This is Pewdiepie

This is Pewdiepie

He's playing Persona 5

Be like Pewdiepie

i rather not play shit games

wtf i love persona now
Can I play it on PC?

People hate him now for catering to Alt-Right, so him playing Persona 5 doesn't matter anymore.

The game has already gotten big enough without his exposure anyway.

>e-celeb shit
fuck off kid

Yeah, download the remote play app for PC. You'll also need a PS4.

Nah, he got even bigger after that shit. It only helped him.

>The game has already gotten big enough without his exposure anyway.
what, its sold like a million copies
literally nobody cares about it



Waiting for the handheld version in a couple of years

On what, the switch?


>being clothed at home
i wish normies would get the fuck out

Whatever's available when the time comes. I strongly prefer P3P and P4G

>playing video games

something is wrong here

also why the fuck isn't there a PC port of this? Nier Automata did well, you'd think they'd have learned from that.

>requires Win10 (but can work on 7)
>shitty quality
>lags, despite being plugged in the same router
>some options are for ps4pro only
Yeah, nah. Fucking Vita works better.

>tfw somehow charlie managed to get fucking pewdiepie on the podcast

yeah dude stick it to the man xd. all popular games are shit amirite? xd

>Sup Forums suddenly loves a leftie just because he made some epic jokes
you can't make this shit up


>You'll need a PS4
Fuck that. I'm not buying a PS4 for one game.

On another note my PS3 won't boot because of a bad bluetooth chip. How much would it cost to replace it?

The colour calibration on that TV is well fucked.

typical casuals.

You can always buy a used PS3 for $50.

PS4 has at least three games worth playing now

True. It'd be a less pain in the ass too.

I unironically have both my monitors Nvidia 'Digital Vibrance' set to 75% (default is 50).

i like colour


Same person

Play mainline faggot

but persona is mainline now. deal with it faggot

SMT mainline nigger, spin-offs still a spin-off even if it sells better

They took SMT out of the title, Persona is it's own series now. the main series

your dog must be suffering immensely being forced to sleep in between your stanky toes

If it's its own series now, why it got mainly SMT demons in it

>lounging in jeans
jesus christ, how uncomfy can you be?

Same reason SMT has personas.

>Handheld garbage
Pfff haha

That's Persona demons actually.

pretty sure Sup Forums did a 180 on pewdiepie exactly because he's catering to alt-right

What you should really be asking is why are SMT demons modeled after shadows and pesonas.

>They took SMT out of the title
For the record, it originally wasn't in the title. So it was always its own series. You faggots are underageb& so you wouldn't know.

Dude has good taste in music and vidiya. Mad respect

No, that's SMT demons, since they first got featured in the actual mainline games

>make enough money to do whatever you want
>do what you want to do
What a concept.


Maybe if they were to give it a PC release

>Pewdiepie ruined video games
>Pewdiepie ruined Youtube
>Pewdiepie ruined South Park
>Pewdiepie ruined Cr1tikal

What a shit time to be alive.

Yeah, the mainline games, Pesonas 3 through 5


Or a Switch release since its the only console I own.

>Pewdiepie ruined Cr1tikal
kid detected

you mean lib faggots

>i kinda like pewdiepie in 2017
what a crazy turn my life has taken


of course you do, Sup Forums has accepted him because he's edgy now

I hear that. I subscribed to him and watch him daily now. Never would have seen this coming a couple years ago.

>Had a friend who got into SMT via Persona 3
>He legitimately asked me this one day when he saw me playing Nocturne
I fucking hate wannabe-aboos
I hate them more than dudebros

retard detected

>Different socks
>One inside out

A million people apparently do user

I used to watch him some years ago before I got bored. Then media started sperging out about him and watched his Fiverr video. I didn't laugh that hard in a long time.

neck yourself.

PS4 is a thinking mans console

>that got rich playing video games
>playing video games
Makes you think.

Yeah, thinking about why you bought it

I agree. Things were much better before any of that stuff existed.

>laying down in jeans
>tv is at an angle
what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

>muh Sup Forums

He actually became funny.
It's the weirdest thing.

>suddenly liking someone just because they agree with your retarded politics

He's mentally retarded. That's his gimmick.




He isn't a retard, he just plays one to appeal to actual retards on youtube.

that cat is thick

>hello my name is critikal, i talk in a calm deep voice and say stuff that a 15 year old would say uhguhg shit boobies.

>same as most everyone else in the world

That's not a cat it's a bird

That's clearly a rat.

Just find it funny to watch how quickly you all turn around just because the circlejerk turns another way.

He plays it up a lot, but he's still pretty dumb.

i want to play this so badly but don't have any money to waste on a playtoaster3/4 god fucking damn it

truly our guy

>pre-torn hipster jeans

Yet when I wear a normal pair of jeans that is a bit worn or torn, I'm supposedly a slob or something. Why must every decade have its retarded little fashion quirks.

He saved all of those things except for cr1tikal who was always shit anyways

>Pewdiepie ruined Cr1tikal

Wait, what happened?

>This is Pewdiepie
>He's playing Persona 5
>Be like Pewdiepie

Persona is entry level "weeb game" for normalfags, nothing new here. Al you do is building relationships with anime girls so any fucking retard can play it.
And by "play it" I mean read it because the game has like 5% of the actual gameplay.

He was on critkals podcast, that's all i know, haven't listened to it yet

Cr1tical has a podcast? Since when?

December of last year, it's him and 3 other guys + a guest sometimes, hosted on his channel.

>not only that but the only reason pewdiepie is playing persona 5 is because he saw cr1tikal's review on it