Is the Switch more powerful than the PS3/360?
Is the Switch more powerful than the PS3/360?
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Its not even on par with them when undocked.
Why do you compare handheld console with stationary? Its more powerful than Vita and 3DS
Nintendo describes it as a HOME CONSOLE.
The games are priced at the $60 range like home console games intead of the $40 of handheld games.
The price of the hardware is $300, the same as home consoles.
Well, docked it 100% is, undocked its on par gflop wise but the nvidia architecture is way more up2date then ps360.
well thats a lie
its between a wii u and an xbox one
Its not.
When undocked the Switch is less powerful than a PS3 and on par with a PS3 when docked.
>the wii u was more powerful then the ps3
>the switch plays wii u games at higher resolution and framerate
really makes you think
The Switch doesnt even run at 1080p like PS3, it runs ay 720 when undocked and 900p when docked.
>mario kart is 720p on wii u with frame stutter
>mario kart is 720p on switch with perfect 60fps and better textures and draw distance
your either baiting or need to go and read
Mario kart is 1080p on switch
Yes, while flops wise it's not impressive, the fact that it can uses new architecture, can use Vulkan, and has tools made by Nvidia to help it along allows it to punch quite a bit above it's weight.
its neither a handheld nor home device. it's a hybrid. I can't see why you have to be so autistic about it. if anything it's a handheld that plugs into your tv. all the power and processing comes from the tablet
it depends on the game dumbfuck
Should I have lasagna or spaghetti tonight?
It is.
The Wii U was weaker than PS3 and 360 though.
You know that MK8D runs at a full 1080p/60 when docked, up from the Wii U's 720p/60, right?
Except undocked switch is more powerful than wii u.
Undocked switch mario kart: 720p, 60 fps, better shadows
Wii u: 720p, 59 fps, worse shadows
Undocked switch zelda: 720p, more consistent 30 fps
Wii u: 720p, drops fps
Undocked switch is equal if not higher than wii u. Wii u is better than ps3.
I fail to see how the switch is worse than the ps3 in any mode
No. But it has the potential to be a way better console than both combined.
Explain why It looks like a handheld, plays like a handheld, has controllers like a handheld, games like a handheld and works like a handheld then.
>Wii u is better than ps3.
Except it wasn't and most first party Nintendo games were full 1080p
PS3 - Nvidia 7000 series - 256+256MB memory - OpenGL ES 2 based API (D3D9 equivalent)
WiiU - Radeon R600 series - 2GB memory - OpenGL ES 2 based API
Switch - Nvidia 900 series - 4GB memory - Vulkan based API (better than D3D12)
Significantly more while undocked. While docked, its not a contest.
The Switch uses Vulkan? That's pretty fucking neat.
Yes it is. Literally all the multiplatform games.ran better on wii u than ps3.
And Smash is a game that just cant run on a ps3. Its 1080 60 fps and 8 characters on screen. The ps3 wouldnt run it.
thanks shibata
It's confirmed to use Vulkan, yes.
It's a fucking Nvidia Tegra 1 sold for $299 because Nintendo knows Nintendicksuckers would pay any price to satisfy their manchild autism.
TL;DR lol no!
Technically it uses NVN, but its basically just Nvidia's Vulkan + some extensions approved by Nintendo.
I believe this is also connected, its a high level framework from Nvidia to try to make Vulkan easier to use. It was released to the public around the same time the NDAs on stuff they made for the Switch were coming off.
Of course the main reason they're using it is its way more efficient in mobile applications than any of the previous high level APIs were.
>Except it wasn't
It was
>and most first party Nintendo games were full 1080p
Lol that is a complete lie. I can't believe you actually fell for that toddler meme.
Literally the ONLY 1080p 60 fps game pn Wii U was Smash Bros.
>Yes it is. Literally all the multiplatform games.ran better on wii u than ps3.
>And Smash is a game that just cant run on a ps3. Its 1080 60 fps and 8 characters on screen. The ps3 wouldnt run it.
Nah, PS3 could run it
The X1 is stronger than the PS3 or X360 tho
The most popular target for first party PS3 was 720p/30fps, most first party WiiU games were 720p/60fps, Switch targets 1080p docked
It is, yes, but it's more of a stopgap between PS3 and PS4 in terms of raw power than a competitor. Multiplat games run with dynamic resolution with the highest being 900p on the bone with worse FX. Hell, the PS4 is lucky to reach 1080p at 30fps when it does. This gen is a fucking mess.
>A decade later and sonybros still can't understand that they were conned over the POWER OF THE CELL
I never owned one. The Wii U is a piece of fucking crap. Deal with it.
Its a 6 inch tablet thats just less powerful than a PS4.
That's impressive.
user I was talking about the Tegra X1 lol
And I was talking about the entire gen. Keep up
We'll find out for sure once the multiplats start hitting the switch this year.
I know FIFA and NBA are in the line up. Not much to go on but we can at least have more accurate testing for comparison.
Why is there any debating in this thread at all. The Switch runs BotW better undocked than the Wii U does, and the Wii U is more powerful than the PS3/360.
If x=y and y=z then x=z, it's not fucking complicated.
>Hell, the PS4 is lucky to reach 1080p at 30fps when it does
Want 1080p with no tricks?
Upgrade to the Pro, goy
Way to change the goalposts
Just like every system last generation was made trying to be a better Gamecube (IBM CPUs, separate GPUs, aiming for best performance per dollar)
This generation were all trying to be a better Wii (bargain basement hardware, no concern about performance, just low cost). Nintendo failed mainly because they were too faithful to the hardware designs they'd used in the past because SOC chips now rule when it comes to low cost.
So enter the Switch which is built on a bargain basement SOC chip.
>the Wii U is more powerful than the PS3/360.
But that's wrong.
Why? It literally is though, the Tegra chip is already stronger, and even if you don't believe it check digital foundary
this isn't 1984, you can't say 2+2=5 just because that's what you say. at least try with your bait.
Wii U isn't as powerful as 360 and PS3. Games like NG3 are less stable on Wii U than 360 and PS3. And some games on PS3 and 360 could support DLC while Wii U couldn't
Much more powerful GPU, comparable RAM, worse CPU
They already confirmed that FIFA will be a legacy edition like it was on PSP and 3DS. Dumbed down graphics but the gameplay will stay the same.
No, they didn't.
By what metric?
CPU: PPE vs PPC750, WiiU had better single thread performance, better IPC, and could run more threads than the PS3 (same number as 360)
GPU: R500 protoype / Nvidia 7000 series vs R600, the WiiU is more modern and R600 was a big step forward for AMD and was in use for ages.
Memory: 256+256/512 vs 2048MB WiiU is the clear winner.
>better single thread performance
The Wii U was already more powerful than a PS3 and the Switch is more powerful than a Wii U.
The problem with the RAM situation is half of it was dedicated to the OS. In some open world games, the WiiU actually closes the OS to a low memory state to dedicate more to the game.
Hitting the home button during BotW, for example, boots the OS back in to the RAM and you incur a 10-15 second load when starting the game again. They could have solved that problem so easily.
Screen is under development and may change, bottom right corner. Also release date remains TBA while FIFA 18 for PSXBONEPC already has a release date.
That doesn't have anything to do with what you were claiming
It is
>It's a fucking tablet, it can't be more powerful than an xb360 or ps3
Why is this so hard to believe? The 360 and ps3 came out over 10 years ago. And even then they were using outdated hardware.
I know Moore's Law has diminishing returns, but even over 10 years and with the advent of the smartphone era, mobile CPUs are already way more powerful than hardware from over a decade ago.
Of course the Switch is more powerful than a PS3/360
Give us your definition of power, and let us laugh at your simplistic understanding.
>Games like NG3 are less stable on Wii U than 360 and PS3
Bad ports are no indication of system power. Games for Linux ported from D3D->OpenGL routinely suffer from performance degradation given the same hardware, but that has everything to do with converting to a different workflow that isn't as optimized. WiiU used an OpenGL ES 2 based API, while 360 used D3D9 and PS3 used OpenGL ES 1.1. (Yes I know they're all custom APIs but that's what they were based off of)
>some games on PS3 and 360 could support DLC while Wii U couldn't
Really? DLC has become an indication of system power now?
Show me an Xbox 360 game that looks as good as BotW or Xenoblade X.
I'll give you Xenoblade X but BOTW runs like absolute fucking garbage on Wii U, stutters and frame drops everywhere. Not a very good example.
Name an open world game with physics that runs as well as BotW
PPE was really inefficient which is why its clock speed needed to be cranked up to the point where it could melt solder to run well.
>“Well, as we have said, we are custom-building a FIFA version for the Nintendo Switch,” Moore said of the game. “It will be FIFA 18, and it will obviously be later this year when FIFA 18 comes out.”
It will be a legacy edition of FIFA 18 end of story
Sure, but that's the same way with every modern console.
Xbox One and the PS4 dedicate about 2GB of memory to the system OS.
With the Scorpio at least rumored to use up one of its 4GB memory banks just for its Windows 10 S based OS.
PS3 and the 360 also reserved memory for the system's built in OS.
>runs well
GTA IV and V ran like shit on 360/ps3
Ran about as well as BOTW does on Wii U
[Laughter continues]
Define 'legacy edition' here. Because one targeting the handheld and making use of its new hardware features really isn't a 'legacy' edition in the same sense that the PS2 and Wii versions getting roster updates was.
But that's not much of an accomplishment tbqh fampai.
>Screen is under development and may change, bottom right corner. Also release date remains TBA while FIFA 18 for PSXBONEPC already has a release date.
That ad seems like it was from before the switch was released going by the release date for it. Also of course they're going to put a disclaimer that the game is in production and may change.
And there is no official release date for FIFA 18 yet you fucking lying shit.
How about you put a link to where you are getting this quote from.
You don't know shit. End of story.
>Defending the WiiU
[Audience shuts their pants laughing, then promptly commits patricide because fuck kids]
o you poor little thing
>port of a system's game on par with ps2 is now special
Aha, no.
BOTW may have some framerate drops here and there, but GTA always had terrible draw distance, pop in textures and models, consistently shitty framerate, etc. You couldn't even drive too fast without textures failing to load. On top of that, all the character models looked ugly.
You aren't making an actual argument here, you've drawn a conclusion with no proof
>Nvidia's Vulkan
Is that a version of Vulkan modified to work better on Tegra?
BOTW also has more complex movement mechanics and a much more interactive world, though GTA4/5 do contain generally more intricate areas.
Most PS3 games can only do 720p, you know that right?
>And even then they were using outdated hardware.
LOL. Nigga it was top of the line. Especially the CPU's.
>GTA always had terrible draw distance, pop in textures and models, consistently shitty framerate
All of these are true for BOTW on Wii U. If you don't think they are, I doubt you've actually played the Wii U version. I get framedrops sometimes just running around by myself with no enemies or anything around.