So the ARMS edition of EDGE magazine came out yesterday, and we finally know what the button controls are

So the ARMS edition of EDGE magazine came out yesterday, and we finally know what the button controls are

>Punches can be thrown using the triggers. Or two of the face buttons- and jump and dash are mapped to the other two. You click in the left stick to guard
>Since the left stick controls the angle of your punches, you can't move in one direction and punch in the other. You can't strike at a different angle with your other hand until the first punch is fully extended, either


Other urls found in this thread:

The lack of being able to move in one direction and punch in the other sounds interesting.

I mean technically it mimics the actual physics of Punching in Boxing.

Well, we knew anybody that wasn't going to use the motion controls was going to be at a disadvantage like Splatoon.

Still wish that they wouldn't have put fucking block on the stick click. It's a shame that there's no pro-controller specific controls since the current one is probably made for the shitty single joycon

We didn't, but people assumed that yes. It doesn't really matter to me though. If the controls are good and accurate its fine. People hated motion controls for the Wii, but the technology was a lot worse back then. If the game does everything I tell it to, like in Splatoon, then its perfectly fine.


>People hated motion controls

No, the gaming media spent years trying to downplay how fun they were in order to promote PS360 title. People in general really loved them.

But yes, Switch is really taking motion controls to the next generation and fine tuning them to replace traditional button presses.

I'll probably still end up using motion controls, assuming they aren't horrible.

Still using button controls. Fuck motion controls.

Are there any scans uploaded anywhere?

If the Wii can make something as fast paced and reaction based as Punch-Out work with motion controls I'm sure ARMS will be fine with 10 years of technology advancements

Have fun losing all your matches in Splatoon 2.

And in Arms.

And in the inevitable Star Fox Zero sequel.

All because you can't get with the times, grandpa.


You can buy a digital edition of the magazine so I'm sure scans should be coming asap

Man, I got destroyed using Punch-Out Wii's motion controls. I think I got up to Aran Ryan before switching over to traditional.



>He didn't use waggle to beat DK

I guess that's cool
I'm still waiting for a monhun before I plunge into buying the console though.

what's going on here?

This is just for using a single joystick, though.

>inevitable star fox zero sequel

Springman asking when will manlets will learn

>tfw handheld mode
I'm fucked right?


Miyamoto confirmed it's happening in like December.

Stay mad.

Jesus fucking Christ

Its boxing


>that face

People who used gyro controls in Splatoon had a huge advantage over everyone else, what the fuck are you talking about? It literally gave them precision aiming closer to what keyboard+mouse controls would have. Arms is a wholly different situation.



DAMN who's this cutie

>And in the inevitable Star Fox Zero sequel.

Can't lose what i'm not playing it.

>tfw come onto Sup Forums every day because I know that there's always new ARMS fanart being made by the truckload

>stick click to block
>not just a trigger

>Since the left stick controls the angle of your punches, you can't move in one direction and punch in the other. You can't strike at a different angle with your other hand until the first punch is fully extended, either

I don't get it
Doesn't the Switch controller have two sticks?


game looks fun as fuck
will get
Min Min best girl

someone's aunt dressed as mechanica

Is this a GioGio reference?

Miyamoto didn't confirm shit

>No, the gaming media spent years trying to downplay how fun they were in order to promote PS360 title. People in general really loved them.
Jesus fucking Christ Nutendofags are cancer.

I miss the comfy wiiu and 3ds threads of 2011-2014 Sup Forums

i really like that one

>You click in the left stick to guard
>the left stick controls the angle of your punches
>you can't move in one direction and punch in the other
>You can't strike at a different angle with your other hand until the first punch is fully extended
thank god the motion controls sound good because they absolutely fucked this up

Is this game the next splatoon of fighting games?

save it friend, it's all yours

i hope so

Did you turn off gyro immediately or something? After playing Splatoon I wanted every console shooter to have that control option.

You can thank the single joycon for that. It could've been so easy to just use the right stick to aim punches, or at least give your right ARM free movement while the left was tied to the left stick

>not enough kids
>not enough character customization

>Motion controls are optional guys, we swear
>Button controls are literally unworkable/massively gimped compared to motion control scheme.
Guess you can't really count a waggle game as a good exclusive anymore, sorry to hear Switchfaggots.

Nutendo and this shitty console need to burn

Source: your gaping semen-covered asshole

>being this jelly
how's that PSVR doing, guy?

These automated matches were also essential because playing Arms stood up, Joy-Cons in hand, with motion controls is hardly a relaxing experience. We depart out six-hour session exhausted, and apologetic for leaving a Nintendo demo area smelling like a locker room. The more sedentarily inclined - or those unable to play standing up because they've taken their Switch on public transport, say - can make use of less physically intensive control options afforded by Nintendo's multifaceted new hardware. Slot the Joy-Cons into a grip peripheral, hand over one of the controllers to a friend, or pick up a Pro Controller, and Arms starts to feel a little more familiar. Punches can be thrown using the triggers, or two of the face buttons - jump and dash are mapped on to the other two. You click the left stick to guard. Everything you need is here, and it works - but something's missing. Since the left stick controls the angle of your punches, you can't move in one direction and punch in the other. You can't strike at a different angle with your other hand until the first punch is fully extended, either.

Robbed of the physicality of its motion-control inputs, Arms isn't quite the same. No doubt these alternative control options have been added to ensure the game is playable in every situation in which you can use a Switch. Yet it also feels like a thumb of the nose, however unintentional, to players who spent the Wii generation complaining they'd have preferred to have played Motion-Controlled Game X sat on their backsides with sticks and buttons. On-foot motion controls aren't the only way to play Arms, but for our money, they're far and away the best. Producer Yabuki, as you'd expect, agrees."

From the magazine

Lifelong Nintendo faggot actually

Kimishima's Nintendo is not one worth supporting.


Are you retarded? Is English too hard for you?



here's how controller controls SHOULD work

>tilt controller to move
>L to dash
>R to jump
>A/B/X/Y are all guard
>all of these can be remapped among each other
>ZL/ZR to punch
>left stick controls left ARM angle and vice-versa (both X and Y axes can be independently inverted in options)

they shouldn't support that kind of control scheme at all in ARMS, or at the very least make it a third controller scheme that reminds the players that it's explicitly gimped due to lack of buttons

i fucking Hate people who like improve when they practice

holy fat hips

He's not wrong. The main downside of motion controls is that they don't work for every genre. The ones they do work for though, they work well and people enjoy them.

Also, the motion control stigma doesn't exist in the Nintendo fanbase. Motion controls either work well or they don't and need to be fixed or discarded.

This guy needs to do mechanica porn

Gyro is not motion controls, Nintendo fans are OK with Gyro. Stop trying to normalize waggle, faggot.

You can't have long gaming sessions with ARMS style motion controls you gigantic cocksucker.

>You can't have long gaming sessions with ARMS style motion controls you gigantic cocksucker. So it's obviously going to impede the game*
Forgot my last sentence

>You can't have long gaming sessions with ARMS style motion controls

Worked for Punch Out


>>left stick to guard

Thanks. Saved.

There's literally nothing wrong with motion controls


>boxing fetish
>someone sooner or later is gonna draw ribbon girl in a fight

>sooner or later
20min after reveal

I don't get it.

Why not use the left stick to move and the right stick to aim the punches?

I like Arms but this is fucking retarded.

Punchout didn't have online multiplayer I desperately hope I'm correct in assuming that ARMS at least has that., it was a quick match against friends game, and featured classic controls that worked well.

If you wanted to just spend the day playing ARMS multiplayer online you couldn't because eventually you'd tire and want a shower, and switching to the controller isn't an option because you'd be gimping yourself.

Just another game in the garbage pile that is Nutendo though, really.

ryona, user?

This is for a singe joycon, not the pro-controller

>I desperately hope I'm correct in assuming that ARMS at least has that

So you didn't even watch the reveal trailer?

>If you wanted to just spend the day playing ARMS multiplayer online you couldn't because eventually you'd tire and want a shower

Jesus Christ how fat are you?

prove it

Springman is saying "hi everyone", while minmin wants this weirdo to leave, and ninjara has no face

>Boxing fetish

You mean ryona, right? Or do you mean you seriously get hard from watching two people boxing?

Not fat but not a fucking boxer either so punching the air for several hours straight is naturally going to wear me down a bit, like 99% of the people who buy this game.

you just have to tilt it, the punches are just for show in the trailer you donut

That was months ago user and I was more focused on how blatantly it was attempting capitalizing on Splatoons success

>so punching the air for several hours

You slightly move your hands to punch. If you're actually throwing punches you might be retarded

You literally just rotate your wrist slightly. No big exaggerated movements, no arm movement at all.

>That was months ago user and I was more focused on how I'd make bait for it's threads


may as well post it

>you just have to tilt it
Which comes full circle to the same problem the Wii motion control had

Whats the point in making me do them if you aren't even going to make me do it properly? Sitting on the couch and flicking my Wiimote endlessly in TP was not fun, same with every other game with token waggle.

Why would you need to move and curve a punch at the same time? It makes it less accurate. Button controls sound fine.

>Slot the Joy-Cons into a grip peripheral, hand over one of the controllers to a friend, or pick up a Pro Controller, and Arms starts to feel a little more familiar. Punches can be thrown using the triggers, or two of the face buttons - jump and dash are mapped on to the other two. You click the left stick to guard. Everything you need is here, and it works - but something's missing. Since the left stick controls the angle of your punches, you can't move in one direction and punch in the other. You can't strike at a different angle with your other hand until the first punch is fully extended, either.

Looks like regular controller/pro controller to me.


>Sitting on the couch and flicking my Wiimote endlessly in TP was not fun
probably because the wiimote plus was a piece of shit compared to the joycons

because maybe i need to move away from a punch and hit someone who is dodging in another direction.

If I'm still just flicking my wrist what does more technology in the controller matter for?
