
>Daytona Usa
>Panzer Dragon
>Typing of the Dead
>Crazy Taxi
Adulthood is realizing that Sega was always right.

Other urls found in this thread:!!_Sega_Game_Music_Presented_by_B.B._Queens

nah m8

keep the rest though, and give us some outrun

that album is dope.

Nintendo was the best for consoles
Sega was the best for Arcades

Fun fact, that albums disc is also a reprint of a sega cd game and thus can play it.!!_Sega_Game_Music_Presented_by_B.B._Queens

>Nintendo was the best for consoles

Still trapped in childhood, I see... Sad.

Old Sega is the best, glad you finally realized OP.

Childhood is Rouge.
Adulthood is realizing that Vanilla made more sense.

nah, I dont care for much genisiss games, well except zero wing but most good sega Genesis games were on the arcade.

Besides Im not too big a fan of snes either. Only really like the NES,N64, and GCN

And what do you have besides these and Shenmue? Dreamcast was literally NOGAEMS of its generation, only arcade ports all day every day in a time when nobody gave a shit about arcade ports. Every day I'm thankful I bought PS2 instead of this dumpster fire.

It's all good, mate. Everyone has their own taste and whatever. Personally, I'm partial to the Genesis, Saturn and SNES.

>Arcade doesn't count!
yeah whatever. I bet you have a good arcade room in your town, am I right?

Arcade is a joy for a few hours a week. It's definitely not enough to keep people coming back to a home console.

I have a good arcade room in my arcade room, user. Kudos for being interested.

>proceed to play movies or """action game""" that will keep you up for 10 hours and be done with it because they have no replayability or skills.

>I have a good arcade room in my arcade room
hella epic!

>MGS3 on European Extreme
>Less skills than arcade games
Nice meme, fagit. I bet you think PS2 was a JRPG machine.
I managed to buy out from a hipster fucker who bankrupted his own arcade place. Even a shithole like Portland can bring some good to the world. Not that I have a lot of fun with them, the goddamn things shoot electricity bills hella high if used for too long.

>My movie require skill!

Confirmed for not playing the game
Sure is nice shitposting on Sup Forums 24/7, huh, fucker?

Holy shit you have no idea what you are talking about.

of course, it's a movie.

If it's a movie, would you be so kind and stream yourself successfully watching it on European Extreme? Surely that would be no trouble for such an esteemed gamer.
This board has become a house of mongrels.

>always right
Dear God, no.

>Not "TomKalinske & Knuckles"
How could you

That's why you need your own generator. And while winter is a shitty time to try and go for solar as well, late spring & summer is usually pretty good on the old elec. bill if you go solar, too.

Which arcade was it? The one that opened for a few months in Clackamas T.C.? I'm near that shithole, too, but haven't been to an arcade in fucking forever. Not even Ground Kontrol.

I think you mean successfully PLAYING it on European Extreme, but otherwise I agree.

The faggot is 100% clueless.

I was just smugging him up about it being a movie.
There was one in Lloyd Center a few years ago. I was just at the right time in the right place, managed to snatch some of the cabinets on the go without any transport service since me and a friend were driving separate cars.

Damn, nice. Which cabinets you grab?

you tell'em bro!

Why mgsfags have to shit up every threads ever?

I loathe MGSfas but you're wrong this time.


What is this?


The obligatory Street Fighter II, Centipede, Mortal Kombat 2 and Gauntlet. I really wanted a bizarre FMV game Time Traveller, but the guy asked too much for it. He also had After Burner, which I of course couldn't take, and Beatmania, which I wasn't interested in, as well as a lot of other stuff.
I could have mentioned DMC 3 on DMD instead, but I didn't want to humiliate you too much.

Why did our hero leave us when we needed him the most?

Not , but maybe a shoulder shot of Forces? I wanna say this is Station Square, but I don't recognize the skyline.

You could also have fucked off.
