Are you ready to play another 5 games of Heroes of the Storm tomorrow?

Are you ready to play another 5 games of Heroes of the Storm tomorrow?

I don't play shit games to get skins for other shit games.

You say that as if I don't like hots

>Actually quite enjoy hots
>Generally despise mobas
>None of my friends want to play it because they're LoL/Dota fans and feel hots will somehow debase them
I just want this dva skin

Surprisngly I haven't seen a lot of people with the skin. I thought Overwatch players were into ASSFAGGOTS shit

why are blizztards such cucks?

HoTS is alright, but it's like pulling teeth trying to get my friends to play the requisite games with me. I'm still trying to get them to finish the first quest for oni genji.

Let's just be honest here: You don't play games. You come here, every day, solely to shitpost and fit in as you have no friends, either virtual or in meatspace.

>no rewards
why play?

Nice meltdown

just go in the game and ask in general chat. That's how i did it and got invites in a second.

i enjoy hots

they don't want to play hots because it's annoying as shit to play hots after playing other mobas
as far as I can tell in every single other moba if you do good, you get stronger
in hots this isn't the case, so individual skill barely matters

this is why it's so liked by shitters & casuals like you

>being so loyal to a game that you can't play other games of the same genre
why are mobafags so butthurt?

hes got a point though, they are fucking desperate for hots players

I don't play assfaggots.

That's the only song I have perfected on extreme.
Because once you spend 1000 hours+ in one game unlocking shit and playing it, starting over, pretty much from scratch, is a hard thing to do.

Blizzard has more money than they know what to do with. Cross promoting one of the most valuable gaming properties with some other game in their Rolodex is something any business would do.


The event week always start at tuesdays.

Hots is just an advertising platform for them. That's why they spent practically no money advertising it; I only saw a few advertisements on motherboard boxes. Compare that to what they spent advertising Overwatch.

I will.
Not because i want the spray or the icon, but because i can't get next weeks 10 lootboxes if i don't.

you could get 10 lootboxes faster by playing overwatch than playing 10 HotS games

enter nexuschallenge channel and you will find people to play with you

that's a lie

takes like 8 games of overwatch to get a lootbox
5'ish if you're doing the "special gamemodes" but you can only get three of those a week

yeah but typically the game would have to make as much money as their other games to consider keeping it alive right?

i think that's because the game was an actual piece of garbage when it first came out and most people have already decided they aren't going to give it another chance.

No you don't.
5 HOTS games will take you just over an hour. At most you can get 1 lootbox in OW in an hour

This is such a genius move, we couldn't have come up with a better idea to raid a whole game community than this. People throwing are legion and HoTS forums are swarmed with rage. I'm going to enjoy throwing so fucking much, and I don't even care for the skins much.

I played it when it was in beta and I still think its a better MOBA than the other two big ones out there simply because it got rid of a lot of bullshit I hated from it. But like someone else said, its hard for people to throw away the significant amount of time they spent on another game to go play a different one.

>dumbass rank 50 to 1 system where any idiot could get rank 1
>had to rely on hotslogs uploading for proper mmr
>literally no matchmaking in hero league, you would just play with silvers at 4k mmr regularly
>blackheart's bay
>old illidan and KT
>every other game lagged to the point of unplayability and getting back into a game from DC is absolute hell

im a fan of the core game but it was just too much bullshit for me to deal with back then.

I fucking hate mobas and it was a fucking drag to play hots for the skins. It feels like a realtime board game, I hate it so much. Still gonna play it again for the icon/spray tho.

Illidan and KT weren't nearly as bad as Tracer was. Those two could be dealt with -- Illidan got fucked hard by piano Uther's 6s or so stun rotation + literally any other assassin.

Tracer, on the other hand, had literally no counter. She could escape any CC effect, could outshoot Raynor while both of them were standing still, could pop tower shots every 2 or 3s and her ultimate did triple damage on release because why not.

I want to say the MMR thing was fixed, at least for non-Hero league, come beta and I personally didn't experience any significant lag or have it effect but maybe 1 out of 20 games.

You'll have to remind me, though: What was wrong with Blackheart's Bay?

The best part is that the people in the forums are complete morons. During the first Genji challenge, they cried that all the new players were only playing AI. Blizzard changed it and now they're complaining that players are throwing in QM. Now they want Blizzard to make it 5 wins which is only going to make it worse. They never learn.

Just group up with randos in the general chat, you're bound to get an invite and start rolling along, or you can pick up people looking for a group yourself.

Keep in mind that if you haven't started playing until now, the rewards from the previous nexus weeks don't expire, so you'll still have to do 5 games each for Genji and D.Va's skin before you can start working on the sprays.

They said they'd put the costume, along with Oni Genji, in normal boxes at some point. I hope they don't wait too fucking long, because this is the best costume and i ain't playing this just to fucking get it.

You'll be waiting a year at the least judging by how they do other limited skins

>Oni Genji skin announced
>See it occasionally
>Officer D. Va announced
>It's fucking everywhere
Waifu power is ridiculous.

HotS is actually pretty good

I hope they make more Overwatch/Hots events

>start playing 2.0 for OW junk
>haven't even opened OW to collect it since, keep playing hots instead

I hope not, set of cunts. I'll have probably lost complete interest, no doubt out of spite, by then.

>Illidan and KT weren't nearly as bad as Tracer was.
true, release tracer was very broken. illidan kind of went on and off from being useless to broken, not like KT or ming who were just consistently bullshit for years. but if i remember right, the problem was that he was able to sweep any camp at level 7 and win or escape any realistic 1v1 because his meta ult was much better than it is now. couple that with an aba hat or a tassadar and you have broken shit. blackheart's bay was hated because everyone would just pick illidan or zag and pve for coins without really fighting. samuro was kind of the same way before they tuned him properly. it's not as much of an issue anymore because you don't have those super powerful raider types anymore. someone who was actually high elo and not diamond could probably give you a better explanation though

What do I have to do to get the D.Va skin?

Same here. I didn't think it would be so fun. My nigga Nazeebo is a blast to play as

Play 10 games of HoTS, 5 can be vs the AI

Tracer is still terrible because all they did were lower her numbers and remove the blink charges on rewind. It doesn't actually do anything about the fact that like 1/3 of the characters can do literally nothing against her but hope they can make it back to their fort before they die.

git gud

Reducing her numbers and fixing her bullshit ultimate 'bug' did fix her though. Characters that build their own little "fuck off zone," like Proby or Hammer shit all over her 1v1 and now Raynor can outshoot her.

She is still terrible, though, and I ban her every game I have the ability to just because she was that fucking awful.

Samuro wasn't a problem because he had a huge singular counter pick that still exists to this day: Auriel. Auriel can nearly and completely shut any damage he does outside of his ultimate down.

Go back to your overshit and stop ruining my game

>played HotS since beta
>Hated it because matchmaking took 3 minutes and would be paired with level 1s more than half the time
>Always played assassins, mostly early illidan
>He's now shit compared to other assassins
>I'm enjoying the fuck out of playing supports now
What changed?

Lol, as if. Not doing this shit

Where do you go? I've seen nothing but Hots 2.0 adds on every website I frequent when I turn my adblock off.

>tfw can't play ranked because don't have enough characters at 5
>quick match makes me regret picking certain characters every time
Is there currently any 1v5 characters ingame like samuro was at one point?

Try Varian with a bruiser build, basically Ilidan 2.0.

Genji, illidan, Kael'thas are good against shitters

>police officer
>hair not in a bun

The team listened to feedback and didn't have this idea that they knew what was best for everyone.

I really don't fucking want to.

his kit wasn't the worst part, it's just that his numbers were too high during his release patch. sonya and tass fuck his day up as well.

>gets sad because he didn't touch her waist

is this how women see this? She doesn't think of Genji sucks for being a beta, but she thinks she isn't attractive enough to be grabbed?

no she thinks the photo is ruined because he looks like a retard so she has to delete it

D.Va and Genji share similar character traits in that they're both confident in their abilities and have a cocky streak in them. She's probably just bummed that he's not into her.

I doubt that. She either feels unattractive or is sad that a guy she likes, apparently, is a giant beta.

> "Mom! Mom! I called them blizztards again look how much I hate generally unpopular MOBAs!

>hating on real time board games

D.Va would have made much better poster girl than Tracer.

>Only decent Dva skins are her Chinese New Years skin and Olympics recolor
>Both are limited time gachashit
You might as well get hooked into a moba where it's only cancer in ranked play than cancer in all modes.

she wasn't part of the original cast

And that's a pity, because she is:
>more popular than Tracer
>has more fanart than Tracer
>is more beloved than Tracer
>is more usable in-game than Tracer
>and is prettier than Tracer

junkrat also ticks all these boxes
junkrat best character
6v6 junkrats

The game isn't grabbing me overall, but once I played Nazeebo I haven't switched characters.

You know what box Junkrat DOESN'T tick?

>D.Va is thicc! Thicc!! THICC!!!

You mean fanart?

>"I don't like Overwatch and especially HotS"

I mean that she's been eating too many Doritos. Somebody should slap that phat ass of her to bring her to her senses

>with a friend
Fuck off this is borderline bullying.

Junkrat doesn't need to be thicc, that's what Roadhog is for.

My games have deeper mechanics than your games ever will.

>tfw no one to play with to get overwatch rewards

That's far from the largest problem.

It's got the same flaw as Overwatch. It's objective based while having the shittiest playerbase ever. If one member of your team decides not to cap a point you lose the game.

On the up side the games are twenty minutes shorter than other mobas.

I've several friends to play, joke and banter with, so why not?
Hots is great with mates. It's so casual you can do so much shit meanwhile. A better map rotation would be preferable though


ohhhh yeaahhhh

I will play with you. Give me your Battlenet ID and I will add you.

There are a lot of fun characters but the game is mostly frustrating.

The team levels are okay. The problem is with retards who don't help with map objectives.

Because its a requirement for next week which is a shit ton of loot boxes.

I need the badge spray to go with siren boosting and shouting "D.Va 1 bad guys 0"


You have to do this shit for those lootboxes? Fuck me.

Or its because people just want weird skins. Imagine a rein skin that's him in a way to small suit with a tiny hat. His shield is him holding up his tiny briefcase that projects out the energy.

I would be all over that.

I fucking hate how you have to do them in sequential order. I had most of the shit in the first week and I have no interest in any of the week 3 shit.

No because I wanted her especial selfie move and isn't available anymore.

Thats how it works. If hes ugly hes weird for doing it. If hes hot then it must be her that is the problem. How do you not know how girls work?

>we want the zootopia audience

Ahahahahahahah, faggot

I bought that shit with my hard-earned coins


Shit wanted to post the previous one, which explains the punchline.

10 lootboxes for HOTS and 10 lootsboxes for OW.

Bunnies are cute.

I would totally let them both rape me

>skins, sprays and icons locked are all not obtainable by playing against AI
>Never played Heroes of the Snore before
>Going to get stomped to earn cosmetics
Thanks Blizz

>hasn't played game
>already talks shit about it

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