>34 days
what're your
And it doesn't have to be Xbox
>34 days
what're your
And it doesn't have to be Xbox
my hopes for e3:
from software shows off their new game. maybe also they've decided to start a bloodborne II project (very very far-fetched dream)
cod ww2 looks like something fun (i havent played a call of duty since black ops 2 so i wouldn't mind picking up it new).
honestly tho gaming in the past few months has been wild good. we've gotten titles for everyone in massive amounts and i don't think e3 can live up to what we got in Q1 2017. we got fucking games that were in development for 10 years.
some good fun games i will get excited for, for about 3 minutes.
then will proceed to forget about them and buy them for £5 a year later.
As long as i can play cuphead in my fucking pc i literally dont care about what they do with the scorpio
I legitimately want to see Sony fail, not because I hate them, but because I feel they're getting very arrogant again and their fan base, especially the fucks at NeoFag and Sony ggers in general, need to learn some humility by being the laughing stock of gaming. Only then can they become better.
I totally agree. It happened to Nintendo and Microsoft, and it's about time Sony fans are taught what it's liked to be a laughing stock of the gaming industry
Agreed, but I also think Sony is a terrible company in general. They've contributed very little to game and their business model seems to be copying the most successful product at any given time. I think gaming would be better off if they left and someone else came in.
Is this the least hyped E3 in years?
What games does the Xbox One even have? Their only major release is an updated port of Phantom Dust which looks fine if it ever comes to Steam, but at the same time its just the same game as on the OG Xbox.
For Microsoft, this E3 is their most important becauseif they bomb, the Xbox will probably never recover. They need to catch lightning in a bottle like they did with Halo Combat Evolved or Gears of War 1.
>2006 + 11
>still gets excited for E3
It's like you're genuinely autistic or haven't played a single game since the PS2 era.
I just want them to give us Crackdown 3 already.
How many years has it been now?
>PS2 era.
6th gen, newfag.
>mfw never; EVER tired of winning
Atleast one new thing that peaks my interest from sony and ms, nintendo needs to be hit after hit after hit, no duds. Some akwardness will also be enjoyed.
I want to see at least one company monumentally fuck up, just for laughs, preferably Sony this year. pretty much hits the nail on the head.
Dragon's Dogma 2, Devil May Cry 5, Halo 6, Bloodborne 2, Ninja Gaiden 4, Crysis 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, FFXV Secret DLC and some other shit.
>Crysis 4
Isn't the developer defunct?
Probably. Haven't really paid attention to be honest, I just know that Crysis 3 left on a cliffhanger.
Well Crysis 3's story was dumb anyways