Thoughts on Life is Strange?

Thoughts on Life is Strange?

It was an okay experiment in interactive storytelling. Not a fan of how "teenage" the writing was though.
Also it was shit that basically no choices actually mattered besides the final one.

I liked it but the ending that makes everything that occurred in the previous episodes pointless was dumb.

it was kinda comfy but the story turned to shit in the end
they could've done much much more with her ability

end was rushed, interesting plot points got dropped and the fanbase figured out the ending day one. Dialogue is some of the worst I've heardz
That being said, it was charming, time travel was pretty well done and some of the puzzles actually took a little effort.

Plus, there's a sequence where your choices actually matter. It's a good buy if you like these types of games.

Hated it just as soon as I read the title. Then I saw the gameplay and story and that gave me a real reason to hate it.

Max is CUTE

but user, Life IS strange

ending was a serious "fuck you" just like mass effect 3's.

read a book instead

Max a cute

Its shit


Not a video games
Also the writing made me want to vomit.


not a video game fuck off

>tfw your friend makes you dress up in her dead ex-girlfriend's clothes and pose for her


this board is for video games, not movies

sam is cuter

If I wanted a good VN with time travel I'd play Steins;Gate or Undertale instead.

Max is a NIGGER

The game was pretty wowzer.

Choices didn't matter, plot was nonsensical, characters were inconsistent to create artificial drama. They also didn't utilize their time travel mechanic very well from a gameplay or thematic perspective. By the end I was wondering what the point of all this shit was. If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be contrived. If I had to describe it through comparison, it'd be: "Like Steins Gate but much dumber."

Maxine and Victoria are cute! CUTE!

Was good, understandable though that many people disliked the forced teenager feel. I kind of liked it, though. Felt pretty awkward most of the times, which fits considering you're playing an outcast.

Too bad some plot points were dropped hard, though.


A three word review, Life is Shit.


>not playing ghost trick or time hollow


>Tags: Choice Matters



max a perfect


that artist is as shallow as the kiddie pool. One trick pony too. Stop posting their work