Is this correct?

Is this correct?
Basing this off what people post here.

I was thinking of adding teens react gaming as well as you seem to talk about that too.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's no such thing as "approved" Sup Forums youtube channels that every single person that uses Sup Forums agrees on. Just watch whatever you want to watch.

>lumping the douchebag with Kizuna AI and PleasDiepie
>lumping CGR with DSP and schmotron
Yeah no CGR is in a whole other league.

dunkey is the only guy in that image isn't completely retarded.

The correct answer is killing yourself if you're into watching youtubers

>Jim Cuckling
>7 dollar Sanchez
>JonTron, probably beacuse he spouted le ebin alt right garbage

>unironically watching youtubers



Scum egg is the best one

Funhaus sucks, add LGR

you can go ahead of remove jon tron from the approved list. we dont approve of that Sup Forums spouting nazi


>no Joseph Anderson
>no Noah Caldwell-Gervais

I guarantee you faggots would care about him a lot less if he didn't spout Sup Forums garbage.

Why does Two Best Friends have a cult like following? I thought they were pretty shit myself.

There's not a single political video on his channel, why should we care ?


>any of the ecelebshit
>Sup Forums approved
more like neo-Sup Forums approved

Kill yourself, leftist redditor.

Youtube is so bad yet I can't stop watching it
At least I'm watching less and less videogame crap and am now watching more movies

SomecallmeJohnny is the only good one, and he's not listed.

I like seeing them play the shitty games I'll never play myself.

I want to know why people are so stuck to certain game review youtubes over all others. Wouldn't it be better to watch and read as many reviews as possible instead of just "Biscuit said.." or "AngryJoe likes.."?

they were awesome before Sup Forums used to send them tons of stuff like thousands of dollars worth of stuff.
Including dragon dildos.

Remove Jontron, Losersterling and Pewdiepie

Vinny and Joel are the best.

get the fuck out Criken, your shit aint funny, your game is twitch bait crap

Why do you need strangers to tell you what you should like?

I might as well ask here. Are there any channels that post general history or behind the scenes stuff for videogames and general pop culture?

I know the game theorists but they put like 1 good video per 10 memes ones and their format is annoying. I'd prefer something not too dumb but not too serious either.

>Pretencious Pedro
>500-Pound Sterling
>Reviewtech Wallmart





I would really prefer if you'd be quiet

Him, CGR and a bunch of tech videos are all I basically watch on YT. Good taste.



Some good shit right there

I fucking despise nearly every single one of those channels

Early TBFP i.e. Woolie was a myth who may or may not have stolen pies and killed a guy in highschool was god tier, the RE2 and the final fight streetwise shit specifically. I watch them mainly out of habit now.

The new LA noire playthrough is p.good though, the night in the woods one is painful to watch, both because of the game and Matt.

/e/-celebs when ?

This. Where is based joseph Anderson?
Where is many a True nerd? Im not into lets players but at least he has done something cool like the yolo run. What has poodiepie done?

>no Ross
>no clemps
Why even post shit

>Where is based joseph Anderson?
Good that he isnt there. He is the most obnoxious one who actually doesnt know anything about video games, atleast judging by his videos.

You can take out demo cause he's dead anyway

John Wolfe/ HarshlyCritical

his channel is but his streams are still alright


>C A R E E R S U I C I D E

After all those years I still don't know who is the guy with the red-black avatar
Please spoonfeed me before the 404

Matthewmatosis. Largely popular for criticizing Bioshock Infinite and Dark Souls 2.

I'm not a fan of the "passive aggressive, awkward sarcasm" thing it's got going there. it's like the writers just looked up "best of tumblr" and riffed off of that.

Remove all of them then remove youtube

>You know what would really improve BotW? Making it more like Skyrim!

Does Joseph Anderson have any style other than "let's break this game down into neat and tidy little components that we'll look at separately and then mathematically add up"? I've selected a couple of videos of his at random to look at every now and then and they're all that.

>cuck sterling

No that's exactly what he does. He's a self-published fantasy author, he knows nothing about game development and design. Breaking the entire game up into tiny little pieces is the only way he has something to say about the subject.

>is not even white
I dont like that fat retard anyway but he is a retarded mudshit

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
