Celebrities who are into vidya

Celebrities who are into vidya

Other urls found in this thread:


>how to detect someone who absolutely isn't into games
>WOW graphics look amazing!!


oh you sweet summer child


I don't even want to sound elitist but that is the most "I have no idea what to say but I want to feel like I'm discussing something with them and I'm not left out"

normies are weird

Black Ops II had pretty good music



My nigga, Adrenaline was a goat menu theme.

>gotta make sure to put in the full title

>how to detect someone who absolutely is into games
>they need to tighten up the graphics on level 3

>mods will allow another e-celeb thread
It doesn't matter if the celeb is jewish approved or youtube approved just post it on /bant/


She might actually just like the game on an ultra-normie level.

I've been in that weird situation before where somehow video games come up, and then the conversation goes something like

>"So user, like, Call of Duty and stuff,"
"Yeah plague of the industry right I hope they..."
>"It's, like, so amazing when you're lying on the ground and the bullets fly past you, and like the grass moves in the wind, so realistic, I love this game so much"
"O-oh, yeah, they sure have nice graphics, hm"

TMZ, go to Sup Forums or Sup Forums, fuck off

AJ Styles loves three things.


No. Activision payed her to tweet that. No doubt.

Paid twitter general?

Vin Diesel. Pic Related

>Celebrities who are into vidya
Celebrities who """are""" into vidya


Hating CoD is a meme anyway, just buy Treyarch ones and you'll be fine.

You know it's good when they're still making DLC for it

>stop commenting
Every time I read that I get mad.
Somebody tried to tell you about something you could potentially be interested and you just have to be a fucking cunt about it. I want to punch her in her bitch face.

At least VIn Diesel is legit.

>play D'n'D for 20 years

Vin Diesel is also into tabletop games

black ops 3 is trash

>Tired of shitty movie video games so he makes his own studio to do it right

I dont know shit about Kim k, but Kanye West loves games and anime.

Also, his next album its gonna be named "TURBOGRPHX16"

>literal celeb thread on Sup Forums without even any attempt at subtlety

He needs to fucking do a movie.


P2W trash at that.

This was the only good track of the game. Otherwise it's shit, shame because WaW and BO had god tier soundtracks.

Kanye is into some interesting stuff tho, like Turbografx. Do you think he despises her for her pleb taste in vidya?

This, I don't trust Treyarch after Blops3

Sounds like YOU'RE TRASH lmao

skill based matchmaking was a mistake

>Do you think he despises her for her pleb taste in vidya?
No I don't think he's autistic like that

>do poorly in match
>start crouch dancing in the nightclub just to piss off tryhard teammates
come on you know you did it too

>Hating CoD is a meme anyway, just buy Treyarch ones and you'll be fine

The guy wasn't even creepy like most of these facebook screencaps go.
What a cunt.

>sound stupid

Hating cod is a meme just buy COD4, Mw2, Mw3, and BlackOps.

I don't "hate" it, I just don't give a fuck about it and it dominates the market, it's streamlined focus tested soulless normie stuff is all.

>into vidya

Please tell me what was wrong with the last three treyarch-made CoDs that was their fault


>No I don't think he's autistic like that
You dont know much about Yeezy clearly.

I said like that, he's obviously autistic

The Trilogy of matches they had was awesome

Nothing annoys me more than those celebs who play cowadoody and battlefield, especially when they show up to promote the game at E3 or something.

Like Snoop Dogg. I like the man but what the fuck was he thinking when he recorded the alternate DLC VO for one of the CoDs?

The guy made E3 sound like a bunch of nerds hanging out in a garage and showing off new games they purchased. Probably why the dumb roastie thought it sounded lame.

Still, bitch seems like a cunt.

He was thinking about how much weed he can buy with his check he'll be getting, the dude is a massive sellout to the point of hilarity

Dunno who this guy is but if he is a Celeb why is he flying economy?

Hey it's ok, Kevin Spacey made the AW campaign actually decent for once

>Literal celeb thread
>Not even e-celeb anymore, just celeb
Fucking kill yourself already, tremendous faggot

So every PCucк ever?

Zombies is the only redeeming factor to CoD

Yeah there's a difference between being a proper VA and just being a "fan" celeb who does "fan service".

The only faggot here is you bitch boy.


The campaigns in new CoDs are fun, though.

I hate CoD too but you sound autistic.

Exactly as much as they were in old ones, like a C tier movie where you play the role of a glorified errand boy.

Keep telling yourself that, cancer

That's a train crap for brains. Maybe he's modest?

>just because im rich means i must fly first class

They are paid to post these tweets faggot, it's paid advertising and it's very common.

If she can use facebook she can use Google, even if he made it sound lame she could have looked it up and seen what it was about herself

Nah, they introduced too much shit into the game. It was alright when they still stuck to the old story and 4 characters and was absolutely best in WaW. And honestly Nacht der Untoten was the best map.

I sank so many hours into it it's insane really.

You mean was. BO3 zombies was a complete clusterfuck of shitty maps with overly complicated fun-killing bullshit.

>Wendy's finally realized what they did approving the "smug Wendy" meme and didn't think it would bring on so much porn so they're trying to distance themselves from it

Like what?
In the end you are still
>lol do this
>do that
>watch me have a cool speech with this guy since you are a silent protag

How so?


They overcomplicated it with the weird "super rounds" and trips, and collecting fucking shit to make shit. Just pointless and boring. It was fine when you were confined to a small place that you just had to board and survive as long as you can.


>sounds stupid
She's not wrong

Why do these faggots at Treyarch don't make a full "Nazi Zombie" games with ALL of the Black Ops/ WaW Zombie map with overhauled graphics? For fuck sake guys, if you want to try and play the whole story you have to buy Bo1,2,3 and THEIR FUCKING DLC SEPERATELY! What a bunch of fucking jews!

Treyarch made CoD2: Big Red One, CoD3, World at War, and Black Ops 3. All of which are objectively shit awful games

I'm not talking about the zombie mode just the campaigns.
I do agree on the zombie mode though, but in the end camping a room, rolling for random guns so you can get the laser shit which is the least fun to use and shooting zombie walking in doors is not that fun either.
It needed a formula change they just didn't make it better, just a different kind of bad.

nah, it was a
>refuses to let ''riddick'' IP get shitty retarded games, so sink s his money into building a dev studio that makes GOOD games for the IP

Escape from butcher bay and assault on dark athena PLUS the updated rereleases packaging boh games into one on a tweaked and polished AoDA engine only exist because vin diesel is enough of a nerd to sacrifice MILLIONS OF USD to ensure they happened and weren't shit.

could YOU put MILLIONS of dollars of your hard earned money in a pile and light it on fire on the off chance something GOOD came of it?

love that guy

> blops 3 is bad
Let's play Spot the Plebeian!

She was probably paid to tweet that.

*Robin Williams loves or loved ;-; Zelda and Evangelion, too
Henry Cavill almost didn't become Superman because he was stuck playing WoW when he got the audition call
*Vin Diesel really fucking likes D&D and WoW
*Seth Rogen has an arcade in his house
Daniel Craig almost broke up with his girlfriend because of Halo

*Ronda Rousey loves Pokémon and WoW
Michael Phelps, being autistic, spent 30 hours on COD a week once
Also *There was one black dude playing american football who was crazy into weeb games and anime but I don't know his name

*Danny Brown fucking loves RPGs *Lupe Fiasco went crazy about anime, he now handles Katanas, is a martial-something black belt and also a huge MGS fan youtube.com/watch?v=i9aD1a5Pm38
Ice-T played a fucking lot back in the day
*Anthony Fantano is an idort and avid Smash player
*Autechre produced the OST for Metroid Prime but they had to put their names in the thanks credits because of Warp deals (Sean plays everything from retroshit to retroweebshit and probably browses Sup Forums)

And that's all I know. (* means it's certain, the rest was found on the internet).

The campaigns introduce interesting stuff, as well as the stories are decent.

For example I loved the morality choice system in Blops 2 campaign. It was honestly the best morality choice system I've seen in a game and it was done in a completely seamless manner AND it actually affected the endings quite significantly. And well you had quite a few endings there.

Or the space battles in Infinite Warfare. I actually liked the game. The robot was a real bro.

There's also deadmau5. He quite literally browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general.


>Literally Twitter screencaps: The Thread
fucking disgusting

>Anthony Fantano is an idort and avid Smash player
Of course he has bad taste.

The Riddick games are so fucking under-appreciated.


There are so many other games that do it so much better though.
Just play Killing Floor or L4D.

That one American football weeb who kicked /vp/'s ass

>*There was one black dude playing american football who was crazy into weeb games and anime but I don't know his name
Bob Sapp maybe? I know Japan really loves him, and he's in all sorts of shit. One of the playable characters in Vindictus is even modeled after him.

She was paid to tweet this you idiot.

Are you paid to post the same shit here too?

I'll add him to play co-op if you know what I mean

AJ Styles

Yes I'm a shill.

>you'll never be a fucking nerd who goes on to become a movie star who then goes on to become to found a game studio to make games starring you and your fantasy characters
