Quake Champions

Will it save the series or doom it?

it will be a flavour of the month esports game which everybody will play intensely for a bit and then go back to whatever they were playing before.

companies will still throw money at it because it's called quake, it will take a while before they realize that fps duel games aren't exciting for a mass audience. and the 17 pro players will cling on to it for dear life, hoping that they can make a living off it.

they won't.

it's much more fun than overwatch or cs unless you're a shitter, but with good matchmaking it might be fun for even retards

it's much less fun than real quake, unless you actually like sluggish movement, laggy netcode and microtransactions out the ass

There's barely any interest in it, so it won't affect the series at all.

It will die after 2 months, a few hundred will stay for a while longer, then they will all eventually quit to go back to that one game they can't possibly quit because they've convinced themselves that putting in thousands of hours into a game means you can literally never quit it.

Like every multiplayer game that happens now.

People play them a little while, but they eventually go back to the shitshow they normally play because of familiarity.

I've playing the closed beta and whilst I think it's pretty good I'm complete shit at it and I'm getting my ass handed to me. The problem with Quake is that modern FPS have ruined the audience for shooters, most people are going to find it way too difficult to play a game like this and won't want to put in the time to get better. Every game there are like 2 guys who know how to play Quake who just dominate everyone whilst the rest of us finish with 2 kills and 19 deaths. They're going to have to find a way to appeal to casuals if they want the game to take off, the hardcore players are few and far between and focusing on them won't save the game.

It's help if they just had a server browser so newer players could just play with each other to practice, I doubt people are going to stick around if they get completely ass blasted every game.

It's done. Abilities and stats didn't have an impact on gameplay. It feels just like Quake Live with better graphics and gimped movement.

They played it too safe, listening to """vets""" that stopped playing arena shooters long ago.

flavor of month then everyone gets bored of it. unlike overwatch it dont have anything new to keep people playing

Depends on how much money Bethesda is going to throw at competitions. That's the only way any PC shooter is going to exist in this age.

I'll put in time to get better at a sport user. There's no need for me to practise a game. Especially since you can get better at it naturally by playing and enjoying it.

>reading thread
>see someone mention sluggish controls

Shit's dead as fuck, irrelevant flavor of the month nonsense.

100% guaranteed.

Such a contradicting post. No idea what you are trying to say

you're getting your ass handed to you because there's no matchmaking system whatsoever in place yet. that explains why the game somehow feels it's ok to match lv3 players with lv43s.

Quake can't really sink any lower.

Q3 is still the last good thing they did and even until today they've been riding the coat tails of the original.

Same can be said for counter-strike but idk very doubtful.

>no matchmaking system
>the game somehow feels it's ok

Jesus fucking christ, fucking casuals these days. I had to look up what a smurf was because people kept complaining about them.

Fucking hell.

How so? The only way they would have saved the genre is by taking a big risk to change up the gameplay in a significant way. They listened to the whiners and scaled back the changes in attempt to please older fans who don't play arena shooters anymore while still attracting fresh blood. The end result is a game that vets aren't going to play because they've been bored of arena for years and are too deluded to admit it and younger players aren't going to play it because there's nothing fresh or interesting about it.

Right now the game just feels wrong. It might be the netcode, it might be the different starting stats, I dunno. RL was my goto weapon in QL, but in QC it just feels weak and under-powered. Splash damage does like 1 damage. The rocket delay is so bad I regularly kill myself with it, e.g. by strafing behind a wall and by the time the rocket actually comes out I blast the wall in front of me. It feels completely different from QL.

LG is quite overpowered right now, and so is the starting MG.

The RG and HMG bonus damage when zooming is just plain retarded. I'll probably sit out on future beta weekends until this shit is fixed at least.

But it's new and fresh to these younger players because they've never played an arena shooter before.

It won't be the blockbuster resurgence they want it to be. Most people have moved on from generic deathmatch, and want something with more substance.

Its all about perspective isn't it?
I mean, if you are a good quake player, no matchmaking means you are going to get matched against players worse than you most of the time.

>They listened to the whiners and scaled back the changes in attempt to please older fans
Literally how? and what fucking changes? You don't make sense you mongoloid. There is almost nothing changed since the first beta...

Save hopefully. It will be f2p so alot of kids and poorfags will probably try it for a while so it'll get some attention. People who play Overwatch might try it due to the slow trickle of content for that game.

Exactly. They need to come out with a more exciting and engaging game mode. There's a new mode coming called "sacrifice" but i'm not sure what it's all about.

That's because you have no clue what matchmaking is user.

If you are a good player, and want a challenge (which all good players NATURALLY do, because they are good because they like to be challenged by the game), you and all other good players naturally would want to find each other. And gee, how would they go about doing that I wonder? By playing random pubs all the time? lol

Is it going to stay on the Bethesda launcher or no? If it's not on Steam it will be dead

The netcode is fundamentally fucked. 10ms ping feels like 300ms in QL. There are webms comparing the RL lag in QL and QC and it comes out to that. Sorlag's puke, RL, NG feel laggy as fuck. LG is absolutely fucked to all hell and it doesn't help that there are like 3 LG spawns on every map, QC is just LG central. Zoomed HMG is literally the best weapon to use with quad at the moment. Map layout is extremely basic and the q3dm6 remake doesn't even let you do bridge-to-rail without rocket jumping (which itself is notoriously laggy and unreliable). The netcode doesn't just fuck with the weapons, but you will also often find yourself fucked out of ability kills - you hear the fucking ding so you know the hit should've registered, but the game will ignore it and you'll die anyway. The forums are filled with complaints about lagspikes, disconnects, memory leaks, the game using 6gb of swap, 4gb of ram and 1gb of vram just sitting at the menu screen with everything set to minimum, restricted resolution modes, etc. Absolutely no reason to play this over other Quake clones.

or you know, by having a system that constantly judges how good you are playing and matches you against people of similar skill

>Bunnyhop the game
It is already dead


But to whine that such a system doesn't exist? There's a word for fags like you, and it's been mentioned in this thread.

I'd enjoy it more if it didn't take so fucking long to get into a game. Having to wait 3 mins for a match then nearly 1 min for the 'match made' screen, then the loading screen for nearly 2 mins and then finally some weird fucking intro cinematic shit for another min.

In that time, a round could almost be over in OW. It's just really fucking poorly made.

I've met a bunch of younger guys playing modern military shooters over the past decade. I always try to get people I meet to try out Quake Live and not a single one returned after playing one or two matches. They just don't enjoy arena shooters, there is nothing there for them.

I'm talking about all the shitflinging about the abilities after the game was announced. The character/ability/stats system is basically pointless.

Don't forget desyncs like in old Path of Exile. Sometimes you get killed by enemies seeing you standing still in another room and there is nothing you can do about it.

Are you really arguing that it is ok for a developer to be lazy enough not to include a matchmaking system?

Got a spare beta code if anyone wants one.


That's right user. Though it ISN'T ok for a developer to be lazy enough to not put in a server browser, but I can see where your real issues lie.

first he whines about living fossils interfering with the game's development, then he defends the fucking game lacking the most fundamental aspect of any modern competitive online game

>unironically complaining about beta software
Sup Forums kids never learn
everything will be fixed by the time it releases
this will be the definitive version of quake for years to come

Damn user, to be so stupid that you don't understand the nature of an anonymous forum. That's setting a new low.

Why not both?

This game is dead on arrival, kiddo.

Because matchmaking isn't much of a concern. I would rather go on forums and set up fights with other teams anyway than spin an automatic dial that chooses my opponents for me.

I'm enjoying it a lot

Still waiting on that grenade launcher, though

Where is it

It can't take THAT much work to port a weapon

If "Id" aren't retarded, (((Bethesda))) are forcing them to be.
The least of it is summed up by Id actually always been bad at multiplayer since forever, and the community saved them through custom mods and servers.
But Bethesda "Buy My Fucking Game and Buy My Fucking Mods" Zenimax won't allow that this time.

If only they could fix the boring core gameplay.

This is like the classic sign of 'this game is never going to be good'.


It will be the next big thing in the competitive online genre but it'll not kill or replace any other game because it's not for casuals at all.

>There's barely any interest in it

There's a NDA but didn't you see all those people crying for beta keys literally everywhere ?

I bet the majority of people interested in this game are 10 years older than you.

>It won't feel right you know?

>It will be the next big thing in the competitive online genre

>because it's not for casuals at all.
>overwatch abilities
>toons with moba stats
>dmg bonus on zoom
>not for casuals

Daily reminder not to post any screenshots because QC uses digital watermarking to mark screenshots. Cropping, editing out your name, etc. won't help.

Just play Sorlag, she's the best for noobs since she uses Painkiller-style "press spacebar to go fast" jumps.

>user goes into a restaurant and starts calling the food shit while he waits for the food and waving a dorito stained piece of paper with a shitty comic around

That's why you record footage and then use gifs to mangle the footage to the point of being unreadable then post on Imgur.
Because the Bethesda forums don't support webm.

>giant hitbox
>lowest movement speed
>teaches you a movement mechanic that doesn't apply to any other character in the game
Perfect choice for a new player.

Daily reminder nobody cares because they just KEEP RELEASING MORE CODES, especially to Russia, especially when it's not tied to phone number + Steam account so they can't do shit.

>Just play Sorlag

It's literally D44M MP pt 2. You just have a powerup on a timer instead of having to pick it up. It's going to die a fast death.


if you play overwatch after qc comes out you have a tight butthole and thick ass. but if you still play qc you have a loose butthole and flat ass.

u know it's true

powers piss me off
the fact different characters have different health pisses me off even more

played the beta for few h and just didnt have the strength to go on

also skins look like shit and ui sucks ass


there's that meme again.

How can the netcode be so awful and have the devs said anything about it? Reflex was made by two guys in a basement and had good netcode even in closed alpha, how come this shit has the worst nedcode i have ever witnessed. Who are the retards behind this. If they are going to let this slip by and drown the game in microtransactions I will throw my pc out of the window. Netcode and a very responsive engine should be number 1 priority in a quake game.


It's also because even in it's alpha, QC have a bigger population.

>It will be the next big thing in the competitive online genre

Popular streamers will play it for a day or two and it will get a lot of attention initially but it will be dead within a few weeks. Movement is clunky, the MOBA abilities are completely unnecessary and it's just not that fun.

yeah, just like Overwatch lol

No, not like Overwatch. Overwatch has huge casual appeal and is backed by a company with a huge fanbase that will happily eat shit.

>I would rather go on forums and set up fights with other teams
>being a clan kiddie

My biggest criticisms
>needs more character lines (tbf Overwatch has the same issue, I've never even played it and know every one of Pharah's lines since a friend plays her all the time)
>weapon switching is too slow
>netcode/lag is bad
>some bugs ( had Clutch's shield remain on permanently)
Also is vsync broken? I tried the in game vsync and tried forcing it in Nvidia's control panel and neither worked, the framerate is still unlocked.

Overwatch was shat out by Blizzard and whatever Blizzard makes, retards will eat up. The only other hero shooter (or whatever the fuck you want to call them) that's also popular is Paladins, because it's free to play so it caters to Russians and other subhumans. Every single other game in the genre was a flop.

Overwatch is successful for the same reason TF2 was; it has distinct, fun and interesting classes - variety. QC is literally pick your gimp/worthless ability and then play the game that has been dead for 12 years.

Overwatch is marketed (and played by) people that doesn't like FPS.

I am loving it but if it doesn't have at least a planned server browser upon release, I will pass. Keep the competitive folks separate from those of us that don't have time for it. I guess there's always deathmatch.

the real question is why isnt quake live free anymore? what in the fuck

also bethesdas launcher is just absolute garbage that might be the only thing keeping me from playing this when it comes out

also when it closes out my desktop gets real fucky

Because nobody paid for a sub to keep servers running.

I started playing Quake 3 in 2000 and was one of those 2/19 k/d as well. Kept practicing and now I'm on the other side of the coin here my old butt sits in 2017 whipping these kids up based on twitching a map memorization.

It's oldschool as it gets and I hope it gets a TV ad campaign showing some sick rocket jumps and frags.

To really test skill, an arena-fps is needed with random generated arenas. Quake is and always has been about map management.

People don't want to pay microtransactions on such an old game. Flat price is best they could get away with.

It's going to sell like hotcakes but the game is going to be too casual for Q3A players to get into

>Most people have moved on from generic deathmatch

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds would like to differ

well how are they gonna make revenue if they make it free to play?

Like a clockwork.

as much as I hate OW they are right.

>There's a NDA
yes, since people give a shit about ndas here
oh no god protect my throwaway account in my non Orwellian country that is US or Germany

>Varying stats.
>loot crates

It has potential. It runs great at least.
The big question is if it would be a far better game if it just scrapped all the Champion bullshit. Everyone having the same stats and the abilities would be pickups on the maps.

I'd say, yes. Yes it would be a better game.

>but didn't you see all those people crying for beta keys literally everywhere ?
Actually not many care about the new cancer incarnate.

Ah, the "I have no counter-argument". Classic!

>taking 2 minutes to get into a match
>having to watch all that shit
>not letting us just warmup for a minute

>>Varying stats.
if they get rid of thsi it can be saved
powers arent as bad as 75hp vs 150 hp

>sluggish movement
this is how I know you aren't a quake player, the movement feels great

Quake Champions is still at its core a twitch arena deathmatch where raw aiming skill trumps everything.

So why add in a bunch of superfluous shit over the top of what remains much the same? Well Quake is never going to be massive, its just too punishing for normies to break into. So why make the "heroes"? Well thats for cosmetic loot boxes so you can milk the shit out of the hardcore committed as fuck fanbase that is still playing variations on Quake to this day.

Overall, here's my gripes...

Rocket launcher lacks "punch"
Movement is 95% there but that 5% lacking is really causing issues
No server browser, matchmaking is for tools
Shotguns fire rate is half of what it should be
Not enough "champions"
Customization is utterly confusing but as long as the microtransactions are cosmetic only np

Since all my friends are absolute casuals, I'm dumping my 3 Beta codes here, so you can actually play the game, instead of circle jerking around wether it will suck or not.




>not letting us just warmup for a minute

You must be running on a toaster

This is how i know you're a larper talking out of your ass. Most characters have lower base movement speed than in Quake Live and all characters have restricted movement mechanics compared to literally any game in the series. There's a total of one character with uncapped strafe jumping speed and that's it.

you don't know what sluggish means

>finally hearing ranger say different lines

It's good fun, and far better than playing against randoms.

>putting mega health right by the quad


>Why don't they just make Quake 3 arena 1.5?
maybe because all the ones that tried died like a bitch?