ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

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I don't believe you.

I like the first 3 hours, when you're low-level and use anything to get ride of zombies

Having stuffs like a fire-breathing baseball bat is fun but silly


It was fun at the beginning, but got tedious towards the end.

What the hell is Techland doing these days, anyway?


Absolute thrill ride with a friend. Play this with someone if you want to deepen your relationship with them.

my only gripe of this game is how bad the gunplay is, and that can be completely avoided by just using melee weapons

they made dying light

Honestly, going back I just wish it didn't have the Diablo weapon stuff and the last two acts.

I get that it's satisfying to upgrade weapons, but durability made it simpler to just jump kick + stomp everything but specials.

I kinda like the look and artstyle of the game, but it doesn't play that great. Not even the co-op saved that in my opinion.

is it worth the price?

It's pretty janky, but it has S-Tier voice acting, characters and presentation.

Yeah but dont bother with the DLC

>guns are somehow weaker than autistic workbench melee weapons
No fuck YOU nigger op for liking it. At least Dying light managed to correct that horseshit.

its dead island but good

I remember the days i'd co-op with my friend after school

Oh man, that reminds me that they added some grade-A "shilling" for K&L2 in the latest HITMAN elusive target.

The target is playing the game and won't shut up about how good it is, how it's got the greatest writing in a videogame ever and how he wished he had been cast in the movie for it.

I like Spiderweb's games

That's cringe as fuck.


the only fun part was playing as the black guy and tossing anything you find at zombies but that got old after the 2nd act


I played Dead Island while watching bad 80s movies like Deadly Prey and Miami Connection, and it made the game much more fun, cause it felt like playing a bad 80s movie.

I still don't know how the fuck they managed to make an incredible game like Dying Light as their next project. The jump between both games is incredible.


I liked some of it. We just didn't get what we were promised which is the biggest reason why people heap shit on it.

Dying light>dead island

one was published by deep silver one was not

Hell yes. The same applies to the recent remastered edition - it does a great job at making everything look current-gen

Change in studio/publisher can really help.

This. Deep Silver are pure fucking cancer.

They forced that co-op mode into Dead Island. Wanna know why it's so shitty? It was outsourced to a nobody dev.
Sure but really it's more like:
Dying light > Other zombie games.

Is the sequel better? I've been playing this and I think it's alright but it doesn't seem very engaging as a single player experience, is that how the other games are too?

>tfw no pc exclusive dying light 2

>tfw bought Geneforge 5 when I was 12 because I played the trial 50 times and thought I'd play the fuck out of it
>have never touched the full game

Riptide feels like a shittier expansion pack.

One of my favorite games EVER
It's just pure fun nothing more

Yes, I really did. It's nowhere near as bad as people claim, it's just an unforgiving stealth game and most people don't have the patience for an unforgiving stealth game. Shit, most people don't even make it through the tutorial. If you ask me it should be unforgiving. It IS a horror game afterall.

Alright I'll just buy dying light then, thanks user. The whole game feels like wasted potential

Dead Island is not a great singleplayer game but is really quite fun with some friends. We dropped riptide about an hour in, it just felt so much worse

The ending was nice. It really showed that they did not make the characters assholes accidentally.

I really like that as well. I think most people were disappointed due to Deep Silver stupid decision to promote this as some emotional, heart wrenching story, instead of a over the top first person hack'n'slash. I played it a long time after hype died out, when I knew exactly what I'm gonna get and I found myself enjoying it a lot.

And I think Ryder White DLC really vindicates the whole storyline, which in the basic game alone felt really lackluster and forgettable, but after that DLC I was really sad we will never get a proper sequel to this story due to Techland losing the license (Riptide doesn't really count).

of dying light of dead island riptide?

I never beat the dead island expansions, with the military goy and what have you. I hardly remember the end of dead island, it being so forgettable outside of the run through the hotel.



>Game controls like trash meaning you can easilly make mistakes
>Game is unforgiving if you make a mistake caused by the terrible controls
I heard the improved it on PS3 but I ain't touching that shit again

It's such a big improvement over 1.

Wait, there are people who don't like this game?


The last third of the game has people telling you that your immunity isn't full immunity and that chemicals and exposure put you at risk. Your characters start reacting angrier and more violent in the story and eventually you encounter someone else who is immune like you and she says that she wants to kill the party to prevent them from carrying the virus off the island.

You kill her, proceed to not tell anyone about your risk, head out with a boat full of non-immune people, and smile as the credits roll. Then after that, someone finds the boat is full of infected and they attack elsewhere.

I thought it was a nice difference since the government or corporations are usually the assholes.

Some people say thief fans didn't like it.

I don't see many of those people who claimed to hate deadly shadows talking so much shit nowadays with dishonored 3 aka thief 4 out, though.

riptide's the expansion where you play as a military guy who starts out super levelled already right?

when it came out most thief fans hated the shit out of it

now thanks to Thiaf it is no longer considered terrible

You can. They all start at like level 30 or something since it's supposed to be a followup campaign.

i liked watch dogs 1 too but watch dogs 2 was really a lot better, everything felt a lot more colorfull


Fuck you Dying Light is a thousand times better.

Brink. The gameplay was actually fun, it just needed more content.

This is generally regarded to be one of the worst PC games of all time.
I pirated it some years ago because it looked interesting - and boy it fucking was.
>nice graphics and presentation for 1998
>immersive HUD and gameplay style
>huge, fully explorable levels with tons of detail and no interruptions
>great gameplay elements and physics which make up for a challenging survival
Not "frustrating" as anybody says. The only cons to this game are that it's too short and the final levels/ending are underwhelming.

Hey there, ince rack

I played it with friends and got a few hours of stupid fun out it but beyond that it is ultimately shallow and gets dull very quickly