ITT: Casual Filters
>random NPC is harder than the 3 actual bosses that came before him
*steals ur food*
beat him 1st try with extreme ease
for you to even imply he's a casual filter makes me think you are the casual yourself OP
>casts agi on Minotaur
I have no problem with their moveset it's just how hard they abuse infinite stamina. The ones in LC are fucking bullshit, literally dodging for about 10 mimutes waiting for a single opening until you give up and hyperarmor it to death.
he is ridiculously hard for how early is, without knowing his gimmick
>for you to even imply he's a casual filter makes me think you are the casual
So... Then it IS a casual filter? Do you not know what a casual filter is?
Pretty sure the only times I lost to him were because of this.
Daisoujou and Mot were the ones that seriously made me feel like a shitty player. Matador only made me realize that a change to the right magatama and fusing the right demons could make a boss easy as fuck, but not with the other two niggers.
>finally negate his force spam and red capote
>*taunts behind u*
>*unsheathes focus*
>*Andalucias ur path*
>Tfw I just started Nocturne for the first time
medusa is a bigger casual filter, Minotaur boils down to
>got chaostard?
>thor's bullshit right after
>dante from the devil may cry series
that entire first area was magical
>what do you mean you aren't using demon coop?
>weapons aren't leveled up unless you grind
>arms block your shots
>will hop on the walls
that was my first SMT game and I never struggled with Minotaur
there is an earlier boss in the game that kicked my ass though. That boss that appears at the bottom of the steps when you're trying to "save" that rich noble kid.
Walter is retarded and will make the fight much harder.
Was he really that bad? I don't remember 2 really having anything that could pose as a filter.
In before the obligatory Murai even though he encourages casuals to wall spam their problems.
Alternatively, the game throws you straight into the game and doesn't start proper or even lets you go to the main menu until you beat it.
Every other level
he's still a colossal faggot tho
Gascannon has a gimmick? I mean, I suppose the beast transformation counts.
Try Digital Devil Saga when you finally give up on Nocturne.
>not leading him to the elevator pit
Why struggle?
He means the music box you can use 3 times to stun him for a short time.
Damn i just got sniped.
This is where i stopped playing, game is overrated.
*blocks your progress*
>probably the most famous boss of the game wasn't even in the original release
Pretty crazy when you think about it.
>tfw picked hard mode thinking im tough shit
dropped the game because of this motherheeho
>hurr I can smirk at will
go fuck yourself
>Hey kid, lemme show you a move called Disaster Cycle :^)
Any time you have to fight Yamato is pretty rough.
He's fast, has a vile so you he can lock you down if you don't also have a vile, auto-rezzes his demons at the start of every fight, heals to full after every fight, repels physical so you can't assassinate him. I think i'm forgetting a couple other factors, but walking into that fight blind is extremely rough.
Also his level is very fittingly called "Strong Breaker"
RNG is a casual filter? Because that's all it comes down to.
Dammit, this is the "if you're not Neutral you're going to die" boss, seroisuly with co-op is ridiculously easy but without it is near to impossible.
Because you got lucky. It's basically random.
Got Walter as your partner? Well he'll "end it thus" and agi Minotaur, giving him a smirk and you get your party wiped by a crit Labrys strike.
>Pulling Zionga and Mazionga out of the ass
Fuck him.
Hope you remembered party commands were a thing.
Hope they actually listen to you
Are you faggots really so dense that it became a meme that this is the girl who teaches demon coop after like 25 hours of the game?
>tfw just beat SMTIV and got chaos ending
So what, do I now just steamroll through the game again to get law and neutral?
Yep, but skip law, those routes are hardly ever worth doing.
>tfw beat gascan on my first try
I had been getting my shit pushed in by everything else for 3 days, but at one point it all just clicked and I destroyed everything in cental yharnam like it was nothing
>not expecting the god of thunder to kbow zio spells.
Much like SJ, SMT4 is the same game until the alignment lock, so it's really boring to play through it again.
Neutral route payoff is great when you Revive Masakado though
kill yourself
>hard mode 3 in general
>normal 3 has its difficulty but it isnt too bad if you git gud
>hard mode 3 makes you grind a fuckton, fuse specific demons for every fight and go a very specific build to not get the hottest dicking of your life
>when forneus hits you for 50 damage with a bufu
apocalypse difficulty in smt4a has nothing on this shit
>Run and open the door
>Stand outside
>Poke him a few times and roll back outside
>dying before the fucking screen loaded
Just play through Neutral if you want to keep playing and watch the law ending on youtube or something.
I hope you like sidequests.
I like the design. What game?
>this new
>He can't even beat the first boss of the game.
the worst part about this fight is that they offer a save point right before it so if you're unprepared, you're absolutely fucked.
I suppose it's not worth doing because it's so short? This was my first SMT and it seems like Purgatorium was the only chaos exclusive section with the alignment lock so is Law just one area too?
This game wasn't too hard. They throw stat-increase items at you like they are candy so it's always easy to get online fast enough to progress.
>fight it legitimately and it's a semi-tough battle
>walk out the door and pelt it with firebombs or arrows
>Irithyll Straight Sword.jpg
we all start somewhere
It's amazing how many people were retarded enough not to learn wall jumping.
what was going on with this fucking guy? I played diablo 2 such a long time ago and I remember he was a difficulty spike that I eventually beat, what was it that made him such a bastard?
to be honest the game is already beaten at this point.
>The ballistas in the back
What a fucking joke, user.
Freeze aura + older PCs with bad connection meant he could kill you before you even loaded the room
He also properly fucked up Summon Necros
Go and kill 3 wild boars
>Strafe right
>Win the battle
DaS2 is trash.
Neutral makes you go through both areas, so you'll go through purgatorium as well as Lucifer's palace. On top of that, you'll have to play through just about every side quest in order to complete Neutral. So if you're looking to complete everything, Neutral would be the best route to take. You can also hunt fiends, but their rate of finding them is insane. The fights are fairly tough though, so if you're looking for a challenge, that may be something to consider.
Oh boy. Another enemy with "one, two, three" attacks. Yeah so hard.
That goes for all souls games, DS2 enemies at least try to face you at all times when they're not attacking.
This guy was pretty tough but I'm pretty sure I beat him on my 2nd or 3rd try.
But the fucking Wendigo's earlier in the game are a real pain.
Grandia 2 is generally pretty easy, maybe the extra dungeon aside, but it's skippable and you don't get to it until late game.
Eye of Valmar though is a really weird difficulty spike that shows up before you reach mid-game, and nothing after it really comes close.
Just uninstall your life mate.
I felt like Queklaan and the Execution Grounds were more significant casual filters.
the boss is hard for casuals who dont know how to play souls games. thats the point.
a boss doesnt have to be hard to be a casual filter.
nigger, are part of the fucking arena ready to use
Not my fault if you are a HURRRR DURRRRR GIIIT GUUUD YO type of edgy kid.
Oh I love it when wiki experts think they are hot shit.
>implying you have to summon to use the ballistas
nay lad
Just sprint / roll past him and fire off one, it'll take off a huge chunk of his health
that's what I did my first playthrough
Both games.
Ok so you didn't actually beat this boss, gotcha.
It's very inconsistent to solo him with a balista you have to parry him in front of it, and that's really unlikely on first runs.
kek'd hard
>You didn't actually beaten this boss
I haven't really used it since 'cause I enjoy the little dance that you can do under his sword but I remember using the ballista the first time and then having to get good in Bastille.