ITT: Your biggest vidya-related regret. no shitposting please

ITT: Your biggest vidya-related regret. no shitposting please

i bought Bioshock infinite and No Man's sky at full price [/spoiler

>Bioshock Infinite at full price.

Hmmm yep that sounds like my top disappointment as well. That'd be pretty damn tough to beat, actually.

I preordered SFV.

Pre-ordering Fahrenheit

Fallout 4 full price
Just fucking end me

I bought fallout 4 at release for 30 dollars and I still regret it

I bought Bioshock Infinite and Borderlands on day 1. We had it equally as bad I guess.

That's nothing. I bought Godzilla ps4, Duke Nukem Forever, Digimon Cyber sleuth (which is still good but), f2f x/x 2 hd ps4 for all full price

>fallout 4 at full price
>GTA 5 at full price

Dunno about biggest, but Isaac Afterbirth preorder. I didn't like my steak.

Rock Band 4, day one.

Fuck Harmonix for delivering early access tier junk and justifying it with WELL IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE INDIE NOW FUCK EA

>no mans sky at full price

holy shit.

Literally everyone here told you it would be garbage and to not get caught up in the lies and you still did it.

I prepurchased this fetid pile of shit. And I didn't even refund it in time before it went f2p, because I didn't want to look in its general direction.

I bought overwatch for 30 euros
Worst meme i fell for

Stronghold Crusader 2 on release.

Same here. I. Ouldnt even use the extra Goodies and thebgamenis a mess to this day

I bought and convinced 4 other friends to play Two Worlds with me, the mental gymnastics we went through that first day were astounding. What a shit show.

I bought FFXV at full price

I listened to Sup Forums's advice,

>Literally everyone here

Literally not true. A large part of Sup Forums was shilling it pre-launch.

I bought it used and still feel intense regret. I mean, goddamn this is the most boring fighting game I've ever played, and I played Rise of the Robots.

I pre-ordered Star Fox Zero

>mfw I bought Fallout 4 and its season pass for $90 and have zero regrets
Biggest recent gaming regret is buying Star Wars Battlefront for 10 bucks. Only played for about a half hour and I was done.

I can beat you there OP. I bought Bioshock Infinite and the season pass at full price.

I didn't even touch the DLC chapters.

That's not a vidya regret. That's just being retarded.

I bought games at full price ever. I still regret any of them.

I pumped like 60 hours and 30 bucks into Hearthstone.

How's THIS for disappointment, user?
>preordered Duke Nukem Forever collector's edition
>preordered Bioshock Infinite AND bought a new computer to play it at max graphics
>preordered Fallout 4 and bought a new graphics card to play it at 60 FPS

Don't talk to me about disappointment, I AM DISAPPOINTMENT

Buying Breath of the Wild day 1 knowing full well that I hate modern open world games and avoid them like the plague. I don't know what I expected but I blame no one but myself.

That's not really bad considering the game was good before the living story shit and hamburger helper started writing for it.

What game are you looking forward to next?

I preordered The Division Gold Edition. Never buying a ubishit game again.

Although it's been said enough, everything related to mass effect 3
>did another full play through of mass effect 1 and 2 month before 3 release
>bought me1 choice dlc for me2 even though I already had me1, just to save time and make another character
>had 5 different sheperds loaded up ready for different playthroughs
>only beat the game once, couldn't bring myself to finnish the game with shepherd 2 after going through tuchanka
Granted I was dumb with my money but it's amazing how an can taint the absolute enjoyment and memory of a series

>bought Fallout 4 (it was on sale but that shit runs awful on PS4 and just sucks)
>bought Deus Ex: MD at full price, day one loading glitch annoyed me to the point in which I bought Madden passive aggressively (I was drunk but I genuinely like Madden so it was worth it)
>bought GTAV not at full price but I should have fucking waited until it was like $5 and an apple
>bought Mighty No 9 at full price just to see why everyone was shitting on it

I fell for the starbound meme.

Buying a 4-pack of Takedown


This thread was about disappointment, not about being stupid.

bought Omega Ruby at full price

I torrented andromeda

took literally 8 hours to install because my computer is a step down from a potato

I preordered Amnesia: MAchine for Pigs. The first and last time I paid full price for a game and/or pre-ordered.

What's wrong with Starbound?

The game wasn't bad, up until you did all the content and realize there's fuck all for endgame.

bought assassin's creed unity release day, on my birthday and did full playthrough in 1 sitting

rogue too but i enjoyed that one

Bought The Witcher 3 when it was on sale right before the GOTY was announced. For months and months when sales would happen, the Season Pass wouldn't get a discount so The GOTY was as much as the Pass alone.

Eventually the Pass did go on sale but it was still more for what I paid for the base game and Pass than the GOTY on sale, if only by a bit.

Still haven't played the game in earnest either. Fuck me.

My biggest gaming regret was Elite: Dangerous. I spent $60 on that shit. I played too long to be able to get a refund.

Just finish me.

Expansions that remove content. The developer generally being a cuck.

I bought SFV because I believed they actually put effort into the training mode and would show you how to fucking play fighting games. Instead they just give you button inputs and leave you to your own devices, and no way to know why your shit isn't linking properly.

>tfw when I still enjoy gw2

I've got you all beat.

I pre-ordered Brink.

SFV and Nioh are my latest regrets. Bought them both at launch for full price.

Expansions? I had no idea Starbound had DLC.

I bought it during a sale and finished the campaign in about a week or two. It was fun but I don't see myself playing it again any time soon.

I backed Mighty No 9 at $50

I bought Colonial Marines at full price.

I also bought Shadow of the Colossus when it was new but immediately returned it because I didn't think it was fun.


you are like little babby, watch this. 200 dollaroos

My 3DS
I bought the Persona Q 3DSXL so I can pirate the library but I found out quickly that it's pretty shite. Haven't turned it on in a while.

All I have to show for it is a Golden Beck patch.

Not even the full game. Just the patch.

I bought bioshlock shitfinite for $40 new and I still wanted my damn money back.

buying hundreds of games for my ex, fucking bitch never played most of them, at least I didnt spend much on them because they were mostly bargain bin trash.

Sorry, meant updates. It's early where I am.

>collectors edition
>deluxe edition

I regret so many things

fuckin hell dude, did you recover that amount quickly at least

I listened to Sup Forums's dumb ass and bought Nier Automata for 100 ausbucks instead of Persona 5 steelbook edition which has just recently run out by the way.

I bought an xbone for the MCC

Spent close to $400 on TF2 microtransactions.

>Bought Far Cry 2 at release
>Bought into the hype for it

The disappointment still haunts me. I will never again buy a game at release.

i got a job so yes

Sadly I can beat that.

I got the pipboy edition.

I'll do you one better. I bought the deluxe edition.

I've got a few, but I'm not sure which I regret most

>Played World of Warcraft after BC
>Bought Witcher 3 on release
>Bought Tales of Xilia 2
>Spent $3 Redbox on Mass Effect Andromeda.

MMOs. Too many of them to count.

> UO
> Everquest
> DAoC
> Anarchy Online
> Runescape
> WoW
> Dofus
> A handful of Korean free- and pay-to-play MMOs

I mean, I have a healthy life and a girl and cash in the bank. But how much time did I burn on things that ultimately didn't impact me? How much of my childhood did this eat up? I want an hour count of how much time I burned on this shit.

i'm right there with you. what a disappointment

how is TW3 bad?

Should've got P5 from JB for $79 like I did before it sold out.

What sucks though is I can't find Automata for a decent price anywhere. $100 for a single game is stupid and absolute nonsense.

I liked Xillia 2

I also only paid 10 bucks for it

How is it not?
>Uninteresting main story
>Terrible combat
>World empty of meaningful content
>Tedious side quests
>Abysmal writing
>Below par voice acting

I mean I'm not going into a full analysis here. I haven't even had my coffee yet. It's a pretty pleb taste game though.

Xillia 1 was... Fine

All that marry sue silent protag shit was fucking retarded. I don't even technically mind the debt system because he was just a skin for pacing content.

How absolutely shit Ludger was is what makes that game unplayable.

>Didn't pick up copies of Darksiders 2 Collector's Edition when they went on clearance at stores -- they're now like $200
>Didn't pick up Raziel NECA figures when they were still being produced (I was a poorfag then) and they're like $150 new in box

Just two series I adore and that I'd like Collector's items for.

i dunno, i pulled 300 hours from it and had no problems with the story, but i can't judge ya for it.

I've spent over 10000 hours in Cosmic Break and over $2000

I used a New Zealand to download Bioshock Infinite a day early on Steam because I was so excited... D:

Oh that reminds me. Another regret:
>200 hours in Skyrim UNMODDED

sometimes we make mistakes and have to just pretend it was a fever dream, so I feel ya bud. We all do it.

At least here we can come clean

My autism really wanted that steelbook but I thought to myself "pshhhhh who in australia is going to buy persona? I have all the time in the world to get steelbook edition."
>best selling PS4 game of the month in australia
>literally no copies anywhere after release week

I call bullshit.

Buying Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I was super hyped based on the original screenshots and I even got my fucking 3DS mostly for that game but holy shit was it dog shit.

Oh that reminds me:
>Didn't pick up sealed new copy of Valkyrie Profile in the 90s for $5.
>It was going for $300+ years later before the psn remake.

Missed opportunity for sure

but i enjoyed Witcher 3

I still have Death's mask on my dresser, it looks great.

I am still 800% mad we will never have another real Paper Mario game.

I thought I enjoyed Skyrim at the time too.

I imagine everyone has periods of shit taste where we look back at ourselves and cringe.

I don't hold it against you user, that's not who you are anymore. Cheer up.

Me too, I'd suck so many dicks just to get at least 1 more.

Really kills me. Glad you're enjoying it, user. Also fuck you.

holy shit I just watched that episode yesterday are you literally me

You poor fool.

I never expected a Persona game to be so well liked here, It completely disappeared from the JB website, the webpage for it even was gone. Hindsight is 20/20.

Buying this piece of shit

>Be 12 and a big fan of simcity
>Buy this game immediately
>Too stupid to realize my old-ass Dell couldn't run it
>Parents eventually bought me a new pc that I pitched in for
>Dell with a core 2 duo and a radeon 2400
>Just for this fucking game
Even back then, the game was complete shit, I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since I bought this.

try duke nukem forever at launch price
I don't say full because I got it for 25 eurodollars which is still way too much

I bought Duke Nukem: Forvever - Balls of Steel edition

>Look mom I posted it again!
We get it, your a contrarian who dislikes popular games. Stop jerking yourself off for it.

leave him be lad, everyone isn't you

>see Takedown on sale for like 50 cents
>see all the negative reviews
>think they're probably from some cod babbies who can't handle tactical shooters
>star the game
>mfw after just few minutes

It's the worst game I have ever played.

I bought Deadly Creatures back in the day for 50 bugs, beat it in one sitting and gave it back the next day (saying the disc couldn't be read or whatever) and bought Mario Party 8 instead, probably the worst game I ever bought.

Looking back, Deadly Creatures also was a pretty mediocre game, remembered only for its unique setting. I still sometimes feel like replaying it, but can't be bothered to download it and all that jazz. Was it ever ported anywhere else?