DS3>=BB>DS1>DS2>testicular cancer>DeS
The only correct choice
You have never played a Souls game.
Swap DeS and DS2 and you're on the money
BB ToH > DaS AotA > DaS = BB > DeS > DaS2 SotFS >>> DaS2
I haven't played 3 yet
just for the record, every single souls rating is shit unless it has DeS or BB at the top
I think your fedora is to tight on, faggot
not bad
Stop this meme and be objective for one second. Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 1.
BB is vastly superior to DS3, you memetist.
In what way?
I've played and beaten all the souls games but only touched BB a bit. I can't get over the fact that your health vials don't respawn in this game. I feel forced to grind between boss attempts and it slogs the game down so much (loading screens dont help either) that I lose interest
Bloodborne>Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>Dark Souls 3>Dark Souls 2
Thanks for listening
Why aren't these stupid threads being removed?
>I feel forced to grind between boss attempts
Same here m8 thats why i like Dark Souls 3 more
>all of these faggots putting Bloodborne first or even close to first because "muh story and atmuhsphere!"
I'm sure you thought the Last of Us was GOTY too
DaS > DeS > DaS 2 SotFS > DaS 3 = BB ToH > BB Vanilla = DaS 2 Vanilla
PCock spotted
>Last of Us was GOTY
It was, it got award for best game of the year. Are you retarded?
Nostalgia fag, des was horrible and das1 was slightly worse from das2sotfs
heh need to work on your skills kid
not even worth a (You)
I obviously have a PS4 how else would I play Bloodborne?
I didn't play Demon's Souls until after I played Bloodborne so I don't think that's considered a nostalgia fag
I stopped using health vials because of this. I only popped a couple if the boss had low health or if I really didn't want to lose my blood echoes.
I suppose this is the developers rebuttal to estus chugging. At the end of the day, I guess I don't mind because I find dodging in BB considerably easier than in DS1.
did you plat BB in ten days?
you can regen hp on hit.
a limited amount of vials was the right choice
>OP of Souls thread is actually right for once and not a nostalgia cuck
Color me surprised.
The REAL question is which game had the best waifus
shit taste.
you're literally subhuman
I could try this. In Souls games you get accustomed to treating your effective health as your health bar + your estus count. Its just a matter of getting out of that mindset.
Again, its getting out of the Souls mindset. In Souls you wanna be passive and hesitant and BB wants you to be aggressive. Maybe I missed it but I didn't feel like that point was made very clear until Gascoigne.
>combat is a abhorrent mishmash of dark souls and bloodborne, creating a spamfest that makes heavy armor completely useless
>everything between road of sacrifices up to before fighting Pontiff Sulyvhan, irithyll dungeon and profaned capital is shit
>bosses in Bloodborne are better, even if the variety is only beasts, hunters, aliens, and phtumerians
>atmosphere in DS3 is bland, unimaginative, uninspired. the areas suffer from the same problems
>the DLCs were lackluster, TRC's only saving graces are Gael and the weapons that were added. AoA's saving grace is Friede, who is a BB hunter in Dark Souls, and has 3 phases that fully recover her health to artificially lengthen her fight
>music in BB is leagues ahead of DS3
>Irithyll, one of the high points in DS3, is a white and ice-blue Yharnam
>only a handful of memorable bosses. rest of them are lackluster at best
>a lot of weapons but only 2 classes of them are useful (straight swords and curved swords)
>magic is trash, FP system is broken. end-game spells consume 1/5 of your bar and don't do the damage to justify that cost
>there is absolutely zero stamina management in DS3
>most enemies in DS3 aren't challenging at all. the only remotely challenging ones are the enemies that have insane recovery time or tanky
>swamps swamps swamps swamps
DaS3 doesn't really belong on top.
For the fifth sequential release in this type of gameplay from From Software and the third installment in the Dark Souls series the game is just too unambitious and generally lacking.
It's linear, the character mechanics are stripped down, the combat design can get dull and repetitive rather easily and the graphical quality isn't anything special even though it's the first Dark Souls game to not be limited by also having to run on the PS3 or 360.
There's nothing extensively wrong with it but there's also nothing about it that is really great outside of a handful of boss battles.
I would put DaS3 in the bottom three if not below DaS2.
>creating a spamfest that makes heavy armor completely useless
convince me why I shouldn't disregard everything past this sentence, because it illustrates very clearly that you have LITERALLY no idea what you're talking about
>wear heavy armor
>guy with straight sword
>try to trade
>no poise, staggered until 3rd hit
or worse yet, a dagger can quickstep a few timesand hit you 4 times before you can dodge out of it. I have played DS3 since it released, this has been the case patch after patch after patch. hyper armor helps, but it isn't true poise and they're easy to dodge.
You're fucking retarded, ultra STR with loadsapoise has been king for months and if you're winning duels with poke weapons you're been playing against people who are just as retarded as you are.
>hurr durr i kill shitters that are dumb enough to straight up trade with UGS that means you're trash
UGS weapons JUST got usable in the past few months. no one with a brain would run head on to a UGS. they run around and poke your whiffs
Oh so you're one of those faggots who think they're clever by sprinting in circles with your katana for 5 minutes before doing the most obviously telegraphed sprinting attack in history? Spoilers: that's not that clever
Yea, unfrotunately any slow weapon is basically unviable due to broken dodge mechanics in ds3
Absolutely the best ranking. Good taste user.
Yea thats why if you are doing it correctly it is unpunishable. You are a retard and have no clue about this game.
>it is unpunishable
I love how Sup Forums became a shittier version of reddit.
you're blind and delusional as fuck if you unironically think you can kill someone with a UGS against someone with a modicum of intelligence using a poke weapon
Stay bad newfriend
>says the person who's opinion is based solely around sparring with shitters, using the shitter enabler's weapons
How many layers of irony are you operating on right now, my friend?
that's not even the guy you started arguing against dumbass. how ironic a UGS shitter whiffed on an insult
you have no clue what you're talking about
You are so delusional friend, you are creating your own universe in which all the things you say are true. Too bad reality works in a different way.
Let me be precise, only counter to a washingpole running r1 in the hands of a good Player is doing the same thing but be better at predicting the other guy. Which is why on the highest level of skill people are dancing around like fucking monkeys. Its not really fun.
Watch out Soulsfags your days are numbered.
Best soulslike game coming through
washing pole running pokes got nerfed awhile back, but it got replaced with stronger weapons at the cost of the insane reach as heavy weapons become more prominent.
Nope. DeS has the best hub and earns major points for being the first in the series, hence being the most novel and refreshing. Also, I still think the plated armor is one of the best armor designs the series ever saw.
Here is a better rank:
DeS = DaS > DaS3 > BB > DaS2
>pulls out the mistaken identity argument on an anonymous imageboard
Not even that guy but if you care about that stuff so much put on a trip
Good post.
not even that guy but you're retarded. kill yourself
Meant the fluted, not plate.
Demon Souls was average at best. I don't know it gets so much praise.
They can add as much heavyhitting weapons as they want, but the problem lies in the roll mechanic and not the weapon types. The New weapons are Just memes that everyone will get used to Just like they Got used to the farron GS.
>play ultra passively
>tactics that are rewarded by your opponent playing ultra passively seem invincible
Don't know why*
I d go BB 10/10>DS1-DeS 9.5>DS2 8.5>DS3 8.0
I have my problems with all the games, BB and it's boring korean grind dungeons (though tbs bosses are great) as well as the PvP being way too r1 spammy. But this series has been great to me and I've enjoyed each iteration
How is it the only average one when all the others are roughly the same game with small additions? It was the first of them, too.
I dont get it either, sure it was good for its time, but god damn, people still think its the Best one in the series even thought it Just feels worse
Only correct one
>rating the dlcs as seperate from the base game
Why would you do this
Have you ever played against anyone actually good at the game?
I would disagree with you on DeS being average; I think it's better than that.
But besides that, you have to take into account the context of DeS's release:
>Released at a time when almost all games were dumbed down and far easier than in previous generations
>Went back to a more old-school style of design which made it feel refreshing as a result
>Was released on a console with no games and became one of the first games that even places like Sup Forums had to admit was decent
S Tier
- Bloodborne+DLC
- Dark Souls 3+DLC
A Tier
- Dark Souls+DLC
- Dark Souls 3
B Tier
- Bloodborne
- Dark Souls 2 SotFS
C Tier
- Dark Souls
- Demon Souls
F Tier
- Dark Souls 2
in terms of (wasted) potential, 2>1>3
Here's an even better rank for you, faggot.
Saw Cleaver is easily the worst weapon in the game.
I could ask you the same question if your entire playstyle is 100% predicated on the easiest telegraph of all time. Mages switching up spells are more unpredictable than you
I played DeS after ds1 but I there's a some great things about that the series has never been able to match.
It does the dark fantasy atmosphere better than any other one in the series, (though ds1 and bb are good in their own right, just not as good), it has some of the best level design, and best boss design aswell as being the most varied.
To say that's it's average would be pretty unjust, especially considering that the following 4 games all took from it.
>because being the Best Game in the series isnt about the Best ratio of pros vs cons, its bout when it was released
Its like saying first Mario was best because it was innovative
Objectively false
Bloodborne is objectively one of the best games ever made.
>DS2 better than DS3
nostalgia/ secret club bullshit. I liked it but no more than the rest.
>DeS has the best hub
>more than 5/8ths of it is completely unused
>the theme is literally just someone doing their harp/organ warmup exercises over and over
>the only characters in it who have an actual game-spanning quest are the Murder Bros, the wandering NPCs like Ostrava and Biorr, Patches, and (just barely) Sage Freke
>color scheme is grey-yellow, grey-blue, olive-grey, and light-grey
>Maiden in Black wanders around and is hard to see from a distance
>have to go way out of your way to get to the really pretty parts
>music changes heavily after the fourth Archdemon but nothing else does for some reason
It's slightly better than Majula at the very most. Have a used rabbit to pave your way to better taste.
S Tier
Demon Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 3
A Tier
B Tier
Dark Souls 2
Na. It's shit.
I didn't say it was the best in the series, I was just offering an explanation as to why DeS gets so much praise, and yeah, the game does get points for originality.
Nioh isn't a FromSoft game user
It has the highest DPS in the game
>easiest telegraph of all time
>an attack that is a Super fast poke
>you dont even need to run to make it because you can buffer it up
How is it easy to telegraph. It Just shows that you havent played against anyone good
>not liking Maiden in Black more than any of the others
>not liking Demon's atmosphere most
It had the biggest sense of mystery, legend and heroism than any of the other games. All the others have felt derivative or trying to emulate it in comparison.
BB > Das > Das2 > Demon's Souls > Das3
DS3>DaS=BB>shit>dog shit>fossilised Tyrannosaur shit>DS2
Haven't played DeS. I should have bought it when it was on sale for £4, but i couldn't be bothered digging my PS3 out. Hoping for a remaster, or the next sale.
Doesn't mean much when the move set is poo on the activated mode and the reach is incredibly short when it's not.
ds3 is the worst game in series desu m8. its dlc in particular was shit tier
I feel as though this unknowning atmosphere is, at least partly, because the game is obtuse
Its kinda unfair to the other games that are obviously better by building on the core concepts that were present in the first one. I mean anyone can have their own opinion but a game should be judged on its own merits with objective facts.
Good job falling back on the usual "DeS is the absolute best" talking points, user! I'm not into waifufaggotry, so I have no opinion on which level-up slut is the best. However, I don't feel that the oppressive atmosphere and good design of Demons' Souls' levels makes up for the mediocre bosses, inferior combat mechanics, poorly-developed characters, almost nonexistent story, poor music, and shallow PvP.
What the hell is the hate for Dark Souls 3 based on? Powerstance / two handed combat is more fun in 3 than in 2 and was less obscure than 2 (my friend went the whole game of 2 without ever knowing it existed for example), the bosses in 3 are more enjoyable than they are in 2, the world is actually connected in 3 and the environments are absolutely stunning and more gorgeous than Bloodborne's honestly. So, what's the problem?
>run around back and forth like a retard for 30 seconds
>doesn't even matter since you're not in attack range, you're just wasting both of our time
>your loops around the arena start gradually bringing you closer, like a middle school girl approaching the boy's side of the gym in her first school dance
>finally after for fucking ever the dancing actually turns into the patented Katana Attack Run™ wherein they actually bother to face you and move in a straight line towards you because they actually need to be facing you to do damage
>either pull out the stored attack or are stupid enough to do the standard running R1
>either way roll through it and do a rolling r1 or just poisetank the hit and trade
>or just parry
You are only even slightly lethal if there's enough lag to mess with the obvious prediction
Wots that?
>subjective opinion is better than factual objective judgement of a game
It felt pretty uninspired for the most part and the world really isn't connected to the same degree as original Souls & BB were. Locations feel recycled and it didn't really bring any innovations to the series. Wasn't bad just a meh send off. It's the only game in the series I have no desire to replay multiple times
Sunken King was the best though