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Not all games are made equal, some are just better than others.

>Sup Forumstards doing anything to shit on actual GOOD games, as usual
You're as transparent as you are stupid. Fuck off.

Nintendo spends their money on reviews instead of hardware development.

Except neither of those games were even close to 100


Nintendo brought "empty open world" to a new level

Meanwhile Horizon is probably the closest "blur that shit so you cant see the shit graphics" the west has ever done compared to FFXV

I played both. Horizon was better in my opinion. BotW was great too. But, I preferred Horizon. Am I a Sonyngger?

>Reviews are meaningless!
>Except when it comes to MY game!

This whole BOTW HZD rivalry is fucking stupid.

Nothing will EVER top The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt as far as open world RPG's go, so why even bother?

Oh fuck now we have a party

But BotW has crossdressing, that makes it a target for Sup Forums aswell.
Nintendo doesn't actually pay reviewers, they just choose specific ones they trust. With that said the people who have Starfox Zero a 6/10 are the same people who gave BotW a 10/10.

All 3 games would be better with Souls combat.

>Non-nintendo game gets perfect reviews
>(((They))) have bought all the 'journalists'
>Nintendo game gets perfect reviews
>Omg, Nintendo does it again!

Man I remember when Horizon first got it's review scores and sonybros were pushing it so hard "hahah Sup Forums BTFO! Zelda fags are absolutely SEETHING!"
Now that BotW came out and to no-one's surprise, blew it out of the water, they're now going "r-review scores don't matter...".

I love how some Nintendo drone made that pic thinking Zelda was gonna pull call of duty numbers. Only for horizon to to out sell it by 1 million copies

that slavshit trash is supposed to be overrated just because its an aaa game with a high budget and so""realistic"" journos and gaymers easily can rate it

>3.84mil vs 2.6mil
Other way round buddy

>he doesn't know

>literally baby's muh first open world game
>nothing will ever top it

It's the shittiest open world game out there.

Can only use swords.
Shitty dodge roll to win.
Side quests are WoW tier.
EZ win spidey senses.
Vomit inducing UI cluttered with waypoints and objectives.
No weather system.
Linear story.
"Hurrr you can have sex with everyone"
Only one useful elixir.
Stealth is non-existent.
No physics, whatsoever.

Only teenagers like the Witcher because it's their first time seeing tits in a video game.

Can't read that shit

Needs to be updated.

Zelda now has 67 Perfect scores
Horizon still has 12 Perfect scores


Thats a really weird way to spell "the elder scrolls: morrowind"

Try clicking it then you dumbfuck.

Yet it's still the most revered recent entry in the genre. Just because you have a hate boner for it doesn't make it objectively bad.

This is a pathetic comparison

talk about punching down to feel good about yourself, drone.

witcher 3 is boring as hell, can't believe this generic shit became #1

2.6 million is a month old number. It's definitely sold more by now

>Horizon reviews come out
>"holy shit! Sup Forums is wrong again! confirmed GOTY!"
>just play along and agree with the reviews because I knew BotW was going to beat it's shit in
>BotW reviews come out
>me: "well this game is clearly better than horizon"
>oh? NOW you say reviews matter?
Yeah I know it's a bit unfair because it's anonymous but still have me a good giggle.

Zelda isn't empty at all, with the exception of a few north west areas of hyrule that they didn't flesh out enough

Well it's a good thing that Zelda and Horizon aren't RPGs then

>they just choose specific ones they trust
thats not how it works tard, even if someone dont get an early copy, they can buy the game, review it and they score will be aggregated

Zelda will undoubtably sell throughout the entire switch lifespan

Of course it did, and of course Zelda completely didn't sell in that period as well

every reviewers knows not to fuck with zelda fans.

shit hits the fan hard when u give zelda games less than perfect score.

zelda fans are just that bad to deal with.

>most revered recent entry
>revering shit in the first place


>Only for horizon to to out sell it by 1 million copies
what bizarro world are you from?

Yeah, I mean, what kind of paid bastard shill you have to be to give fucking Horizon a 10/10? It sickens me.

go cry me a river Nichegamer

you know...what Nintendo realized was, the real world is also sometimes really empty. There isnĀ“t a collectible or some other shit every 5meters.

nah you're right, everyone else is wrong and you're the only right person on the planet my sweet special snowflake


>Zelda game outsells original IP

This is news why?


I hate Horizon Zero Shit. And I'm a sonyger.

Had to return that crap. Luckily I got Yakuza. Holy shit Yakuza is fun.

You don't have to say Yakuza is fun, just say ''I'm irrelevant weeb faggot and I eat at least 12 cheeseburgers a day while fapping to traps (no homo)''.

>"No no this isn't flame bait or flamewar instigation"
>"This is simply just discussion!"

Sup Forums nintendo toddler mods at work

sonybro said hz will be zelda killer though

It didn't outsell Horizon.

>"Hurrr you can have sex with everyone"
>implying that's bad?

The Last of Us has 95 metascore, yet many Nintendo or PC fans call it bad game or movie. I don't get it. Scores count or not?

It's not March anymore pony.

Movies get scored too user.

Why else would he be here?

That is kind of a requirement to post here

But TLOU gets scores in gaming only sites.

Zelda will always get good reviews
It literally does not matter how bad it actually is, it will always get good reviews because the overwhelming majority of the Zelda fanbase has crippling autism and will fanboy it no matter what

mario kart 8 deluxe is the best selling game this year so far

zelda is the second best selling game this year so far

i didnt see horizon on the list

Because Zeldafags dropped their shitty game barely a hundred hours in and went online to shill for Cucktendo while the people who bought Zero Dawn are either still playing it or are not cucked enough to shill it online 24/7.

But that is just a Nintenbro thing.

I thought neogaf was nintendogaf.

Why can't you settle on one fucking thing, Sup Forums?

Oblivion is unironically a better game than the Witcher 3 and botw.

Horizon is in top 10 selling games constantly. Really good for new IP.

OMG this is SEXIST!

Or maybe the developers just put the time and effort into QC that means it never dips below decent?

Shoo shoo, go away pcpleb.

Sup Forums is nintendogaf. Which honestly isn't surprising because/v/ is also the most densely packed place on the Internet with people that have autism.

How dare they have fun with game! They should call is shit and retards/autists other users like I would do!

>Sonybros brag about HZD outselling Zelda
>a game with an install base of 60 million vs a game with an install base of literally 0
>can barely outsell it
This is an accomplishment how?

maybe you should go there instead of here

so we went from


>Its in the top 10 at least guysz!!!

that what parent tell to the kid that got could not win the race after boasting how fast he was to his friends
>dont worry Timmy. you could not be the best just how you liked, but at least you were not teh worst. good job champ

now post the total sales of those two you subhuman Nintenbro shitposter.

horizon didn't even outsell zelda though

Then post the list. You have no sources so far. All we know about horizon is that it sold 2.6 million in the first 2 weeks.

>>Sonybros brag about HZD outselling Zelda



>Sales from 2 systems combined vs 1
>establisged 20 yr old IP vs new one

Horizon sales are really great considering that.

>sales are the only thing that matter!

kys philistine.

Do Zelda fans all lack reading comprehension and basic understanding? Is that why you flock of idiots have to watch so many """"lore""""" videos on YouTube about your games meant for children and preteens?

>baaaw go away

Calm down Nintendownie.

I didn't went from anything, don't know who are you quoting autism boy but calm down a little.

31 years old, Broski.

I was referring just to the Switch sales.
Even still, the Wii U is hardly a thriving install base.

Do you own stock in Sony or something, or are you so used to instantly reaching for sales numbers to defend them that you don't even realize how weak that argument is?

This thread truly shows the Capulett vs Montague level shitshow Sup Forums has become

so Horizon sold 5M copies? thats impressive

neogaf is definitely Sonyland, it's ridiculous. Nintendo is both loved and hated. everybody shits on Microsoft and the only time you here about PC game is when console players cry about no controller support for the latest strategy game.

I don't own a PSquadruple and I'm not interested in HZD in the slightest, but the game does look pretty great. Def the best looking PS4 game.

>I'm too lazy to properly review these games, might as well give them 100s seeing as there's so much hype behind them

>Yet it's still the most revered recent entry in the genre.
That would be Skyrim, 6 years old, still the king.
There's a reason why Zelda went the Skyrim route with its open world, and let you just fuck around and do whatever you want the way you want it.

>Sup Forums is still arguing about this

2017 is going to be a long year.

Zelda doesn't sell like Mario/Pokemon. It always makes me laugh when zelda fanboys try to claim that it's part of some sort of "holy trinity" with those elite franchises.

Horizon did GREAT! !It was an original IP!
Fucking ninTODDLERS. NinBABIES! PCCUUCKS! XBOTS! ATARI FAGUARS! COMMODORKS 64s! We Sony Soldiers are the real victims here! Just like women!
If it's good enough for sony, if it's good enough for sony, if it's good enough for sony, then it's good enough for me!

On Sup Forums, good scores matter but only if it's a game you like, and bad scores don't matter if it's a game you like. Sup Forums is a magical place where 9/10+ games like Skyrim are called utter and complete garbage, while 6/10 games like God Hand are considered flawless 10/10 masterpieces.

The inventor's of video games beats out a shitty electronics company yet again.

How can they even compete?

>and the only time you here about PC game is when console players cry about no controller support for the latest strategy game.

Or PC players cry for console games.

>being so mad over electronic company

Seek medical help.

This is some poor bait friend

Then it's not a PC game. Fuck sake, it's like a console is a badge for school dropouts.

She zip lines down ropes with her bare hands and arrows do an unrealistic b line to any direction they shot at with 0 curvature even if shot into space with the worse looking trail of smoke that would kill all immersion. BotW might not be hyper realistic but it sure is more realistic in what it does

>he's making fun of a video game company
>obviously not of me

Saw a little too much of yourself in that post, did you?

This post perfectly encapsulates what's wrong with Sup Forums.

It's wannabe PC game. You see many PC autists like you in console threads. This is another example. You guys are like attention whores nobody care about.