I read ya... """"sir""""

I read ya... """"sir""""

Other urls found in this thread:


in the bye

bye bye bye

What was their fucking problem?


He was a rebellious convict forced to work.

You want a piece of meat, boy?

>I've checked you out commander, you want another physical?


You want a piece of me, boy?
You want a piece of me, boy?
You want a piece of me, boy?
You want a piece of me, boy?
You want a piece of me, boy?
You want a piece of me, boy?

>dat beauty mark
Literally makes my dick hard.

This is freaking me out. I was just about to make this thread. I was going to use Firebat though. One day they will be viable. One day....
In the pipe, five by five.
Warfags get out

>It is a good day to die

Why were protoss units r9k?

Need a light?

Favorite units? Firebats and Ghosts for me despite never using them

Post favorite SC2 units (for voice and portrait only)

For me it's Void Ray, pretty nice picture and a certain hoarse tone in the voice that makes the back of my head tingle


Battlecruisers are my all time shipfu. Blizzard refuses to make them viable though.

What did Blizzard mean by this?

have you ever seen a female protoss? think about it. They did away with the lesser sex eons ago to embrace masks, cloaks, double hand-blades and honor without being telepathically mocked.



Painful experiments being done on soldiers with no anesthesia.

>have you ever seen a female protoss
Yes, I have.

How do protoss have sex? Do they just try to mindbreak each other and whoever wins climaxes?

>we were so close to getting the source code but it fell in the hands of a blizztard redditer instead of someone sane.

>tfw too inteligent for misogyny

What exactly would you have done with this source code? Surely a game from 1998 isn't that difficult to replicate nowadays

Selendis, Raszagal, Vorazun and some more in the EU.

You know what pisses me off? When I see fan-art or even official art from Blizz showing female Protoss with breasts. They don't have MOUTHS, there is absolutely zero reason they would have breasts other than them trying to make them look more human for the SJWs.

Firebat is good though if your enemy is trying to mass zerglings or zealots

>there are people on Sup Forums who play(ed) starcraft multiplayer

LOL, this.
Fucking losers.

Nigga, when Blizzard makes big tiddy aliens, the target demographic isn't SJWs of all people

>How do I get out of this chicken sh*t outfit?

He's upset because you can't liftoff his building and the zerg are coming

That's a klingon reference you dunce.

1v1 me scrub

me on the left

Does anyone have an infograph for playing the original starcraft? Something in the vein of "So you want play DOOM" with mod reccomendations and shit.

There's an official HD version coming out soon
So play that

What's that Korean StarCraft clone with robots instead of Protoss?

Used to play that shit back in the day, always though it was better than StarCraft.

That really spooked me when I was a kid.


>SC1 Archons were violent orbs of pure energy
>SC2 Archons are just big dudes with armour


*blocks his own path*

Jesus, I always thought he had a mask on, only now see that his goggles are on his forehead and he has a cigarette. Mind blown.

Dark Archons were my favorite unites in Brood War.

It was hilarious how they had the exact same fucking problem in SC2.

What's going on over there, Alex?

I thought he was a black guy

Well I mean if you look at the SC2 Marauder and Firebat faces and see how they have their face shields down, it becomes more clear. Still I know what you mean. I have the same issues with Overlords. I always thought those huge circles on their sides were their eyes.

Why mister president, whatever do you mean?

what happened?
did he return it to blizzard or something?

To replicate sure (and better... Jesus Christ that path finding). That game though, would have been written in C/C++ and assembly, like Diablo. That would be great stuff, like the Doom code.


I FUCKIN love how the archon moves blurrily to the other one just like in the first game

And then comes the merge

always a good day to die

Never got to play Void, which is silly since all I wanted was toss. And that trailer gave me the chills on the level of Warcraft 3 of trailers. But I read the story for Void and nigger that was stupiiiiiid.


So fucking good
movie when

Yeah the story is trash, but the gameplay and missions are nothing but phenomenal once again.

Yeah, like the other user said, the story is pure shit, but missions and gameplay were Wings of Liberty tier, maybe even better.

stalker for me

Fuck, I bet you're right. From a game design perspective, SC1 doesn't holdup at all, but has an okay story. Wol and Hots have God-like levels and DeviantArt tier stories.

say what you must about blizzard they're beyond saving
but their cinematics are still top tier state of the art
>muh dick when the the high templars fuse

Play it for Alarak

But SC does hold up, that's why the koreans have been playing it for the last 17 years and why blizzard isn't changing anything about it when the remaster comes around


I do say this phrase when i'm freezing

Played the Starcraft board game yesterday. Was surprised how they captured the spirit of the game. Shame it is out of print nowadays.


you play SC1 for story and SC2 for gameplay and level design

Wasn't there a mod that attempted to recreate the original StarCraft on the new engine?

I serve

... For now.

When I was a kid I was 100% sure that arbiter pilot was an evil crocodile.

My knife for Aiur

you mean Mass Recall? i think you are better off playing SC1 + BW campaigns in their respective games
the sound and art direction help reinforce the story
also they are easy enough even before being ported over to SC2, by which i don't mean to say SC2 campaigns are easier, in fact, it's the opposite

I feel
I thought Aldaris was a panther



>the sound and art direction help reinforce the story
Very true.
>you are better off playing SC1 + BW campaigns
Already have, several times. Was looking for a new and original take on the original campaigns.

SC2 is not canon whatsoever. There are no female Protoss.

Don't think I'll ever not love Blizzards cinematics, this shit is so fucking awesome. when something as simple as warping in a pylon is fucking mindblowing, I dunno.

>who is Raszagal

fuck if you're gonna be autistic about something at least try not to be a retard

Most of the Terran army is comprised of prisoners given the chance at freedom should they follow orders to the potential death.


>Was looking for a new and original take on the original campaigns.
Mass Recall doesn't provide that, it's just straight up port
if you are itching for some campaigns maybe this list is for you

>who is Razsagal


>What was their fucking problem?
>Terran Marines were composed of convicts and criminals

>There are no female Protoss.
>Who is the Matriarch of the Dark Templar

He returned it for blizzard, they gave him like $500 and a trip to blizzcon.

Too bad they fucking useless and having 2 dark templars was always better


Terran cities look so cool in the cinematic, with the blend of industrial facilities, cyberpunk and 19th century architecture, yet the metropolitan tileset in SC2 looks like garbage.

I think Blizzard only remembers how to do cinematics. Its why damn near everything OW related isn't actually in-game

in the rear with the gear desu

>that viking pilot

>ywn be a colossus tending to his pack of reavers
why even live?

yfw protoss Archon mentions a cheat code


tell me about golliath,why does he wear the mask?

I will never not love this meme.

>goliath online

Have you seen Zdoom and the shit people have done with it?

LotV could probably be argued as the best. The story's actually somewhat decent up until the Epilogue, which is probably the worst thing Blizzard has ever put out in terms of story. Artanis is a cool dude, the DT chick is alright, 'Fenix' I actually liked, and Alarak is probably the best character to come out of SC2 in general.

I liked WoL the most, it has that space cowboy feel, there is some branching with Tosh and Ariel and i think that the story is actually really good

God i fucking LOVE that templar movement
dont know how to call it
looks cool

fuck you

Co op missions was the greatest thing that ever happened to the Starcraft franchise. Fight me fags.