The Hate Against Nintendo: A Case of Uninformed Consumers

The hate against nintendo on Sup Forums is bizarre. It produced the best first party games for the 6th straight generation and continues to try and innovate unlike xbros and sonybros with their overpowered blue ray machines.

Its just funny to me. i mean nintendo doesnt even care about making profits. They only care about making great games and having their consumers love them. Its not about money to nintendo its about making sure myself is happy. Im a 37 year old man and dammit i dont make much money but you can be assured ill give a huge chunk out of my paycheck on the new FE or Kirby because nintendo just cares.

Enjoy being played like a fooled consumer on your other playstation or xbox machines.

I know what its like for a company to truly care about me.

we hate only hate nu-nintendo

There is the infamous persecution complex. I'm a PCfag only and I always see much more shitposting for Nintenbroters. Quite a lot of you need to be culled.

Nintendo is doing fine. We don't need sympathy from you obnoxious PC elitists.

>Drones and their victim complex

Please go back to /vg/

PC fags are usually autistic manchildren. Sorry if I dont take your opnion seirously.

Enjoy eating Gabe's tablescraps

This. Nintendo is the ally of the common gamer unlike Microsoft and Sony.

>tfw too smart to hate nintendo

>it's not about the money
Nintendo is the most notorious company for going insane over 3rd party games and piracy. I like Nintendo but acting like they aren't extremely Jewish is ignorant.

Nintendownies need to be put down like rabid dogs.
This place needs to start exterminating them as well with their MUH NINTENDO cancer.

They are literally the kike jews of video games:
>victim complex
>bitch and whine all the time about others being meanies IT'S ALWAYS THE FAULT OF OTHERS ABLOOOO BLOOOO WE AND MUH NINTENDO DID NOTHING WRONG!
>yet feel superior to everyone else and shitpost/shittalk about them

Fucking despicable and insufferable

Let's aregue over which plastic toy is the best while the companies that pump them out shit all over quality. Wow day one dlcs and cut content galore! Lets argue that theres black people

>Drones and their superiority complex

Please go back to /reddit/

>i mean nintendo doesnt even care about making profits.

I know this is bait, but surely nobody is this retarded.

Also nice blog.

I'm already here.

The pre-Wii Nintendo was top notch, this is a case of you being an underage kid and trying to defend your purchase.

If you were born after 1990 I feel sorry for you, you are growing up with one of the worst anti-consumer industries on this planet.

Enjoy your Day 1 Season Pass and unfinished games, young adult.

I was saying that you're the biggest cancer on Sup Forums, retard.
Fucking triggered

Nintendo's sole purpose as a company is to make money you fucking idiot. The idea that any game company just wants to "make great games" is a delusion. Grow up

>Nintendo is the hated gaming company on here
Of the big three Sony is easily the most hated on Sup Forums.
You cannot have a thread about one of their games without it getting fucking flocked by insecure shitposters.

the Japanese are Jewish. KYS

Fuck off nintendogaf

>the hate against nintendo
>on nintendogaf
Nintenbros at it with their victim complex, huh?

> their consumers love them

>ill give a huge chunk out of my paycheck on the new FE or Kirby
Jesus, what a ridiculous waste of money. I guess that's an easy choice though when you live with your parents and your income is 100% disposable.

Literal jews complaining about negative discrimination.

Please go back.

This is literally you

We hate Nintendo because as we were growing up, it was one of the best developers around.
But as we grew up, bad decisions on their part combined with us realising how companies work has left their image tarnished in our eyes.
We hate because we used to love them.
Also Nintenbros are just annoying as hell, that doesn't help.

It's interesting how the only actual GAMES people talk about on Sup Forums these days are all Nintendo exclusive (Or have a strong following among Nintendo fans)

Something like Puyo Puyo Tetris would NOT be relevant if it weren't for the Switch release.

please kill yourself sonybro


is this the false flag thread?

Let's give some credit where credit is due.

Sony at the very least gives a shit about the common gamer more than Micr$oft.

>Sony goes out of there way to pay Activison to make a Crash trilogy because they have been slammed by fans for years about Crash

>Microsoft, despite owning the rights, never gets Rare to make a new Banjo game despite how much fans have asked and how bad N&B bombed

This is nothing new, this console war is older than you OP

how dose a company make money?
they make a quality product.
jesus christ man, its not that difficult to grasp.
its in nintendos best interests to develop quality games, at least one person must have a passion for it otherwise the games would suck.

>nintendo toddlers this assblasted

holy fuck, op. go suck that reggie dick already.

Sonybros are the issue, both PC and XBOX's side doesn't give a shit about Nintendo, it's usually Sonybros who goes against everyone.

Yet, this is why everyone goes against Sony.

>Wii comes out before the competition with a gimmick
>sells like hot cake to families during the holiday
>proceeds to get no games
>Wii U comes out with a new gimmick
>sells like hot cake to families during the holiday
>proceeds to get no games
>Switch comes out with a new gimmick
>sells like hot cake

Can you guess what comes next?

Because they sell over-priced, under-powered hardware while rehashing the exact same IPs going on 30+ years now.

I've had my full of the exact same shit year after year.

Making an acceptable product that reaches a wider crowd is more profitable than a extremely polished product that targets a few. Large companies rarely give a fuck about quality or long time fans. Nintendo is not an exception.

There's nothing more embarrassing than seeing a Nintendo drone defend himself paying £400+ for an underpowered console with crazy hard-ware issues, paid online and one game. They're honestly the new Sonybros.

Though, even Sony had games to look forward to past release.

>I know what its like for a company to truly care about me.

A little bit too much m8

The Nintendo hate seems to have increased since the Switch and BotW released. People can't handle Nintendo being successful and I'm not quite sure
why that is.

I think it's mainly gamers who grew up with only Playstation. There is a whole generation of exclusively Playstation gamers and they don't get Nintendo. They get Microsoft and some of them even owned a 360. Right now they see Microsoft as irrelevent and Nintendo wasn't even on the radar and now all of a sudden they are and they can't deal with it. They view Nintendo as a threat to them personally.

>Nintendo wasn't even on the radar and now all of a sudden they are and they can't deal with it
Why would you say this? What makes them "suddenly" appear out of nowhere to them now when the Wii made just as much of a slash and so did the Wii U?
Or are you referring to all three recent Nintendo consoles as "now"?

The gaming media has spent years trying to convince people that Nintendo is an outdated, dying brand in order to push third party games on other platforms.

You'll notice that it's outlets like Game Informer that most heavily push the 'Nintendo is for kids' narrative.


Nintendo usually has more trouble in Europe, not sure why the Wii U is doing better though

>Europeans the only continent with brains
Makes sense

well look at splatoon, a new IP that no-one gave a shit about untill it was out, clearly someone's passion project that got greenlit, proceeds to be one of. nintendos best sellers of recent years, arms will likely follow a similar pattern.
there is some truth to what you say, the bottom line is this shit needs to make money, its when publishers get greedy and milk the fuck out of a cash cow, ubisoft are probably the best example, look at assassins creed, the first two games had alot of thought put into them and now its just a dead husk that gets thrown out every year for display.
and whats worse is they incorporate it into all their other games that probably once had potential in there concept stage.

>arms will likely follow a similar pattern
Absolutely baseless assumption.

You don't need to make this thread

It's normal consolewar shitposting

Nintendo has more because Xbox is already garbage and not worth shitposting

Also the system is new so no shit especially with Nintendo's track records of past consoles despite their current success

People forget how much shit here was against PS4 and especially Xbone when they were released

It was bad, like "Wii U has the best next gen games" bad

It's 2017. Video games have been around for almost 40 years now. Having sub-par cartoony graphics is not acceptable in this day and age when there exists the tech to provide hyper realistic graphics. Simple as that.

probably wont be as successful but i played a demo at a switch event and it was pretty fun, ill be buying it.
itll have its own success.

Wii U bombed and wasn't a threat. They complained about the Wii at the time though and after its era ended dismissed it as a fad anomaly that doesn't count

I'm a lifelong Nintendo fan, Kimishima's Nintendo is not the Nintendo I've liked for years.

The Switch and the latter end of the 3DS' and WiiU's lifespans have been total cancer. I bought into Nintendo with a 3DS and WiiU at the beginning of the last gen because they were the last consumer friendly options. By the end of that gen they have become one of the least consumer friendly companies, while every other dev and publisher is realizing constantly fucking over customers is probably not a good idea, Nintendo has quadrupled down and begun being the ones to innovate new ways to dick their consumer base. I ended a half-decade boycott of EA at the end of 2016 because I realized they had treated their customers better than Nintendo that year.

As far as I'm concerned Nintendo ended when this man did.

Switch is supply constrained. In Europe and everywhere. VGChartz is unreliable garbage anyways. They just make shit up (seriously)

Overpriced underpowered gimmick hardware and a complete lack of fucks given about fans and various franchises. Fuck Nintendo and fuck you.

>Doing fine
>on the verge of bankruptcy thanks to the wii u
pick one

Iwata is behind the Switch.

>i mean nintendo doesnt even care about making profits.

I'm sure profits were the last thing on Nintendo's mind in 2006 onwards. The fact that they pushed two mediocre gimmick consoles after the Wii is pure coincidence.

>Make a quality product
and Ubisoft would like a word with you. They make nothing but shit but it sells better then nintendo shit

The concept. The botched execution is all Kimi's fault


No sales on games and overpriced hardware. They also release the same fucking game every console generation rebrand it with a number and idiots buy it. Ill give them credit for the new zelda and maybe arms. Gimmick shit like 12 switch is embarrassingly bad.

I hate Nintendo because I fell for the Wii U scam

>I hate Nintendo because I fell for the Wii U
sex genie 2.0 pls


>arms will likely follow a similar pattern
ARMS is LITERALLY just a cash-in on Splatoon.

How are these marketing teams still allowed here?

Only sonnyggers hate Nintendo. Xbros were always cool with them.

>Its not about money to nintendo

two games that are nothing alike "cash in"
try again bro
yoy might have had a point if you said splatoon2

Sup Forums is full of a bunch of children and neets that can't afford everything, therefore brand loyalty comes into effect on what they can afford. No poor person wants to buy an item and find out they bought the inferior product, wasting their money.

Also pic related.

>hate against nintendo
>on Sup Forumstendo
lol what?

>nintendo doesn't care about making profits

It's literally the same formula as splatoon applied to a different genre. Nintendo is hoping ARMS will meet the same wild success as Splatoon. If it doesn't we wont get another major new IP from Nintendo this gen, I fucking guarantee

Is this shit real? If so, sonybros were always the most obnoxious fanbase out there. Maybe my hatred for them is something coded in my DNA.

care to elaborate on what this formula is? competitive gaming is the only link i can find, and they barely qualify.

switch is cr*p. that's all there is to it. if it gets a good kirbs, metroid, mario, star fox, fire emblem, etc. I'll buy one and buy all those games. as it stands, it's a $300+ tax BOTW machine.

The concept was always
>underpowered over priced shrunken Wii U that you can hook up to your tv
It doesn't matter what Kimishima did, it was always going to be the piece of shit we got.

70 dollar pro controller and 90 dollar HDMI docks weren't Iwata's idea, I can fucking guarantee you that.

is this the beginning of baneposting?

>the hate against Nintendo
>on Sup Forums

What fantasy world are you living in?
This board is easiest on a mile. Most hate is always directed at Sony and Microsoft.

Yes, pure unfiltered honest to god early days console wars shitposting. You can see it's real because it is less edgy than today.

Also the hotmeme back then was calling the Nintendo 64 the Pretendo 69

>Sony is not an ally of the common gamer because they let you play multiplats and AAA games on their systems

I'm not so sure, but I'd like to think they weren't Iwata's doing. Peripheral prices for the thing are indeed quite fucking retarded. If the machine was 200 and the pro controller 50, that'd be a decent price.

Even if those were the prices I wouldn't buy one until Nintendo did what I cared about it, and they most certainly won't. Rather funny how my outlook of Nintendo has changed over the years.
>Gee I sure can't wait to see what great thing Nintendo does next with X!
>Wonder if Nintendo will ever be doing X again.
>They're just fucking with us now.
>Fucking hate Nintendo.
In my day me my friends and cousins all just enjoyed what we had and loved sharing it with others when we'd visit. If I'd go over my cousins place, we'd take turns playing Sonic 2 or NHL 94 (I think it was 94?). They'd come over my place we'd play Mario Kart or Mortal Kombat 2.



>i mean nintendo doesnt even care about making profits

stopped reading right here.
Nintendo's grubbiness a nearly unrivaled in the game market.

who fucking cares

being a fanboy is retarded. Buy what looks good. Don't buy what looks bad. Don't let your preferences or bias take priority over common sense.

>B-but Sony

Every single time. Have you ever once thought for once that it's actually the Nintendo deflectors and not Sony? You know those people who completely let points of criticism go right over their heads, not blaming Nintendo for their obvious faults, and or use the competitor as scapegoats?

I dunno... Perhaps maybe they're the problem?

acting as if every company is not a massive jew IS Ignorant.

Sony is not hated, SONY FANS are hated. get your shit right

also it would help if they didnt start shit like
>Lets talk about Horizon, the Zelda Killer!!!!
>20 posts later
>Why is people comparing this game to zelda in metacritic!!!, Fucking Nintendones!!!

Stop Projecting Gramps

Sonybros are annoying but so are nintenbros. Any fanboy really, including the PC master race faggots.

True patricians play games because they're fun.

>go on Sup Forums
>see the first thread
>"The Switch is the best console of all time and it is also the fastest selling because I say so"
>post that i find that hard to believe
>"Lol kys sonybro the switch is doing fine"

This place is literally NintendoGAF, and you can get banned for "fanboyism" if you criticize Nintendo, it already happened to me

I know this is a bait thread, but literally none of this is objective or based in fact:

> It produced the best first party games for the 6th straight generation

Best is entirely subjective unless you're talking about sales only. Even then, I'm fairly confident they don't have the highest software sales.

> continues to try and innovate unlike xbros and sonybros with their overpowered blue ray machines

every company is trying to innovate and get an edge on the competition you stupid fuck

> i mean nintendo doesnt even care about making profits

do you have a source for this? that's like saying a human doesn't care about breathing

> They only care about making great games and having their consumers love them. Its not about money to nintendo its about making sure myself is happy

again, you have no evidence for this. "The corporation only cares about meeeee" is simply false.

wow you're right it's so much worse than back in the day where games on-average were score-attacks with no multiplayer and cost $80 each due to cartridge manufacturing fees.

I also loved the fact that you couldn't save in NES games and the old policy of "hahaha fuck you you already bought the game"

This. As a PS4 owner, i hate these fucking cunts. I don't hate on Sony by any means, but I would kill one or two sonnegros out there.

>every company is trying to innovate and get an edge on the competition you stupid fuck
microsoft seems actively against innovation. Sony likes gimmicks but never commits to them. Nintendo is really the only ones really pushing them even if it killed their last console.

I've been on the verge of buying a PS4 the last year and a half. I've already beat bloodborne on the roommate's PS4, is it worth it? I have a gaming PC and a switch for reference.

Nintendo makes some of the best games I've ever played.
Just on their own merits I wouldn't play most modern nintendo games, they've succumb the hardest to all of the worst modern casualizations
>paid online, without any of the features that merit it
>rereleasing games that aren't even a full 3 years old
>they have no interest in innovation which is what made them great in the first place.
The real reason I "hate nintendo" is the fans keep defending this kind of bullshit, the company itself is just one of many that makes bad games.

>NFC reader/ Writter
>HD Rumble
>A better Battery than S nad M controllers
how fucking insecure???