Enemies can open doors

>enemies can open doors

>Enemy could go through literally anything

>enemy is resistant to every type of damage

>enemies can erase your save file

>enemies steal your loot

>enemies follow you to the next area

>enemies are invisible

>enemies follow you to the boss arena and attack you after you kill the boss

>enemies have a support buffing them

>boss becomes faster and starts regenerating health when it's almost dead

>boss gains more damage resistance the more damage you deal

>Destroy a boss without taking any damage
>Immediate cutscene shows you getting wrecked and the boss was untouched

>getting hit by an enemy makes you to drop money

>the enemy can heal itself by picking it up

>enemy can be the door

>enemy can eat his allies
>this can be used to give him debuffs he's otherwise immune to

>you need it to unlock new items for future runs

>Enemy spawns hyper-aggressive minions
>Enemy grows stronger with every minion killed

>the boss can be killed instantly with a perk only one class can get due to a bug that hasn't been patched even tho the game is almost 5 years old and had almost a dozen expansions


borderlands 2

and hyperius, same perk but he requires more setup

>enemies can close your game

Was it the B0re perk?

>boss summon mob enemies during the fight
>you cannot harm the boss until they are all dead
>boss does this more than once in the fight

>kill enemy
>turns into 2 enemies


Do you only play games where the enemies are sticks?

>enemy just stands there and waits for you to make the first move

Multiplayer games played by Sup Forums are like that.
On Sup Forums, literally everyone is figuratively a bundle of sticks.

>Enemies can reflect projectiles back at you
>Including explosives

>Enemy always evade the first attack no matter what

gonna run some tribute to this pooch when I get home

>enemy is the same class as you

>know you're gonna get your ass kicked
>attack to get it over with

>At least 4 subdivisions
>Divided enemies still do full damage

enemies can Hit the Man

>Get surrounded by a dozen generic pleb enemies you could take out easily

>enemy has a unique name but doesn't drop any unique loot

>enemy has a loot drop
>It's a shit item with a insanely low drop rate

>the boss is a dps test

>the boss is tough to kill with your build and only your build

>the boss reads your mind and calls you a bitch for being bad at his game

>the boss has an attack based on rng

What's this from?

>you can make an enemy your ally but it does next to no damage to hostiles

>enemies are doors

>enemies can know the same spells as you
>multiple enemies in the same room that can use the broken as fuck huge spell