Name them, Sup Forums
Games with shitty stories that people praise because they have played CoD games all their lives
God of War
Red Dead
All correct.
Is this a thread to basically hate on every popular western game and act like indie and Japanese games are better?
Try again faggot
all games have shitty stories though
they can never compete with literature or film/television narratively
all me, trolled hard Sup Forums lol
Every single game that is praised for its the stories quality and quality alone. Video games are not well written, being well written among video game is the equivalent of being the smartest kid on the short bus. RPGs are the only genre that need story and even then the quality of the story is clearly not a factor in how much people will enjoy the RPG because some truly abysmal stories are attached to highly successful RPGS
The only times that video game stories are impressive is when they USE THE FUCKING MEDIUM to enhance the telling of the story.
Stuff like Bastion, Transistor, and Portal
10 Posters out of 10 Posts
3 of them were me, lol xD lol.
this. video game writing is bad by default, not only because most of the time it has a poor/hack writer behind it, but also because it almost always never uses gameplay itself to tell the story.
developers would rather try to copy movies and TV than do anything unique.
First post best post
Also all Souls games
I literally cannot think of a single game without a story (or at least one without a heavy emphasis on it) that I would consider a masterpiece.
>Video games are not well written, being well written among video game is the equivalent of being the smartest kid on the short bus.
Yeah, okay.
See this shit constantly on Sup Forums but just because you say it doesn't mean its true.
When everyone argument for this is "Video game stories are bad because they are video games and I said so." I'll just keep dismissing it.
Its like it doesn't have a world renowned author writing the story you wouldn't acknowledge it as good.
You are the one who is trying to hard.
Then you must have bad taste.
aw, what's the matter? are The Last of Us and Undertale some of your top games, user?
it's okay to be easily entertained by mediocrity, user, really it is. just don't pretend like you're doing anything otherwise.
>When your argument for this is "Video game stories are good because they are video games and I said so." I'll just keep dismissing it.
>when you can't except that video games are an inferior medium
Nobody praises KH's story. The absolute closest thing it gets to praise is people saying it's so bad it's good or it's an entertaining trainwreck.
Back to
This board is literal shit.
lol mad
Sound argument, I really have something to go off of with this.
Criticism isn't bad, what's bad is judging people based on what they like in a medium you honestly share with them and having a superiority complex about said videogames that you play on a Mongolian quilting website.
It's sad. People like you are the reason this hobby is still looked at like a man child's waste if time.
How do you have friends with an attitude like that without them thinking you don't want to do anything but hate things all day?
>this hobby is still looked at like a man child's waste if time.
Because that's what it is? Video games are glorified toys and you cannot deny this. All video game writing is bad by default and can never exceed anything from literature or film and television.
Sorry you're mad that you feel like you're being attacked for enjoying a manchild's pass-time
ori and the blind forest
pretty sure everyone was so blinded by the opening that they didn't realize the whole story (and the game) was a load of shit
over a decade late, friend
>Sorry you're mad that you feel like you're being attacked for enjoying a manchild's pass-time
>I'm going to shit on you about what you like, on a board about things you like, but I'm still better than you: the post.
Crabs in a barrel seems more and more accurate for this place every day.