jumbled and bloated

>Deb's VA is actually pretty fuckable


It does not undermine the first 2/3, but it does leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Even though it's really rushed towards the end and there were some questionable decisions one might say, it was still good.

I'd love for someone to make what Troika studios did with this game, only much better and polished, but I doubt anyone will or/and is capable in doing so. There's a Werewolf game coming in a year or two by the studio that worked on Styx games and Call Of Cthulhu, and even though I heard a lot of negative shit about werewolves in WoW, I'm cautiously optimistic about the game and will be full of joy if it's half as good as VtM: B was.

I want to smell Deb's hair

A big part of werewolf is interacting with your tribe, your packmates, and spirits so there's potential for a lot of social shit like in bloodlines
That said they'd have to work hard to capture the apocalypse feel of the game and actually capture that segment of the setting




Werewolf is an entirely different feel than Vampire and misses out on a lot of what made Vampire great.

Seeing how they worked on Call Of Cthulhu I think they'll manage to capture the apocalypse feel of the game decently, though we'll see about the quality of writing when it comes out.

Yeah, got woken up early because my house is fucking getting flooded.


Tremere Master Race

Holy shit I didn't know that Deckard Cain was Beckett.

>That said they'd have to work hard to capture the apocalypse feel of the game and actually capture that segment of the setting

IIRC, according to an interview someone had with someone from White Wolf about the new Werewolf game, Apocalpyse/Gehenna/End Times are all going to be pushed back at least a century away from when the game will be happening.

>missing the whole point of the setting
Doesn't surprise me, glad everything they do flops

The decline begins at the sewers but ends after you finish China town. All the endgame missions where you go around killing all the major players that have been built up since the beginning are great.

The inherent problem of naming the game-line Apocalypse is that you eventually have to bring it about. Vampire wasn't called Vampire: The Gehenna or Demon as Demon: Judgment Day.

Last thread I just discovered that you can fight Pisha as a boss.
Can someone tell me all optional bosses in the game, in case I'm missing some?

I know you fight Mercurio if you snitch on him to LaCroix.

Mercurio, Dennis, Gimble, Pisha, the plaguebearers, the fish thing

Can't think of any other.

I guess LaCroix and Ming are technically optional too

It's almost like the whole context of werewolf is that they're fighting a losing war in a prophesied end-times and that determines the whole culture of rapid promotion, half-baked plans to further arm the forces of gaia or disarm the wyrm and the finality of what is occurring
The game isn't merely called it, it is designed around the event, whether the players take part is irrelevant, it shapes the narrative in as much as the storyteller puts forward or not
The best way to play it is to let the player decide if they care about the final battle for creation and choose sides if they do but the context is that the battle is going to occur and most people you meet in that community are going to pick a side
The same is true of Vampire, you can not give a fuck about the masquerade (outside of the game mechanic) and do whatever or work towards getting violators under control (or dead) and push forward the camarilla's ideals or not do anything of the sort and look out for yourself
But whether you care or not is irrelevant, looking at the apocalypse as an event is the same mistake as looking at the masquerade as a set of rules, both are parts of the setting, not a windowdressing to cast aside

How do I fight Mercurio? In my last playthought I sniched him to Lacroix and never more have seen him. He disappeared.

>But whether you care or not is irrelevant, looking at the apocalypse as an event is the same mistake as looking at the masquerade as a set of rules, both are parts of the setting, not a windowdressing to cast aside

I wasn't looking at it like that, user. I was merely trying to say that ultimately the game has to revolve about the Apocalypse, otherwise why the fuck keep it in the title. Talking about the new video game.

>snitched him
Why? He gives you good high end weapons later on.

Pretty sure you fight him on the beach before you board the Elizabeth Dane.

You have be an asshole to him from the very beginning.

Because I'm in my fifith playthrough or so and in all others I didn't snitched him and I wanted to see what happens.


But that's just it, everything werewolves do /does/ revolve around the apocalypse, it just doesn't have to be full retard hack&slash go kill shit vibe
There's entirely enough room for a game about subtlety and whatever the fuck else while staying with the core of the fucking plot

It just begs the question, if anthelios is gone and the omega plan is not enacted, what the fuck are werewolves, both gaian and spiral, doing all day in the mean time?
Sure as hell not sitting around, they're going at it to either push back wyrm taint to prevent the apocalypse or pushing to bring about the cleansing which, in the end, is the same fucking theme
This is why late white wolf is retarded, they initially started out with a simple question "How can we justify supernatural shit in the modern era?" and by creating these plot lines and societies they answered that in a way that was satisfying and had internal continuity, by removing the very factors that justify these beings existing in our world they destroy the very thing that was created by their forebearers (because I know white wolf has had a cycle of authors and designers) and result in some gay faggotry like twilight or teen wolf where it's no longer about the actual cool setting, it's about selling a thing with monsters people like on the cover
This was where they fucked up with nWoD and this is where they'll fuck up with chronicles of darkness
Fucking cancer the lot of it

Stanley Gimble is more threatening than the main villain in most games.

The minute someone pulls out the tired and terrible "rose-colored glasses" argument their opinion should be immediately discarded.

thing is he's also more threatening than the villain in his own game

True, Lacroix is a fuccboi.

Though I would argue that the actual villain of Bloodlines is Gehenna since the contents of the sarcophagus are supposedly an antediluvian.

its 8 in the morning on a sunday

It's 2 pm you dumb bitch


Lacroix being a fuck boy fits his character, and while I agree there were far more menacing characters within the game, I liked the way his character was done.

What are you on about? It's 2 PM

Any good mods aside from the unofficial patch?


Just this


I guess it already comes with the latest version of the unofficial patch,

Oh it does? My bad then.

I guess there's an option when you install the unnofficial patch if you want to install the better eyes, or something like that.
At least I can say that I only instaled the unofficial patch and I have the better eyes.