Webm thread
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>can jump off a bike at 100 km/h with no problem whatsoever
stuff like this is why there's no use playing squad in its current state.
This """could""" be cool if it wasn't in fucking throw range anyway
Jihad jeeps from Battlefield, whats so special about this?
>literally nothing
Why even bother?
It's an unoptimized piece of shit but still the only multiplayer shooter I can be bothered to play
honey select
where do i download this
i'm hoping v10 will the time to get in to it, atm pr is too archaic to go back to while squad's feature set isn't there yet.
>Tony Hawk's German Wasteland.webm
>no damage in health
shit game
I hope HE won't notice
such dissapointing whatever they are
could litteraly be put onto a 3 min video and i spent like 30 mins trying to install it
The girl is the player, why would her health be damaged?
die barney fag ra ra rahhh
mah nig
What game is this?
how do all of those spineless ````````men''''' walk around beating women on orders from their masters and live with themselves
more titan fall
I didn't know they made a game that simulated the life of an average Pole
fingerless glove meter.jpeg
I don't see anything wrong with it.
>b-but attacking women is wrong
Anyone have this as a .webm?
hello additional spineless man
thank you for revealing yourself, invertebrates sure are hard to detect as they pass underfoot
>high breast softness
it's why I actually prefer fake tits over real ones, they're just firmer
>Spineless man
don't you have any anti-trump thread on /leftypol/?
nigger real tits aren't anywhere near that bad unless the woman has really saggy tits
Try being at least 18
t. cuck
is this a Galak-Z spinoff?
i voted for donaldo trumpus actually
if you are against beating degenerates you are the typical ex-leftist who voted for Trump.
Congratulations, you are only 50% retard now.
rune factory 2
i need to play through this again
Which game is this?
What is this?
Why is /vr/ allowed in 4cC?
Why would you post this shit?
it was made 15 years before galakz
I bought this game for 50 bucks and kept crashing on my PS4. Thankfully Sony decided to refund me. This game barely woks and the auto saving is broken.
Sometimes you have to reset the game to trigger the next mission. It's a fucking mess
>tfw you will never be this afraid of boobies
Fuck off Nazi
Link/name to article?
Publicly whipping chicken abusing degenerates is a righteous deed.
sunset overdrive
how does he know when to uncover his eyes?
Well, IEDs in Squad are a lot more lethal than C4 in Battlefield, naturally they are more interesting
A cute snek blocks your path, what do?
what happened in that pic
I use holy smite
wish people played this mode more
I don't get it. Did you post the wrong one?
Its Russia you idiot, its not a normal country. You upset the status quo and you get fucked, hell if you have enough money you can just pay to have someone fucked anyway.
Why holy smite? Snek is not undead or demonic.
That tits clipping is unholy as fuck.
she's a monster and thus an enemy of civilization.
That's inaccurate, he's not punching their heads off. Should've called it alone in the dark.