What are Sup Forums's prefered videogame streamers?

What are Sup Forums's prefered videogame streamers?
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I do not like watching other people play video games when my own computer is capable of running them.

>not enjoying the comfy commentary
>not previewing others thoughts on games before buying
I bet you bought playerredditgrounds

Britbong is cancer, his "trolling" is just throwing insults at people and hoping someone gets angry enough to respond, shit taste OP.

Also there is that whole doxing story with his gf and the fact that he still lives with his mom and doesn't have a job.

It's been a while Manlet, how's that official subreddit going?

the worst part is, i tried to enjoy his shit but for some reason in the middle of his escapades he will suddenly release this super fucking loud screech or repeat some shitty line in an annoying voice and it just kills everything.

what a fucking queer

he's 29 and has lived with his parents his entire life, still doesn't know how to drive

>Also there is that whole doxing story with his gf and the fact that he still lives with his mom and doesn't have a job.
literally /ourguy/
>Britbong is cancer, his "trolling" is just throwing insults at people and hoping someone gets angry enough to respond, shit taste OP.
Name one streamer who is a masterful troll then?
Bong's streams with Kopy are hilariously autistic and you can't tell me otherwise

danielfromsl :)

the bad guys :)

hehe esteban bro :)

>literally /ourguy/

>Name one streamer who is a masterful troll then?


The ONLY quality stream

You know what, i actually miss his constant shilling
feels like forever

>ever encouraging ManletTears
Who are you people?

hi manly tears
i loved your collaboration with emptyhero

I kinda missed when he was trying to make himself out to be a badass Chad figure who was successful instead of the autistic manlet NEET that he actually is.

It's Manlet himself shilling for his Twitch channel, duh

Ah, of course. Nobody else would.

>manlet tears' rage in the comment section
this is too good

Not really I like watching people who don't have as good a life as I do.
literally who?
for the memes user, he's better then most streamers by far
seen it based smegmaking
> kinda missed when he was trying to make himself out to be a badass Chad figure who was successful instead of the autistic manlet NEET that he actually is.
I only found him over the last year or so. All I got is his ED for that kind of shit


is that really him
lol come on now

lmao danielfromsl has more subscribers than britfag

he is a known poster on reddit ftm and mtf forums

grand dad.

I do not having money to buy new video games.

Demmy dez nutz

I like him when he's serious about a game, not "le joking around and doing stupid shit xd"

reminder cyberdemon531 blew you the fuck outta stream.me stay cucked fag