Gamer fuel thread
Gamer fuel thread
yes I too enjoy the electric lettuce OP
>people will fall for this bait ITT
weak mind detected
gosh im so glad its legal now im gonna slam down like 50 tabs of MJ pills
>weak mind detected
I used to say the same thing.
dude weed lmao
You can't out think a chemical imbalance caused by the herbal jew.
>try weed
>get 2 hours of paranoia
never again
so you freaked out huh?
or did you get a bad buzz and then quit for life?
Why Sup Forums gets so triggered by a single mention of weed or other drugs?
My sides.
It's 8am, just woke and getting blazed so I can play some vidya and workout.
Goes away with experience and tolerance.
Because american education memed people into thinking that weed is bad but adderall is safe
1) it's not really video games
2) they cant acquire it because that would involve interacting with another human being
smoke and drink a lot of caffine with it.
he's right
you just have a weak mind and/or you failed to actually provide yourself with amusement during your high, which is most likely the most paramount thing to consider aside from what youre gonna eat
>smoke weed
>vision gets blurry like when a TV signal gets weak
>cricket chirping sound in ears
>panic attack out of nowhere
I've survived this long without recreational drugs, I'll survive longer.
you're right
Most gamers are to autistic to get weed from drug dealers, therefor they act defensive and say its degenerate when people talk about it here. Also some asperger kids are bluepilled by their parents to think that DRUGS WILL KILL
but for those that have tried it, yes it does improve video games by tenfolds.
also you can not get psychosis or scitzo from smoking weed unless your genes have a history of mental illness.
It made me not want to do anything and besides being scared I felt like i'm wasting time
what the fuck is going on with the background of this image
I smoked dope for years then out of nowhere start getting paranoid every time.
Go watch a Scanner Darkly and wait for the credits.
You must be quite young.
stick with alcohol, i guess
>try weed
>get 2 hours of beyond godlikes in original DotA
every day for years
the "paranoia" you guys describe is common in new smokers; you move past it quickly if you have at least a little fucking fortitude
i've already seen ASD though it was a long time ago
maybe ill rewatch it
Because nobody likes degenerates.
just because you have a lack of self-control and overdid it is no reason to go on a fucking crusade on a plant.
people like you piss me off.
it's like alcoholics who try to prohibit alcohol, because they are too retarded to consume their shit moderately, or fat-asses who blame mc donalds because they're morbidly obese.
if you're to dumb to handle your drugs, don't take em.
Alcohol makes me dizzy and sleepy AND also makes me feel like I'm just wasting time because I can't do shit while drunk
It sucks
stick with "life" then i guess
just an fyi both those inebriants are better when you have good company around
>try weed
>decide to fap
>dick shrinked so bad that I couldn't even hold it
>went to bad
>2 hours of nausea and anxiety in my bed
>I get up, vomit and get over it
Am I too smart for weed? I smoked like .2 g and it was high quality stuff.
>last year of HS
>devide to try weed because fuck it
>roll up a full joint with minimal tobacco in it and smoke it all by myself alone in the house
>spend the next 8 hours in constant crippling fear of dying, switch between imagining toy story characters talking to me and trying to jack off for some reason while hearbeat goes crazy
Full joint never again
I don't have any friends so you might be right
Not doing drugs is degenerate.
lel so much this.
Sup Forums - WEED IS BAD GUYZ.
>later that day
There have been 0 confirmed deaths from Marijuana, stay mad Sup Forums
Gee I wonder who's behind this post.
oh just wanna mention one more thing before i get the fuck outta this thread
what that guy said about "the paranoia" is true
i personally used to find it extremely amusing thinking of some of the things i did while on it
anyways for some people being around others while high can be a negative experience
just remember: it's all in your head
the Crusade has only just begun
Yes goy, don't use weed when you're in pain, take opiates prescribed by your friendly doctor who was paid off by a pharmaceutical company.
Because people try to make other people think that weed is not a drug, that it doesn't cause addiction or schizophrenia and that it's perfectly harmless.
Read : they try to validate degeneracy and degenerates in their behavior. Which is wrong.
More like lamer fuel.
Literally nothing worse than potheads. What about it makes you all so fucking obnoxious?
Pretty much this.
I work in IT (comp sci/r&d stuff no bs) and it's very apparent when I work with someone who hasn't dropped acid or similar, they just don't get it and will be forever stuck as furniture.
>that it doesn't cause addiction or schizophrenia and that it's perfectly harmless.
But it's not addictive and does not cause schizophrenia? Where are you getting this misinformation from?
You have zero proof of this. Also, you sound like a 50 year old Catholic dad.
stoners are the reason marijuana is still illegal in so many places
you act retarded about it and look like total faggots and everyone is afraid to be anything like you
>dude weed is just a plant lmao
>dude cocaine is just a plant lmao
>dude opium is just a plant lmao
Kill yourself
It is addictive, why can't you stop when asked to?
It does cause schizophrenia explain all the people in mental hospitals?
I swear there needs to be an age limit for this board.
Leave it alone man.
Let the retards keep smoking that shit while killing their brains.
Jews are the ones pushing for company patented medical drugs, not marijuana, you idiot.
>I can quit whenever I want!
>proceeds to beg everyone they know for money and be a gigantic piece of shit every day they can't smoke more weed
Lol ok
Im willing to bet on any given day out in public you see probably 10-20x more people than you realize who smoke. Those of us who do smoke regularly aren't always that loser with dreads, who's every other word is dude or bro and hasn't ever been paid over $11.00/hr.
because they aren't vidya and stoners and stoner culture is the worst fucking thing ever
>It is addictive
No it's not. Addiction is a chemical reaction in your brain.
>i-if you can stop whenever, why don't you?
Will you stop masturbating if I tell you to? Or playing vidya? It's a fun activity to engage with. Just because something is fun and you don't want to stop having fun doesn't mean that it's addictive.