What is the hardest game you've played, Sup Forums?

What is the hardest game you've played, Sup Forums?


Castlevania 1


dark souls

Bioshock Infinite. The puzzles were too hard.

Staying in the closet.

Life [2]

The game of life

Played Live a Live in japanese

Armored Core 2

Breath of the Wild. Couldn't even get through it.

Skyrim, I didn't understand what to do with the claws and the round stone doors with the animals chiseled in.

I had fun exploring though.

Let It Die
You niggers who haven't played it or haven't gotten past floor 20 don't even know.

Now play the sequel.

I don't know if this is bait but personally I had problems with Oblivion when played it years ago. Didn't find it intuitive and just uninstalled without any progress.

Beaten? Either Castlevania or Bloodborne (w/ old hunters)

Played? Ninja gayden black


the broken initial euro release of Pursuit Force, some mediocre PSP launch title.

It was borderline unbeatable, afaik they recalled and rereleased it shortly afterwards

I beat it but it took me like 2 years

The Sims is easy though.

Ninja gaiden Black, coundnt even beat it


I've played a bunch of "hard" games but if you mean hard by Sup Forums standards or hard by my own, I don't know.
>Ecco the Dolphin series
>The Legend of Legacy
>Astro Force or something, it was an old sega game

probably Furi, but only because everything else these days is easy as piss


Furi got piss easy when I realised that I don't have to dodge every bullet, most of them could be destroyed by shooting at them with the pistol

>the apples fall UP and kill you
That's when I knew the game was genius.

They're cherries

>stupid anime poster has a valid question that might lead to interesting discussion

Huh, it's like it's 2007.

Or bullshit.

Forcing the player to memorize a bunch of illogical things to make progress--that's not true difficulty. Anybody can design that.

Imagine if the poison mushroom in SMB2 looked exactly like the regular one. Would you feel like YOU fucked up when you touched it and died, or would you feel cheated by the game?

Gradius on NES.
Got past the first level a grand total of once.

As of late I would say Desync, but I think its just cause I suck.

This is the hardest game I've played.

Most difficult accomplishment I have in a game is either 1ccing touhou 6 on normal or 1ccing Metal Slug 2.

The DS Castlevanias without using potions on bosses probably, not sure how much harder that makes the games cause I've never done otherwise so I would be curious to know that. I've played CV1 but not beat it

Thing is, once IWBTG establishes a behavior pattern, it tends to stick to it. And while it's surprising the first time, game mechanics you haven't encountered before usually are.

-Once you learn that Delicious Fruit can fall upwards, it's hardly a surprise that they can fall sideways.
-Once you jump into the sword in the Zelda level, it's pretty obvious that Dracula's thrown goblet will kill you.
-Once you hop on the clouds in the beginning, it's pretty obvious that you're going to be interacting with background elements from then onwards.

So I have to disagree, man. The first time shit like that happens it feels like a cheap shot, but no, it's really just establishing that this is your life now. And if you're the kind of masochist that likes precision platforming, then it's fun.

kf2, solo hell on earth
shit's impossible, yo

only good answer ITT

>that's not true difficulty
Of course it isn't. The game is a parody of brutally difficult games, it's not going to play a fair challenge totally straight. The way it cheats the player is part of the joke.

So how does it cheat the player?

I just told you, moron

Ninja Gaiden 2 on 360

Played - I wanna be the guy
Beaten - Ninja Gaiden Black on Very Hard.

I can't choose but probably Serious Sam 3