Is this the perfect example of artificial length?

Is this the perfect example of artificial length?

No, but this is the perfect example of an artificial thread.

I've never played a persona game before
Other than that one fighting game
Explain why I should get this game.

No, every open world with collectibles is.
>Batman arkham knight
>Far cry games
>Assassin's creed games
and so on

Lurk into the threads already full of replies about this game then or look into the older ones in the archive. But shortly, it's just a good turn based RPG with good mechanics based around exploitng the enemies weaknesses in dungeons with semi-stealth sections. The story is weaker then the previous ones although still good and the aestethics of the menus and battle is probably the best.

It would be artificial if they made you go through dungeons multiple times or something. Last I checked P5 doesnt pull that shit.

Definitely. The game is almost twice as long as any other Persona game yet it's the least memorable of them all.

It takes fucking forever to do anything. Why have the gun shop guy give me a bag with a fucking gun in it and then make me level a stat way the fuck up just to ask him fucking why like he gave me a fucking gun.

Because NG+ son.

I wasn't even able to ask him about it until November.

Did you even play persona 3? Persona 3 is always 80-90 hours. And with the answer, another 20-30.

No, this is.

Not if you play the superior psp version which cuts out the filler walking.

Only people who haven't played any version other than Portable think Portable is anything other than a joke version of the game.

Persona 3 only took me 50 hours.

No, hat would be Bravely Default

Darksiders 2 was pinnacle of artificial length.

Naah its worth it for the implied /ss/

With the way it basically forces you into NG+ to max your social links whereas in Persona 4 you could do it in one run just using experience from 3? Yes.

Otherwise, the dull first half isn't artificial. It's really there. It just sucks. Be glad Mementos didn't end up being longer.

>games comes out
>Sup Forums:"10/10 best game ever"
>game gets popular / receive good reviews
>Sup Forums makes things up to hate it
>"it's trash"
Like. clock. work.

What the fuck are you talking about, maxing all confidants was the easiest shit in this Persona. Fortune lvl7 and Temperance lvl10 are broken.

The fuck are you smoking? I actually managed to max all my social links in a blind run of 5 when I couldn't do that in either 3 nor 4. I mean fucking Fortune's rank 7 affinity reading makes it a joke.

How do you fake length

Bravely Default is still the best example of that.

It is a good game and most likely GOTY 2017.

Deal with it

Through filler.

I'm playing p4g. Level 37 on my way to mitsou. I'm fucked, huh? How do I fight him?

padding shit out to make them take longer than they normally would, like only letting you do one thing a day

>muh shit battle system
>muh walking everywhere

Black Frost

ask your dad haha

fucking THOT

shit just like this makes me FUCKING MAD

Fuse this abs-ho-lute madman.

More proof (as if we needed any) that 3d piggu were a mistake

The game is designed around issuing orders to your party members, not directly controlling their actions.
If you need direct control meme crutch consider playing an easier series shitter.

Not an argument. I never directly controller them on Portable either, the improved AI made it unnecessary. Try again shitter.

Just got to YHVHs dimension in apocalypse.
Im fucking scared, my demons blow and i barely made it through vishnu with some tactical fusing using up everything i had.
Now in the final dungeon, you cant recruit any more demons? this is fucking stupid, im really pissed. I went massacre and im going to get my ass beat so bad. What can i do? Just push on into the dungeon and hope for the best?
I should have picked Navarre as my goddess to make this easier... stupid sexy Toki

Shit need king frost ghoul and pixie

It certainly has s much faster pace than P4 or P3, I'll give it that.

Seems that way, I was watching a stream of this and maybe I've just grown out of JRPGs but it looks like an intolerable grind.

Persona 3 80 hours?
If you are slow as fuck maybe.
It's a 40-50 hours, P4G was 60-70+ and P5 90+.

It's a perfect example of a game that doesn't respect the player intelligence

Try refute me

I don't understand how people can be this stupid, just leave the dungeon recrut and fuse retard.
There is obviously a shiton of teleporter everywhere stop being such a faggot.

>Finish deadline
>week of loltests or other asinine school shit
>week of daily 3 minute cutscenes that cockblock you from doing anything at all until you unlock the next dungeon and deadline
>repeat 7 times and then throw you into last dungeon 7 days after the 7th one.

I loved the fuck out of P5 but the ending seemed to draw on forever and ultimately didn't feel that satisfying compared to 3 and 4

No? The game doesn't really have any filler. If anything the game is strangely too short, it speeds through the last three months of the game.

Haru's entire arc and dungeons was a filler.

Cut it all out.

Have akechi get the slip on them earlier dungeons.

The team has conflicts earlier until they realise how big the stakes are and them bamm same result achieved except haru and okumaru didn't need to exist

i dont respect your intelligence either. whatcchu gonna do

Is there anything new in NG+?

so how does the public opinion get turned against them, if we dont get okumura's death

Recruit more from the egg? Im just pissed off i cant get any more stronger stuff, have to go back to the grindstone.

there's optional bossfight against caroline and justine.

you can summon satanael

Artificial length would be if it was extended by something that wasn't benefiting the player
If the player throughout the game is getting more or something, whether it'd be items, social stat points, confidant points and rank ups, weapons, personas, experience, etc, than its not artificial


/artificial thread

As if that actually matters, the game already proves to you how easy it is for the heads to manipulate the masses and they won't care the next day

No that would be Makoto or Yusuke's which are completely irrelevant beyond the single lines at the end of the dungeon hinting at other people using metaverse

>shitters didn't eat disgusting massive burgers every night to level their G U T S

Interesting to see how some people take the pussy ass fuckboi route.

The only unnecessary add on to the main story (aka ignoring side events) was the Morgana spat. It felt contrived and over the top. Like they couldn't add Haru naturally so they had to make something up in order to get them to Okamura.

And then Haru became a side character in her own arc because of Morgana

You're a retarded fucking nigger