I hate the fact that diferent platforms exist

I hate the fact that diferent platforms exist.
And also I hate developers who make exclusive games specific to one platform.

Why couldn't they just keep to one platform and that's it?
No more bullshit about X being exclusive and Y running like shit on some platform.

Will there be time when such things as consoles dissapear?
I sure fucking hope so.

Options and competition are good for the consumer, user.

I suppose competition is healthy and exclusives are pretty much the only notable difference between these Netflix machines but I agree. Fuck exclusives.

Because competition. Consoles need exclusives or you would have no reason to own one.

>I want Microsoft and steam to have a monopoly on games

Tell me how forcing me to choose between different platforms is better for me as consumer?
If I want to play Person 5 I need to buy PS4, if I want to Play new Zelda i need to buy Nintendo Console and if I want to play some game with the best graphics I need to upgrade my PC.
Overall if I want to try everything I need to spend much more than I would've spent if all these games were on one platform.

if there was no competition, gaming would probably only advance as far as atari or something. That's why.
Competition means needing to improve to snag customers. Without that, you could just peddle the absolute minimum to sell.

Yeah, different platforms sucks, but it's better than the alternative of 1 shitty stagnant platform.

In addition to that, you can choose between different form factors. The Switch is portable, the PS4 plays blu-rays etc.

>ywn rub Moomin tummy

That's some one world government NEW WORLD ORDER talk op.



Gaming was at its very best when Sega and Nintendo tried to outdo each other in the 16 bit era. Competiton is key for the creation of great games.

There's enough competition between developers, hardware makers inside PC.

I disagree. They adapt to each other and implement the worst possible outcome decision for consumer.
Look at paid online.
First implemented by Microsoft it is now a norm.

Competition is always good for the consumer because it leads to innovation, specialization, and diversification. Without competition, there is no real incentive for developers to improve (a task that is cost and time intensive), as because they're the only game in town then consumers will buy what they're putting out regardless. With competition, you have developers putting in the time and money to make new things in an attempt to one-up the other and get a larger market share.

Yet I don't see Ninendo trying to compete with Sony and Microsoft in graphics department.
They have great game but they don't pay enough attention to what other companies do.

There are just so many games and platforms and not very big amount of income.
I know it is more of a personal problem but I don't see enough innovation but rather more business decision in attempt to increase the profit.

Wow cool stuff friends, but how about a Moomin thread?

Graphics aren't the only thing that matters, and if you think it is then you need to really open your eyes. Nintendo has been competing in a different way by doing something that nobody else was doing at the time. They had motion controls on the Wii, the game pad with the Wii U, and now the home/portable duality on the Switch, and to a lesser extent they've been doing dual screen stuff with the DS, 3DS, and Wii U. Nobody else is offering experiences like that, at least not in a way that is as robust as Nintendo's attempts. Why you think muh graffics is the only thing that counts is beyond me.

They compete by offering something that the competition is lacking, user.

As a PS4/Vita only owner I feel like I do not need anything else.

I never implied that graphics are the most important aspects.
Only used it as example.

>Vita owner

You probably need a gf though.

What about Nintendo games?
And what about some obscure Pc games you wont see on the console?

>Pc games

Most PC exclusives run on 5 year old toasters. Pretty much everyone has an old laptop around to play those.

My mistake, it's just your mentioning and use of it gave the implication that was the only metric you were using to measure competition, when it should have been self-evident that Nintendo's lack of focus on graphics was entirely because they were placing their faith on the other novelties they can offer.

I never cared for Nintendo stuff, looks infantile.

As for PC, indies I care about always come over and I do not care about another MMO survival shitfest or RTS genre.