Why is playing Mercy/support such suffering?
Why is playing Mercy/support such suffering?
>being a healslut
Because you are baddie and play with baddies.
You're playing to play a non-serious FPS seriously
She looks like Dva in this pic
Mercy mains are the second worst people to play with, that's why. Worst would be the fags who AFKs after one loss because 'my team is throwing and we lost anyways'.
You know you are going to have a bad time if you have a mercy main named Mercy in your team.
But of course it will be forgiven if its a girl.
Because in most games being the direct action character (killer, core character, the carry, etc.) are both the characters that perform the most forward momentum in the game and rely the least on teammates.
Plus faggots think it takes 'more skill' to spam rockets or play a right click superstar then to be a game-awareness having support. In fact, they're proud of their stupidity and think people who play support are noobs.
I mean playing the support is basically saying "I'm going to support my teammates so they can succeed", but that means you have to rely on them to do anything, and they will let you down constantly.
And then they can bring other assholes if they are queued with her.
Because in reality you wish you were getting dicked by strange men with fat cocks instead of playing a video game.
That's why you picked mercy.
Or it's to use rez since most of you are idiots who need me to correct your mistakes.
>tfw i look exactly like her
it's uncanny really...
Because you'll never look like her
Because people dont talk enough so they don't bully you often
>nobody complains about medic mains in TF2 so long as they're not doing stupid shit like battle medicing instead of heals
>everyone bitches about Mercy mains in OW despite the fact that they perform a functionally identical role in the game
why this? is it because medic isn't a cute girl?
Precisely. Also because Anna can be considered a better choice
Jesus christ kill yourself if you think being a support take more skills than being an offensive character
Mercy is literally the lowest skill floor and ceilings of the game, all you do is being being your friend healing them and ocasionaly damage boosting them and guessing if the enemy has their ult or not to flee or stay
Lucio has the lowest skill floor and the highest skill ceilings with his wallrun which can makes him a pain
Zenyatta & Ana are the two high skill character because they do damage and can be very efficient both in healing and damage, and also sleep gun too.
MercyMain are so fucking pretentious "Muh i'm superior to all of you!!!" nobody has the time to defend Mercy because we're all trying to push the point there, cant stop the push for you dude
Mercy is boring to play, boring to fight (and annoying at the same time), and she is BAD GAME DESIGN IN A GAME SUCH AS OVERWATCH.
No, it's because Medic has a better healing per second, he has ubercharge, he has more utility with the other weapon he can choose in general. He's way more versatile.
Implying that people hate mercy player in game because Mercy as a character is a woman is dumb. Kill yourself.
Mercy has a pretty mediocre kit
>can't do anything as well as Anna
>isn't as fun to play as Lucio, doesn't really have mass healing down as well as Lucio
>ult is situational at best, can be god-tier at the right time
>Zen doesn't heal as well but he's essentially an extra DPS that has good backline heals and a "save the team" ult
At least with Anna and to some extent Lucio, I can solo heal the whole team without needing protection, and can get a few easy kills too.
I'm usually a tank player, though.
Medic isn't built around letting his team fucking die. Fuck Mercy's ult and having to play hide and seek.
;) sent
Ana is hotter and more useful than you.
>better Healer
>better waifu
>better utility
How can Mercy even compete
I thought that Sup Forums hated muslims
Ana and Pharah are probably coptic with all the Egyptian symbolism and you know, the lack of hijab. Even then, my dick overrides everything else.
>Ana or Pharah
Because faggots that play this game think this is CoD where they can just charge alone with the enemy and start the pew pew!When it's actually like a moba where your priority is to stay alive so you steam isn't in a disadvantage,you don't feed the enemy free ult and where you need to be on the right position to play your role.
That's why when I actually want to play to win,I pick rein and start bossing around everyone like a drill Sargent
Pro tip:It actually works,most of them aren't bad players overall,they just can't teamwork
Because you play with the most USELESS character in the entire game you fucking disgusting piece of shit.
Deal with it fucking waifu tranny motherfucker, instead of helping your team with daddy Zenyatta or ANA, characters that can take down annoying targets like Phara/Rod/Zarya you decided to be a lazy assfaggot pressing the left click for the entire game.
Jesus Christ Mercyfaggots are the worst cancer in the game, they beg 24/7 on blizz forums for more and more buffs.
Why does young Ana awaken my need to breed so badly.
>60% win rate with Zen
>sub 50% with Mercy
Why am I so shit at the easier of the two?
She's exotic, and she already had a beautiful daughter, so she's proven to be fully fertile.
Because you are a normal, healthy human male.
You're more subject to a shit team forcing you to lose as Mercy, since she can't fight. Zen can melt problem heroes, heal backlines, and stop deaths with his ult. It's easier to carry bad teammates as Zen.
With Zen it's up to your skill, with Mercy it's your teams skill.
Why is drawing anything not shit so hard for these artists?
post more young ana
>the easier of the two
It's not easier, it's different. How is it possible for people to not understand this game after it's been out for a year?
Problem solver for specific shit. Not just a healer, but plays interupt for things that's bangin the team
Aggressive healer/dps. meant to swing the tempo of the game on the dime
Meant to make it a bitch to move into her team and deals with flankers
Discord orbs and damage. Meant entirely for leading your pubbies into focusing fire when they'd usually not. The healing is an after thought
This is your healer. Look at everyone else. They aren't the healers. Mercy. She heals. That's her primary focus. She's the only one who heals to win fights.
Zenyatta, Lucio? They're healing is most;y after a fight is over.
Symmettra? Not even in the picture
Ana? She's meant to deal with specific things, like pharahs, and unshielded dps, but can heal to win a fight
Mercy? This is your healer. That's all she does. You don't like healing, then play a differant support, because there's no other true "healer". They're all support, but not all healers.
You are welcome.
>Heal the entire game
>Team can't quite capture the last point
>Switch to something unexpected like junkrat or winston.
>Team kill, victory
>nobody says anything
Because attentionwhores and literal fags started playing supports to get more attention or behave like sluts.
Also because people thinks that being a healer/support is easy, maybe thabks to WoW complete deadbrain mechanics and popularity with normies who perpetuate the "healing is easy they only have to overheal the tank with 99/100 Hp" or League retarded team who keep repeating the "dont bully the support guyz".
It's always a good time to give Pharah a sibling or two.
>character literally heals in battle
>hur hur they're not healers
kys, metafaggots and esports ruined lol and it also ruined ow quickly after release
how old is "young" ana, 30?
This is what I hate about mercy. She heals and that's the only thing she can. Thereby she isn't even the best at it.
Young means 1000s years old
Islam doesnt exist in Overwatch's version of the future
Otherwise Pharah would have been stoned to death for wearing blasphemous ancient egyptian symbols
More or less.
Only thing we know for sure is that she was born in 2016, so old Ana is 64, making her 32 when Pharah was born.
Because you don't have Autism, yet. Remember kids, uncle Blizzard told you Autism is fun, cool and progressive.
desu I would still breed old Ana, she aged like wine.
Because you're not picking Lucio
They should give her a skin with her hair untied.
Yeah they should
If you can't support to win, switch. It doesn't even matter what position your holding or how neccessary it is. If you're being fucked by something, switch, because no one is likely to help you by switching, so unless you are making quantifiable ground, it's not even worth it.
If logged in on Overwatch, entered any game, and then look at the far right category, what is the name of that group of characters? I'll give you as much time as it takes to tell me what it says.
It's not the only thing she can do, but it's the most important thing she can do. I have damage boosted a ulting soldier over healing critical roadhog and rein, but overall it's healing. Not that it's bad, since it will determine the entirety of how the battle works out, you just have to juggle everyone's health, how good they are, how good the opponent is, how good is the genji that's after you, what's your positioning, how well spread out is your team, how well are the opponents focusing down on one person, how many ults you have compared to the other team.
It's not as simple as pocketing the pharah. Sometimes I do get games where I can just pocket soldier the entire game, but it's way more thinking and actual game changing how you play around it
Also fuck whoever says "Mercy go hide".
>you'll never make Ana a mommy again
>play ana or lucio
>do okay job
>win game
>game was clearly won because fucking everybody played decently
why do people do this
Playing support is always hell, because you have to rely on other people to actually kill shit. And hell is other people.
>no Ana wife to breed with
>no Pharah daughter to raise and nurture into a respectable woman
>it's a mercy player that doesn't use her pistol
Why are you so shit?
everybody else doing their jobs is necessary for the healer to be able to do his.
Those are the only games they see good healing, and they wrongfully attribute that to the healer.
>usually play girl healers in games that allow it
>friends get me into Squad a milsim
>start playing medic and enjoying it a lot
>guys are really grateful and protective over their Squad medic
>lots of "love you"s
>cant play a girl though
>convince squad mates to call me "mommy"
>they think its a funny joke
>im over here losing my mind
Because they like getting healed or speed boosted. The more people that feel appreciated by the team, the more people are going to feel less apprehensive about playing support. The more people likely to pick up support without egging, the better it is for the dps/tank babbies
Depends on your ELO. I've gone from silver to diamond twice as a mercy main
>Silver: Not even worth it. Just play junkrat or pharah and carry scrubs
>Gold: Still not worth it, pick up DVA or Zarya, and chase down enemy supports and flankers
>Low Plat: You can pick up Zenyatta and do call outs. Just an extra help with discord can win you most of the fights
>High plat: Now it's time to play support
>Ana will never /ss/ you
Ana is a better mommy because she's a mommy
>character selection shows up
>some guy instantly picks mercy
>alt+f4 out of it
dodging bullets before the match even started
>nobody has the time to defend Mercy
This is why I know you're plat or below
I play both Ana and Mercy a lot and then some
I'm actually a really good support player across the board despite being so shameful
You fucking slut.
What rank are you?
thats some cute art
>DPS players don't realize they can protect their healer by simply being a proficient player instead of outright feeling they need to baby sit a support
then again, this is expecting these people to have any amount of situational awareness and not just 24/7 tunnel vision
>tfw ana will never give you a nurturing handjob as she lulls you to sleep and then just using her sleep dart to make you go to bed
waifufags ruin every fucking game
they should make a game with sex-less neutral looking robots as their playable characters
nevermind, fags will probably still go "h-haha id like to fug that robot XDDDD"
diamond, but only barely honestly
It's not even DPS's job except McCree. It's the Zarya/DVA's job. If Off-tank's aren't pushing for squishies they should be OFFTANKING the dps coming for healers.
FPS was a mistake
>tfw Ana will never Nano Boost your dick after a session of hot and sweaty love making for a few more rounds
No idea, I didn't make that crop.
hehe STOP
When I still cared about comp I got to Diamond as well, I just play Quickplay / Mystery Heroes these days.
There are image search functions built into the fucking site. Use them.
I did, they don't work, that's why I asked you fucking retard
>Lucio mains may go overboard but can survive on their own and help the team with his speed boost and heals
>Zen mains fuck shit up while healing at the same time
>Ana mains make use of her amazing kit and she's hot
>Mercy mains always, ALWAYS complain about her not being protected
I bet you did try, you fucking retard
>tfw ana and I are getting old but we still haven't walk in the glow of each other's majestic presence
Listen, Ana, hear my words: they're the ones you would think I would say if there was a me for you.
Is this some kind of attempt at making a meme?
>100,000,000 lewdfics about McCree fucking Hanzo or some other retarded shit
>literally ZERO (0) about McCree fucking young Ana while old Overwatch still existed
Why have the writefags failed us?
Cause 99% of your team is retarded and cant protect a support hero let alone themselves.
Hacks, all of them.
We all know Ana was the bicycle of Overwatch and that getting laid with her is part of the tryouts to get in OW.
Look at this lips man. Young Ana is such a semen demon.
holy fuck you really are retarded, arent you?
Use yandex if google doesn't work.
Also I should mention I can find the image just fine, but saying reverse image works isn't true for my machine.
because young Ana is for Jack
>this guy
waifufags, everyone
Because Mercy is boring garbage that requires no input other than standing still and holding down a button
Lucio all you have to do is exist but this allows you to skate around like a maniac and fire your weapon without having to babysit your team
Ana requires you to be constantly connecting your shots to keep people alive so your focused on that
Bastion is my husbando