Sup Forums tells me Pillars of Eternity is bad

>Sup Forums tells me Pillars of Eternity is bad
>Play it
>It's actually phenomenal
Why are you so wrong every time?


I bet you like Oblivion too faggot.

>Sup Forums tells me Pillars of Eternity is phenomenal
>Play it
>It's actually bad
Why are you so wrong every time?

>Sup Forums tells me Pillars of Eternity is alright
>Play it
>It's actually alright
Why are you so alright every time?

Not OP but I loved Oblivion and prefer it to Skyrim.

I mean there is a TON of contrarian edgelords on here. Admittedly a healthy amount of skepticism can be a good thing especially when it comes to spending your money. The problem is Sup Forums is full of people who will make actually stupid little problems into the biggest fucking deal ever and try to tell everyone based on this tiny problem they have (its only a problem so they seem cool for disliking something) that nobody should be playing a certain game. For instance I had a RL friend who was a huge Sup Forumsermin do this kinda shit to me all the time but he praised Dark Souls. So whenever he would bring up what he didnt like about a game I would talk about that shitty aspect being in Dark Souls. This eventually lead to the realization that these people are in a fucking thought bubble. Dont be mad at them, pity them.

It's not a bad game, nor does it come close to the CRPGs of the golden age.

I keep meaning to go back to it and play the expansion, but every time I do, I loose interest pretty quickly.

I don't like the battle system wish it was like paused turn based like that other game with the cheese for sale man with the many cheeses


I got bored when i got into the big city. I lose interest fast when the game basically goes "talk to these 600 people and accept every quest and hope you'll find some goodies xD".
no, fuck you. i'd rather have fewer people and quests as long as you don't overwhelm me with shit all at once

>Obsidian fanboys still trying to claim that PoE and Tyranny were good

>No multi-classing
>Barbarians stack Int

these two points forever make it worthless.

>I mean
I mean go back to, like, reddit

Games are not for fun user

>Sup Forums is alright
>it's alright

I honestly can't understand how someone can have shit enough taste to think pillars was "phenomenal"
I imagine some sort of mongoloid who goes "I love books" but is also illiterate.

>>It's actually alright


I am playing it right now. When people say the story in White march blew the main story away they weren't kidding. I didn't realize how much text dump there were when you do watcher stuff until I started WM.

I've always said that it was a really good game and I stand by it. Best Western RPG released within the past decade, in my opinion. The expansions are great, too. Pledged for the sequel and now I'm waiting on that.

I liked it quite a bit, but it's in no way phenomenal. I'm hard pressed to think of memorable quests, the conflict in Defiance Bay having no real consequence (you can go back afterwards and nothing really changes? No interesting quests?)

There were some good companions, but the interaction was minimal at best and their quests were short and usually really anticlimactic

load times were abysmal

magic weapon system/items in general were really boring

This. White march is fantastic. If the rest of the game was the same quality it would be a legit contender to be king of crpg.

Which means I'm incredibly optimistic for Deadfire. I feel like obsidian finally got what makes their own stuff good and don't feel indebted to the pledgers to make another baldurs gate 1.

It did have consequences, but in a bad way. You get locked between the three factions once you do their second quest, the other factions will turn hostile* and you won't be able to use the merchant in their HQ which has uniques that you might want.

*For some reason the Crucible Knight did not turn hostile on me even though I had to kill one on the two quests given by the Dozens.

when does it get fantastic? White March 1 was okay, I liked Zahua. I'm currently at the fight with all the monks in the temple of Ondra and it's kicking my ass, still haven't been super wowed by it.

yeah, I was referring to the Animancy hearing that gets blown to shit and the entire city gets fucked up, then you can just return and everything's basically fine, nowhere to go from there and no further stuff with factions


its fine if you're going in it for the story and doing your best to avoid as much combat as possible

>still haven't been super wowed by it
You didn't like fighting hundreds of trash mobs with annoying abilities?

the only enemies that have been remotely interesting were the giant construct dudes with hammers for arms

Maneha's quest was really dull, and the Temple of Ondra was a breeze to infiltrate

I just finished the temple. Ondra followers are very annoying. My party is Fighter(PC), Eder, Aloth, Durance, Pallegina, and GM. I use Aloth's blind spell early to decrease their accuracy and defense, and then I use GM to use paralyze/AOE stuck spell for CC. Durance keeps casting buffs and my two fighters tanking everything. I think it would have been easier if Pallegina has deprive the unworthy. 20 sec of buff suppression on the monks would have made the fights easier.

>Get crowdsourced funding
>Make game
>Becomes hugely successful
>Makes lots of money

>Announce sequel
>Don't use money they got from the first game
>Instead leech off their fanbase of lemmings who'll lap any shit up

You people have reached a new low.

I don't really care desu, let the sheeple be sheeple and fund kickstarters so there'll be more content when I buy it on sale down the line

You don't really know how money works?

>wish it was like paused turn based like that other game with the cheese for sale man with the many cheeses
What did he mean by this?

But it's okay because it's Obsidian!

I, too, prefer food over shit

He wish it wasn't rtwp but turn based like divinity OS

To be fair they lost almost 35000 backers since PoE 1
I wonder how white march did salewise

And personally I find it fantastic because it feels like a grand adventure. You're going up the mountains with the snow and wilderness surrounding you, a remote village with a proper backstory that lets you know how much they needed help, and it's probably just me but I enjoy the fights. I am close to finishing WM2 and I feel that the pacing was much better done than the main quest. I did need to put some restrictions such as not going back to town until I complete the mission and not having unrestricted stash.

By itself WM may not look impressive, but it was just so much better than the base game. Overall, I really like PoE and am hoping they don't bite off more than they can chew with PoE 2.

Diablo is better. There will never be an ARPG dungeon crawler better than Diablo 2.


what the fuck

Your threadly reminder that Rymrgand is best god and you should pledge yourself to the entropic death of all things

You have to understand the psychology of Neo Sup Forums. Especially the PC gaming group. Everytime a new release hits steam, they will hate on it no matter what it is. We saw this with Dark souls, with Ys, with LoH, with Bayonetta and with all the new crpgs.

but baldur's gate 2, the best crpg ever made, was not turn based

>talks about an ARPG in a CRPG thread

so which god did you pledge to near the end? I was conflicted between Berath and Hylea, but went with Hylea because it seemed like the most optimistic and hopeful choice

ARPG can be CRPGs, boy.


Wrong PoE. I always get Pillars of Eternity mixed with Path of Exile. Carry on.

You have to make a shitload of money in order to fund a whole new project just with the profits, and most of those probably went to making the White March.

>>Don't use money they got from the first game
but they have used quite a lot of money from the first game. look at how much better 2 looks compared to 1. look at the character models and the effects. it's clear they have put a bit more into it on their end. and i don't mind the crowdsourcing because not only did i preorder a copy of deadfire, i also got a coupon for tyranny (which stacked with a sale discount the paradox store was having so i got it even cheaper).

One (1)

I think Defiance Bay was the biggest weakness of the game. You feel like a lawyer settling civil disputes and you have to run all around town like an errand boy. I struggle to find one quest that I like from Defiance Bay. I also feel underwhelmed that it was five interconnected sections as opposed to one large city. The environment not feeling alive has been a lingering issue, but Defiance Bay magnified that tenfold because it is supposed to be a capital.

there's nothing wrong with districts. i hate bigger cities anyway because it usually means there are just more useless houses to go into to ransack, feels like a chore.

I know this is bait, but for those that don't know Obsidian has given more than reasonable support in post launch. Their last patch was in Nov '16, which is 20 months from release. It's not problem free, but they made so much improvement that it is reasonable to believe they needed crowdfunding again for the sequel.

I played it too. It was "ok" imo. The main story was pretty stupid, and mind control / memory loss as main plot points are always garbage.

I think it could have been much better with an interesting story, a better villain, and more and better encounters.

>mind control / memory loss
maybe i'm suffering some memory loss because i can't remember this happening.

go marathon the lotr movies for the 10th time or something

I'm starting to feel that Sup Forums is full of people who don't actually enjoy role playing games and its just soulsfags who want action hack and slash.

Combat in PoE is almost identical to the infinity engine games yet people talk like its some huge flaw in an otherwise good game. There is nothing wrong with the combat if you don't go in expecting button smashing or turn based jrpg system.

>party based
I hate this shit

I think he misunderstood what was going on but its close enough.

>Combat in PoE is almost identical to the infinity engine games yet people talk like its some huge flaw in an otherwise good game.

Because it is. The AI is braindead and only a few options are actually viable.

plot is bad and disappointing
combat is very repetitive and gets boring very soon

tips for fighting the Adra Dragon?

cipher with mind control, use lots of summons, i dunno that worked for me

>only a few options are actually viable.
what's that supposed to mean? sawyer balanced the game so much that pretty much any class is viable. honesly i hear more people complaining that the game is balanced and you can't make wholly overpowered characters, never once have i heard someone say that 'few options are actually viable' until now.

I really like Cipher, I just wish they didn't get nerfed. The higher level spells are basically just a slightly improved version of the lower ones only that it cost a lot more focus.

I thought Defiance Bay was the least interesting part of the game, but it still had a few good quests here and there.

>Sup Forums tells me _ is bad


PoE is really great
Tyranny is fucking trash

You can play any class melee or ranged, physical or magic. AI now has different behavior not just for each enemy, but their abilities also have different targeting priority. These are some things they can prioritize:
-Low endurance
-Highest DPS to the damage type they are weak against
-Low damage reduction
-Low defense
-Highest DPS in general
-Fastest attackers
-Highest single attack damage

The main complaint now is that only is speccing a tank that does no damage non viable now, the disengagement mechanic isn't punishing enough to deter enemies from switching targets, so enemies will make a beeline for the casters even if you have multiple fighters that can engage 5 enemies at once. The engagement system really needs to be looked at. Currently it's just a minor annoyance and it adds nothing to the game.

>Muh "Barbarians are dumb" meme
Disgusting, go read some Conan.

So is that Planescape Torment game good or is it a meme

It's fucking amazing. Sure the combat is a bit awkward but most CRPG's suffer from that as well.

I liked Tyranny. The ending is not GREAT and the game could use an expansion, but it still was 50 hours of great immersion and satisfaction.

yes user every rpg veteran has been memeing you for the past 10 years

>fuck you Sup Forums how dare you force me to form my own opinion!

Not with that combat system.
Sure, it's mostly bearable, but RTWP is horrible.

There is a problem though. Carnage basically makes the Barbarian class. If you don't pump int to increase AOE you are gimping yourself. Same with Rogue and their sneak attack. Without a way to weaken the enemies Rogue is worthless. A class's base ability should complement the class from beginning to end, it shouldn't be something that defines them.

>no rogue companion
>every single dungeon is filled with traps

Other than that my biggest gripe with the game would be enemy levels, you're either steamrolling everything with minimal micro-management required or you're getting absolutely stomped by a bunch of druids that lightning storm your entire party before you get into melee range.

That's also something that I have grips with. I haven't tried to upsacle yet but you shouldn't have to use console to make fights more enjoyable. I hated level scaling in Oblivion but I almost wish this game has it.

There is no problem. You are arguing from a roleplaying perspective, where your feelings say that your class should put points in a stat with a specific name, just because all the other games do it that way.

It is allowed to try to do another system.

Is it clunky at all? I HATED planescape because of how shitty the gameplay was.

Why do they call it intelligence if it doesn't mean that the character gets more clever?

I'm not saying that a barbarian can't be clever, but in this game it is true that a good barbarian has to be highly intelligent. It sounds a bit absurd.


It's about as smooth as a top down RPG can be

You're still doing it. Stop.

Those stats are given arbitrary names instead of "Stats 1 though 6" so that we can remember them better.

They each enhance your character in some way. That is all. They do not in any way reflect the intelligence or anything else of your character, because they are a system built to resolve combat encounters, and nothing else.

You are literally making a problem where there isn't any.

Are we talking Shadowrun Dragonfall levels of smooth? That was a sort of classic style and it played really nicely.

I remember playing this game but quitting it.

Should I give it another try.

I am not the same user. I don't care much about roleplay, but a Barbarian that has low int will definitely be less effective than one with high int because Carnage is what they rely on to kill anything. Going low or high int should both be viable but it isn't because of how important Carnage is.

Ok. My bad. I realise the game has legit balance issues, but these "muh int" fags are really annoying me. They're in every thread and they cannot, or will not, separate themselves from whatever D&D taught them in the 90s.

>they are a system built to resolve combat encounters, and nothing else.
Except all the dialog checks, faggot.

It's really good for when you want to fall asleep.

a lot of the people who shit the hardest on games have the most hours in those games. i see it all the time

Not the person you're responding but it just sounds silly that a barbarian should have to invest points into INT in order to make his AoE damage scale better.

It's like having your mage dump points into STR because it makes one talent / skill of his completely broken.

The gameplay is fine IMO, the problem is the long load time, the system slowing to a crawl when everyone is casting spells, and the terrible pathfinding. The game can use more optimization but is playable.

No it fucking doesn't, because those are the rules of this game. Fuck's sake. There's no problem.