ITT: vaporware you were interested in
ITT: vaporware you were interested in
your pic
This was supposed to be a launch game. Capcom sucks.
>dark souls mechanics
>the most interesting looking game for ps4
>never heard of it again
It's now chilling deep down in the forgotten realm
Star Citizen, 4 years ago
aw nigga das just a buncha concept arts
youd have to be a literal dumdum to fall fo dat
Fuck me I haven't been keeping up with that game for years. I forgot about it. What's the latest news on it? I take it from your comment it ain't positive?
Skip to 0:25
In short it's more a scam than a game nowadays
>OTS melee combat with a focus on aiming for precise strikes
It could of been cool.
Died before it was born.
They keep renewing the copyright every year so it can't be dead yet
im not impressed
wouldnt for honor be a good substitute for it though?
At actually plays like Dragons Dogma.
The only turn-based game I wanted and it turned out to be scam.
Well, yeah, it does look a bit shit now. But back in 2007, it looked like a GOAT game in making.
I would say it's more like Dark Messiah than For Honour.
I don;t know if it's vaporware as it's straight up cancelled, but absolutely FUCK Disney.
Also Battlefront 3
That game never existed, Sony are famous for announcing fake games to get people to purchase their console
>$0,02 have been added to your Nintendo eShop account
>dark souls mechanics
Its not. even combat mechanics is completely different
Oh fuck, this.
God damn what a scam that was.
The guy have finally started too communicate with his cust- I mean, suckers, again. Although, posting 1-5 tweets a year is hardly what any normal person would call communication.
Thank god that I managed to do a chargeback on that shit.
Well it's not completely vaporware considering the dev still posts updates every few months, but it's going at a snail's pace
Although it wasn't exactly vaporware more like cancelled at the last minute. It's an unreleased console MMORPG and yet so few games released today would even come close to its potential and (at the time) the features it offered.
Is that the one where you're trying to raise some kind of Cthulhu-esque god? What happened to it?
It has been stalled for 3 years already. The concept itself is good in text and on screenshots but there is no evidence that the game actually works.
Well shit. I remember reading about this a while back and thinking it was extremely my thing. Sad to hear people have been Mollyneux'd because of it.
>Game so fucked, they had to rework it several times
>It's still fucked
It's so obscenely dull holy shit. All you ever do is make a parking lot out of everything
This was canned in favor of "Pure Farming 2017"
user, they resumed work since Dying Light is finished. Techland's got no other known projects
hold on a second
Deep Down can't be dead. I mean look at this.
There is at least enough stuff there to make a Let It Die styled game.
They already confirmed they cancelled it .It's not vaporwave anymore
Nah bro, it's got one dude working on it. One whole person.
Mobile only
is this the thing with the monks and the crossbow
Then either turn it into Dragon's Dogma 2 or Bitterblack Isle extended. I don't care, I just want it salvaged in some manner.
I got it for free, but wollay is a huge fucking crybaby faggot that couldn't deal with predictable consequences. Guess he's not interested in proving that teacher wrong anymore.
it is, can't find the original video though
i saw two videos of the monastery fight and the dragon fight, if anyone finds them can they link me to them
mountain blade bannerlord
cyberpunk 2077
>They already confirmed they cancelled it
no they didn't?
they said 2 years ago that they want to make a bigger game out of what they planned initially and they literally remade the trademark in february. Not like that means much, it can be stay in the development purgatory forever but it still means they didn't cancelled it.
yes please.
Why is this mineclone a thing?
>they said 2 years ago
yeah read the most recent news . they confirmed it
Dragons Dogma Online western release
what recent news
There are no statements about Deep Down being cancelled
there's no statements about Deep Down in recent years at all
The Mistborn game.
What the difference between this and monhun?
what makes you think it's vaporware, they only just started full development last year after shipping blood and wine
Why do I keep falling for kickstarter scams like an idiot
Remember when Peter Molyneux presented a non existent game in order to shill the Kinect? I do.
Dragons Dogma is faster paced and allows you to climb on enemies
MonHun is more about being prepared for what you're up against and meticulously taking down an enemy by knowing the ins and outs of their attacks
Easily half the games at the PS3 reveal.
Project Phoenix. there were some big names behind it. thankfully i didn't donate to kikestarter
>Announced in 2012
>literally zero new info since that year
>they have nothing new for this year, instead they're focusing on a card game nobody cares about
Seems to me like the game is in development hell.
also dogma has magic and more unrealistic/spectacular attacks
It was a weird business choice to announce a product that early, sure.
And fuck off there's been new info, they announce hires for the project every month or so. Shortly after the initial announcement, they stated that they wouldn't be working on development of CP2077 until they were finished with the Witcher 3, so they didn't have to split their dev team.
That's why the trailer ended with "When it's ready"
it's capcom you goon
>le dark souls fantasy mimic press B to dodge roll with ye olde magic scrolls
I'm glad it died in development, that's proof enough that developers have limits to how much they'll copy one another
>announce next game after witcher to keep shareholders happy and attract investors
>long pre production with core team
>development significantly ramps up after tw3 finishes and everyone is moved to cyberpunk development
why would they release new info about it this year anyway? they've said they are taking a note out of bethesda's marketing strategy which is to literally wait months before the release of the game before showing off the game. you don't know what actual vaporware is kid
Its coming out eventually I'm sure, even in its original form development was at a snails pace -
the waning interest in That Which Must Not Be Named and the fact that it had to be reworked with donut steels probably isn't helping their work ethic though.
The trailer also stated in a hidden message that the game would launch in 2015, yet here we are halfway into 2017 and we know basically nothing about the game.
I remember first screenshots and videos of project offset, thing looked amazing and years ahead of its time.
DDO was interesting, I played it for a bit.
But the language barrier is a real bitch.
I'd get deeply invested if they localize it.
Any source for this other than
I dunno what this is, but i want it
>The trailer also stated in a hidden message that the game would launch in 2015
post an image or gtfo. literally everything they have said about the release has been that we shouldn't expect it any time soon.
I'm at the point where I think DD has more chance of appairing at e3 than DMC5.
I'm angry about Capcom being Capcom, but I still love their games. Let's just hope for the best
no they haven't
the last news was what they retrademarked it again in february or this year
Don't they continuously share update progress in the form of streams?
Not sure why it'd be vaporware but also haven't followed the development of the game that much outside of sometimes putting the streams up as background noise.
It's from a book series, confirmed official vaporware by the author.
1313 was straight up canceled, but there's rumors of reusing the assets for a very similar game though. My prediction is it will still be about Boba Fett, and will be a movie tie-in for the Boba Fett movie all the way in 2020
>get confused on ddo
>use Google translate
ain't so bad. way more work than i should put into it though. alchy is just way too cool to not.
Now kill yourself shills.
where does it say 2015 in that?
Did some googling too and found no canceled stuff either. Just that the trademark still exists confirmed in April this year.
I mean everyone thought Let It Die was vaporware until it suddenly wasn't. But I guess it's popularity sure did die lol.
Well it was supposed to be out a couple months ago, then they delayed it once and delayed it again and now all there is for a date is "there's been some technical difficulties, it'll come out when it's out".
The streams also showcased that they've been waaaay behind all the time and now they've stopped doing them too and just don't say fuck all
I'm starting to feel real retarded backing this
That secret message did nothing except advertise for some roles at CDPR. Nowhere does it say they were going to release it in 2015. It's like you haven't even read it yourself.
Considering The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV came out this exact year, I'm inclined to believe trademark refiling.
Now what I want to know is what in the fuck happened to the game from Fork Guy
Ohh yeah I forgot about that.
>press B to dodge roll
Opinion discarded
it's a garbage mmo
Jesus christ, third paragraph you retards.
Given how well DD did with it's PC release, I'm actually kind of floored this hasn't been done already.
I don't know what else the US/EU market can do to tell the nips that we REALLY like their stuff and want more of it. Hell, just about everything they've dropped on PS4 this year has been a hit, and the PC crowd is always hungry for new stuff.
Nigga, do you need glasses and some antipsychotics?
>The delivery gate is more like "when its done"
Just stop m8, if you can't troll well don't try
"But in truth, the delivery date is more like, “when it’s done.""
hardly a definitive fucking release date dude
I still want this game