Hiroshima lets us have one meta thread per board

Hiroshima lets us have one meta thread per board.

Lets discuss if ecelebs should be allowed on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Who fucking cares. Even the post about video games are probably the most cancerous and god awful things I've seen on Sup Forums

A bill passed in the house to repeal and replace obamacare

Boogie is on subsidized healthcare because of the very high cost to treat him, even though he makes good money. But if he did have to pay for the healthcare out of pocket entirely.. he wouldn't be able to entertain us or afford his food which could hurt his mental health.

Anyone else donating to his patreon to help?

They should, but limited to one thread at a time.


>people will refute this



Videogames have evolved to a point where reading about them online, communicating with others in related 'communities' watching other people play them, or watching/listening to other people talking about them online has become an integral part of the entire experience.

You cannot have a videogame discussion board in 2017 and claim that these meta-elements are not videogame related, while more and more people spend an increasing amount of time engaging in them.

Like it or not, ecelebs are therefore vidya at least if their main focus is videogame-related.

>Joey's World Tour
Holy fuck, I forgot that existed
>Those self-imposed challenges where he fails each and every one of them all the while making a disgusting pig out of himself


>allowed here
no, post it in /bant/ or Sup Forums.

I really don't see what the problem is.

There's what, a handful of YouTube threads a day?

Leave /bant/ alone it's my new favorite board.

permaban for e-celebs, console wars, and generals
delete /vp/, /vg/, and /vr/ and let actual videogame discussion take place on Sup Forums again

how about a general then

That dude had the best help in the country and still didn't lose weight.

He brought it on himself

That does seem like a reasonable compromise which is why most people will probably reject it.

Allowed - yes
Accepted - no
Shitposted to hell and back for being complete garbage and a waste of a thread - yes
Allowed - yes

of course. videos of people playing, talking, etc about video games = video games.

>/ck/ allows discussion of food youtubers
>Sup Forums allows discussion of music youtubers
>Sup Forums allows discussion of movie youtubers
>Sup Forums doesn't allow discussion of videogame youtubers, Sup Forums doesn't allow discussion of fallout: new vegas, Sup Forums doesn't allow discussion of popular games like mobas

Why is Sup Forums shitposting only?

We should look up to Sup Forums not down to subhuman boards

i like sips, pflax, and jerma985

am i a pleb?

Ecelebs are just a symptom of a problem. 90% of the threads are just made to generate as much response as possible. They know that ecelebs generate a lot of posts so they make those threads. If they dont allow replybaiting threads ecelebs would be fine, but they dont. So I rather see ecelebs moved to some general or just deleted than what we have now

E-celeb general is on /vr/ for some reason

Where else should people talk about e-celebs? Either make a general to contain it or simply allow it. A new board for this shit feels like too much and it's not like these threads are the worst stuff on Sup Forums anyway.

As long as it's about video game related content creators, I absolutely don't see a problem with talking about them once in a while. If I don't care about them I just don't visit the threads and that's it. Everyone that has a problem with this needs to stop acting like this board isn't a complete shithole to begin with.




This. There should be a streaming/e-celeb general in /vg/.

This is true

Thats an Arino thread who is not an eceleb

let's be frank, i rather have e-celeb threads than "how can white boi compete?" / "what's best waifu" and "tfw no gf" threads

Check again. I saw an e-celeb general there yesterday.

Make the board celebrities of all kinds not only ecelebs

is it not allowed?
then why do i keep seeing eceleb threads reach 300+ replies all the time?

Well there are a lot of nostalgia channels, the new games already have a lot of coverage so people know they cannot break through with that. Instead they go with old games.

If I were a mod, this is how it would go down: Ecelebs are allowed as long as they are secondary to vidya

>This guy sucks at playing X
>This guy thinks this about X, his arguments are stupid, here's why
>Learned about X from this guy, has he done [Quest] and completed [Achievement] yet?

Not Allowed:
>This tranny is mentally ill, look at this photo of "her"
>This guy has a wife, look at how fat she is, I bet she cucks him
>Look at this man's house, he's such a dirty dipshit
>This guy said this on twitter about SJWs, is he /ourguy/?

Yeah, there's no issue with e-celeb threads. They've always been allowed, they've always been infrequent enough that they don't clutter the board up, and there's no reason why we should give in to the crying faggots and start banning them or splitting Sup Forums even further.

There isn't a board for youtube and ecelebs, so this is where video game related youtuber discussion is going to be.
Redlettermedia and nostalgia critic, etc. go on Sup Forums and cosplay and makeup shit probably ends up on /cgl/.

People hate them for whatever reason but they still hit bump limit every fucking time. Talk about hypocrisy.

It's better to talk about video game related e-celebs than the shit you see here all the time. Console wars are pure cancer and if anything should be banned, it's this derailing pile of shit.

this is a non-discussion. there will never be consistent enforcement, because it's just a silly website, so what does it even matter?

what is allowed and disallowed is simply the perspective of whatever cuck faggot jew nigger janitor decided to file something for a ban and then a mod coming along and processing it through without even looking at it, so they can hurry back to their MLP IRC channel or whatever.

If I were a mod this is how it would go down
>now the dust has settled
>get cancer and die
>blocks your path
>X does not ex-

Thread should have ended here.
Also every thread that uses a twitter screenshot should instantly get deleted.

I want to know why the LOL threads keeps being deleted.

Discussion of celebs isn't allowed on Sup Forums or Sup Forums so it's only logical that it should follow suite on Sup Forums.
Go back to your fucking subreddit if you want to circlejerk over some no name fake friend substitutes/online babysitters

>banning every single meme that ever occurs on Sup Forums

I disagree. All of those should be allowed. There's nothing inherently wrong with any of them (Although you do sound like an underage faggot if you unironically call other people "cucks").

One thing I'd crack down on, though, is on threads about games being derailed to talk about politics. There's so many threads that go completely off the rails (or go just like OP intended when he created them) and turn into shit like debates about trannies, feminism, Trump, gun laws, etc. Now there's shit that should be banned on sight.

>Discussion of celebs isn't allowed on Sup Forums or Sup Forums
This isn't true, though.

>so it's only logical that it should follow suite on Sup Forums.
Indeed. E-celeb threads have been here before you knew about this website and they will continue to exist.

Most of those replies are people bitching about eceleb threads

No it is just a way to crack down on everything that just dumbs discussion down. You want to talk about Half life 2? You can start with

>ive replayed HL2 recently and thought it aged poorly due the physics and being a departure from the original in several ways like [..] what does Sup Forums think
instead of
>now the dust has settled, what do you think of HL2
If you dont have the decency of making a proper OP you dont get to post.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?


>All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.
E-celeb discussion on Sup Forums is nothing but off-topic discussion you fucking retard
>Indeed. E-celeb threads have been here before you knew about this website and they will continue to exist.
Been here since 2005 and it's never been tolerated like you assume it has, even when everyone and their mother was doing livestreaming people despised the attention grabbing faggots.


why put any effort when you'll get auto-pruned underneath the tide of a thousand memeposts.

weirdly Sup Forums feels slower these days in terms of posting, but faster in terms of new threads. which are always ENDLESS TRASH. blame fox news, i guess.

No I just want non game shit out of the game board
You already have entore boards dedicated to shitting on SJWs

He's pretty okay, too bad his sidekick on stream is fucking insufferable.

Well, it's not like it's a choice between the two. It's possible to not have either.




Jerma definitely. Never seen anyone on Sup Forums talk shit about him

/egg/ general fucking when?

Yes that it why you should ban that shit. If you force shitposters to walk to their modems good threads get to live longer. Now it is not worth it since you get pruned, buy if you know your effort gets rewarded by not getting deleted you put in the effort.

At first I hid posts and it worked fine, but by now the volume is so fast every 10 minutes I have to hide another 40 threads.
>blame fox news
Dont give this politics crap. The reason is way simpler as well, newfags find out that shitty posts get them more (you)s so they make those. People that want to start their own discussion are then forced to roll with similar posts in the hope they can squeeze out 20 good posts

This is a reasonable way to go about it. If people only discussed the stuff about e-celebs that actually pertained to video games then it would be alright, but when you start discussing their personal matters (their political opinions, their relationships, who's cucking who, etc) then it just becomes celebrity gossip and it ignores video games altogether. At that point the connection of video games just becomes an excuse to discuss that individual's personal, not-vidya life on a video game board.

what if its from the devs or publisher

kill yourself faggot

If you mean Nick, then I agree. But I have to admit that the PUBG videos made me fucking despise MALF. I never knew that he was such a punchable and insufferable, whiny little bitch.

Probably means Nick, I have nothing against the guy but some people find him annoying.

Also, Dan Gheesling is always gold.

found the butthurt sjw

>Defending neo-memes

The biggest problem are the people who want to talk about the same thing with the same people every single day but don't want to move to /vg/ because "generals are cancer".

>You don't want to wade through absolute garbage every day so you must hate free speech

Here's your (you). Don't spend it all in one place, chap.

Just watched a minute of his most recent video, he's boring as fuck why would anyone watch that.

the newfags come from somewhere. like fox news putting Sup Forums onto national news and making us sound totally rad.


-delete Sup Forums
-permaban alt-reich neckbeards
-relax the criteria to become a mod and hire a lot more mods
-country flags and poster id's on all boards
-greatly expand the word filter
-+1/-1 on posts

pretty much fixes every problem on the site

chanology, smartphones, memes, gamer gate, Trump, fucked up Sup Forums harder than fox news.

I want to talk about the same thing, not necessarily with the same people, though.
And yes, /vg/ is cancer, it's always circle-jerk central. If I want to discuss a game, I'll discuss it here on Sup Forums and make a thread about it.

can't believe the egg got all the achievements and didn't think about streaming his attempts

what the fuck are you smoking
>+/- on posts
I guess cock.

What makes you so special that you get to ignore the rules when you make a general?

Childhood is idolizing DAN, Adulthood is realizing Cobalt is the superior option

His Rumbles and old TF2 vids were golden.
Also, my personal favourite youtube.com/watch?v=LDSnTvBVL2k

The newfags came from the habbo hotel raids in '06-'07 which created this dumb as fuck "LMAO EPIC WIN RAID" culture which led to newfags creating the SINGLE most autistic thing to come out of Sup Forums, Chanology aka we r anonymouse legion elite hackerz no 4give no 4get. Chanology sparked a HUGE surge in retarded fucks flooding the site and polluting the culture.

Generals lead to circlejerking rather than containment.

>+1/-1 on posts
Are you fucking insane?

>you will never be as fat, ugly or unfunny as Cobaltstreak
Why even live?

DSP is by far the most interesting one, all the others are making zounds of cash for nothing


- partnered with a fake partner network
- permanently disabled his adsense account
- engaged
- streams for less than 300 people while sons of kojima run a concurrent stream discussing his stream with more than a thousand viewers
- double mortgage on the house
- stuck paying off bmw lease
- puts out at least one begging video per week

It's probably how Hitler felt in april 1945

Sup Forums is an annoying board, you have to be a certain kinda faggot to spend most of your Sup Forums time there.

Seph-sama the only one who should be allowed

>-relax the criteria to become a mod and hire a lot more mods
Nah, the criteria should be changed though as it seems to encourage the biggest retards to be mods.
Though that is to be expected as you have to have some sort of mental illness to want to be a mod/janny in the first place.

No, they lead to circlejerking AND containment.

Worst opinion I've read all day.

Its frog free, that already puts it far and above all the others

I'm not breaking any rules, though. I don't make generals.


I never see this posted anymore.

None of that is a good, every idea you put forth is shit.

Cobalt, Sinvicta and Malf are fucking awful

My mistake.

>jerma hasn't made a video in longer then I can remember

did he died

Too bad he's more or less dead. I loved his cringy videos, even though it's just an act.