Who is worse for the gaming industry, Weebs or Normies?
Who is worse for the gaming industry, Weebs or Normies?
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A good game can't exist if youre targeting the lowest common denominator. But it's possible to have a good game while putting in cute waifus
Normals by far. Even if you hate weebshit, Japanese games honestly don't have a whole lot of impact on the western market aside from outliers like Metal Gear Solid or Souls. Normalfags are the target of the mass market, and are why AAA western devs sell out to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
weebs. Normies ruin good games but weebs ruin niche games.
I vote normies.
Normies for sure. Mobile market has fucking exploded because of people getting their Candy Crush fix
woops, wrong pic
normies that make up the vast majority of a mainstream audience encourage simplification to make it more accessible to them
Normalfags are the downfall of niche communities everywhere.
TV, film, video games, anime, art hobbies, cars, everything.
Weebs are just as bad as mlp or sanic fags, only faggot weebs think otherwise
Weebs are annoying as fuck and costantly forcefully shove their anime shit into everything, even when it's unrelated to animu shit.
Weebs keep videogames alive,normies fund the same shit that has been killing them for decades.
Give me three examples. If you say Nier you need to kill yourself.
None of these are bad FOR THE GAME INDUSTRY tho.
Normies because all their shit is either sports, bad twitch shooters or interactive movies.
Weebs usually have waifu shit, but sometimes they get a gem.
(((Weebs))) are just another attempt by jews to exterminate whites. Reject degenerate waifuism and find a white wife. Your race depends on it.
Name 3 video games.
>Weebs or normies
Hate to break it to you but if you aren't a weeb, you're a normie.
what makes you say that?
Normies. 100% normies. Normies cause games to be watered down, bland, boring titles that can't be risque because we can't hurt anyone's fee-fees. Games can't be new or experimental because normies will trash it instantly if they hacve to actually learn anything in the game instead of using the same movements and actions they have for the last 10 iterations of Call of Battle-Duty: Front-Warfare.
Look at when Final Fantasy started going downhill: After 7, when normies finally knew it existed it all started to go down hill, each one being worse then the previous one.
How is it even a debate?
Normies ruin gaming mechanics while weebs just apply their waifus to them.
If you dislike weebs you're probably a normie and are the cancer that is killing gaming.
What about video games tho
Reader beware you're in for a scare!
>mfw all these anime hating faggots waste countless hours on an anime website
Go to a CoD or MOBA forum where you belong
Shoo, back to r/the_donald
There has been a huge push in the last decade for whites to stop breeding and get a (((waifu))) so niggers and spics can breed with white women, it's part of the reason why whites are becoming a minority.
and where is your proof
Normies: They don't buy things. Weebs, however, will buy things as long as you pander to them.
Do you have the source of the video on the left side of that image?
The browning of America is a thing user.
Read a book nigger, read a book!
If you paid attention to MGTOW and waifuism, you would notice it's been shilled hard in recent times.
They buy a lot of CoD and FIFA.
>muh race wars
No one cares
Reminder that only normalfags from r*ddit use the term "normie".
There are bad weeb games like Neptunia and bad normie games like fallout 4. They can both equally be awful.
Normies drive the industry into the multi-billion dollar business it is, but at the same time, allow for shady tactics like micro-transactions. Normies don't buy Jap games(Mario, Zelda, etc. don't count I mean shit like Nier Automatica or Gravity Rush)
Weebs come off as retards to anyone that isn't a weebs, including the regular Japanese person. Jap games that shouldn't be weeb find themselves pandering to weebs because its a large consumer base for them. Weebs are less inclined to purchase Western games.
I would say normies are worse for the Western market and weebs are worse for the Jap market.
(I find myself to be normie over weeb, if that indicates any form of bias)
I don't know what you're talking about user. Fallout 4 is a masterpiece of it's time.
You might not care cuck, but the rest of the website does. Memetric warfare is the current thing and it's winning us the culture war.
>weebs are worse for the Jap market.
Nigger what are you even talking about
Aside from being Omega male: The post...
Do you ever go outside or talk to anyone?
smart frog
>Shillsona 5
>Every game which thread starts with "will you buy her game?" Which means tits and ass are the only reason to buy it, no matter how shit it is
Jap devs find themselves making anime-like games because of weebs. MGS is a jap series that isn't weeb and look how well it did.
MGTOW and Waifus are a response to female social promiscuity being an acceptable thing. With first world women being encouraged to spread their legs to anyone who makes their vagina tingle, I can understand why MGTOW is becoming a legitimate stance and reaction.
I personally have no intention to marry. I'm just sleeping with my coworkers and enjoying my child free life of work, vidya, fish keeping, and posting on this Taiwanese Fingerbox board.
Thats not how it works
Holy fuck are you legitimately this retarded
>Asking Sup Forums for hard evidence.
Thats not how this works user. The absence of evidence is proof ((They))) are behind it all!
Weebs gave you Breath of the Wild
I now want to find every game you like and post a "buy her game" thread for them.
You fucking degenerate, you're why whites are dying. I bet if tyrone robbed you you would submit like a little bitch.
Yeah and that's all they buy. As a result, That happens. So every game gets dumbed down to become CoD.
Weebs, on the otherhand, only ask that you make the girls cute. Leave its gameplay in, just change the aesthetics up a bit.
normies. weebs can at least get good
>It's degenerate to not want to hook up with used goods and be betabux, raising some half-breed child.
Hardly degenerate at all.
What does that have to do with "forcing" anything dumbass. And how do Sup Forums shitposts ruin the industry more than normalfags?
Please define what a weeaboo is to you.
>Weebs ruin niche games!
What the fuck? Regardless of your definiton of what one is, they're reason shit like Gitaroo Man and Valkyria Chronicles had potential to sell to people.
Not your fedora wearing, ass licking, contrarian dogma bullshit.
No, you find a good right wing christian girl. But you don't want to do that, you want to watch tyrone create half breeds.
>normalfags ruined cars
We brought the normies to videogames and helped turn it into the biggest entertainment industry.
You should be thankful to us.
With us and Blizzard, videogames would still be for fucking nobodies.
There arn't any good christian girls left you fool, they're all whores now, sucking nigger dick and posting it on their snapchat how they "suck dat black dick!"
>having this big of a chip on your shoulder
>Multiple use of the name Tyrone.
The projection is strong in this one. Who was she user? Your high school sweet heart? Ex wife? Just a crush?
>how do Sup Forums shitposts ruin the industry
Sending death threats to journalists and developments certainly doesn't help
>He doesn't know about the crossover jew
/o/ hates them for a reason
You didn't know? They're the biggest sluts of all now.
Well you have Randy Pitchford who is STILL complaining about #gobbledeegook three years later.
Why would you want to date a christian to begin with?
Everyone who claims japan is the best place in the world, spew anime shit in every occasion, knows nothing about japan aside what he learned in anime (which is never accurate), has an imaginary girlfriend and disrepects his origins.
I believe he meant niches within chosen media, like small tv shows trying to appeal to bigger audience and losing what made them special in the first place.
Unironically this.
If you ever been to a christian school you would know they're some of the biggest whores around due to the environment.
>mfw went to a christian private school until high school
>School is littered with "prime spots" for sex
>The most common place to find people going at it was in the confession booth after hours
Yeah, "all" of them
>For the Horde, LOL
This fucking cunt of a brand did more damage to videogames than any other company or property.
Single handedly ruined videogame culture and possibly nerd culture.
How is it possible to be this bad at driving?
>Oy vey goy. Don't try to protect your race, passively let niggers breed with all if them. Have a waifu or even try a trap boyfriend! It's the current year after all
Sure thing (((shlomo))), your kind will be purged soon enough. Whites will breed among other whites with pride and you can't stop it.
We get it, both annoy you.
Instead of talking about the awful people surrounding videogames, why not talk about the actual goddamn videogames? is that so hard?
Crossovers are popular among women because if you crash, the other person feels most of the consequences.
No one gives a shit about race. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
>Anime specifically
>Knowing nothing about Japan
None of that has to do with Japanophilia, the first one spawned from here for Pete's sake.
And let's not pretend you don't misuse it anyway.
Naaaah, triggering you is too funny, no way i can stop
>I'm surrounded by a secret organization of lizardman, even on an anonymous chinese sewing forum like the 4chans they stalks me and try to fool me into changing my opinions!!
Get help user
The jews are brainwashing white women. Notice all the niggers in movies and vidya. Go google white man with white women and tell me what you see.
>first instinct is to keep backing up after you've hit something
>anime not accurate to Japan
Nigger, I was an exchange student in Japan and its actually hilarious how its literally like a fucking anime there. I thought I was just hallucinating the whole time.
Da jooz. I knew it was them. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them.
this should of been the first post you dumb faggots
Getting a driver's license is way too easy. I can't fucking wait for selfdriving cars becoming mandatory.
>Step sister proclaims her self a devout catholic.
>Caught on multiple occasions mid-sex with black guys.
>Member of group on facebook called "I Love Black Men!"
>Dropped out of highschool to go live with nigger she's fucking, only to have him drop her like a rock when she tried to lock him down.
>Treats everyone as a means to an end. Steals from everyone, physically attacks her own family when they tell her she's ruining her life with bad decisions.
>Begs her mother to be allowed to live with her and my dad.
>Pretty sure she's pregnant with a halfbreed.
>Got caught by her aunt with weed and meth.
>Calls me begging to be allowed to stay at my apartment because she's homeless and no one loves her and she's changed.
>Laugh into my phone and hang up on her.
Good christian girl, right?
Jewish cultural marxist brainwashing. This would have never happened even in the 90s.
this is what always bothers me. how can you be so retarded that as soon as you panic you just push harder on the gas pedal?
You are just as pathetic as the people you hate. So fucking stupid. No middle stance with you, always the extreme. All women are whores that fuck "tyrone" and all black people are worthless degenerates - That's what you in earnest think?
Why the fuck do people care so much about race mixing?
>I can't fucking wait for selfdriving cars becoming mandatory.
if that's combined with sanic fast speeds on at least the highways, then i would be ok with that.
>why do people care about their tribe
no goy, only Jews should care as they are the chosen people
Did you find a tsundere girlfriend with d-cups or obtained superpowers of friendship ? Oh wait, that's impossible, it's not real :)